Tyranitar's Rage (Darkness/Psychic Deck)
By: Jill
Hockessin, DE
October 29, 2001
Located at a local Comic Book Store (ugh, why can't I remember the name!)
About 30 participants

Well, this is my first Killer Deck Report. I just felt like I should post it though, because this deck did so well. When I play tested it at home against my Mom (she was using my undefeated Feraligatr Deck), I beat my over 30-0 Feraligatr Deck with the deck I'm using today! I was happy that I beat my own undefeated deck! Oh, yeah, it's a modified deck too. Well, here's the deck:

Tyranitar's Rage

Pokemon: (22)
4 Larvitar
3 Pupitar
3 Tyranitar
3 Eevee (Neo Dis.)
2 Espeon (holo)
2 Mewtwo (movie promo)
2 Cleffa
1 Elekid
2 Unown D

Trainers: (20)
3 Professor Elm
3 Master Ball
2 Pokemon Breeder Feilds
4 Gold Berry
2 Balloon Berry
2 Energy Flow
2 Energy Charge
2 EcoGym

Energy: (18)
4 Darkness
2 Rainbow
1 Full Heal
11 Psychic

Here's how I did:

Tyranitar's Rage vs. Sabrina's Deck
I knew this one would be easy! I send out an Elekid with Larvitar benched. I win the flip and draw. I attach a Psychic energy to Larv. and Playful Punch. I do 20 to his active and lone Sabrina's Abra. He draws and attaches a Psychic to Abra, does Quick Attack for 10. I draw an Eevee and put a Psychic on Eevee, flip, get heads and search for an Espeon. Try Playful Punch, failed. He draws, evolves into Kadabra, and fails to attack. I attach a Darkness energy to Eevee and evole into Espeon, retreat, send out Espeon and Bite for 50 for the win!

Round 2:
Tyranitar's Rage vs. Feraligatr
I start with Cleffa, 2 Larvitar benched. He starts with Magby and Totodile benched. He wins the flip, draws, attaches Water to Toto., and passes. I draw a Pupitar, attach a Rainbow to Larv., do Pokemon Breeder Fields, with one heads. I get T-tar and pass. He attaches water to Toto and passes. We go back and forth like this for a bit and I have out T-tar and he has Croconaw on turn 3. Croconaw has 3 water and T-tar has 1 rainbow, 1 psychic, 1 Dark. He does Sweep away and discards a Feraligatr, Double Gust and water! I attach Gold Berry and Slam for 40. He puts Elekid down and Sweep Aways Discarding some stuff that I forget. I put down an Unown D. and do slam, getting barely 1 heads to knock out Naw. He sends out Magby and tries playful punch. I forget what happens next, but I think I get an energy and do Trample to knock out both Elekid and Magby.

Round 3:
Tyranitar vs. Crobat, Slowking, Misdreavus
I forget most of this match, but she only has a Misdreavus and I have Eevee, evolve to Espeon and break out of Sleep to win after a couple turns.

Round 4:
Tyranitar vs. Typhlosion/Blaine's Arcanine
Yes, I finally get to battle a Typhlosion, Arcy deck!
He probably would have won if he didn't get a bad hand (so he claimed, which I don't think so). He was undefeatable according to the kids watching towards the end of the match. He had a Blaine's Growlith and 2 Cyndaquill. I had Cleffa and a Larv. I go first, attach Psychic to cleffa and Eeeeek. He attaches to Growlith and Stokes successfully. I evolve to Larvitar, attach Rainbow to him and Eeeeeeeeeeek. He attaches to Growlith, evolve Cyndaquill and tries Body Slam, failing. I draw T-tar and evolve. Attach a Dark to him and Eeeeeeeeeek. He evolves to B. Arcy and Typhlosion (see what I mean when I don't think he really had a bad hand!). Tries heat Tackle and Fails! I attach Dark on t-tar and put Elekid down. Retreat for Elekid and Playful Punch for 20. He attaches to Arcy and fails to attack again! I attach a darkness to T-tar and put down Unown D. I retreat and knock out Arcy and do 30 to Typhlosion! He sends out Typhlosion, attaches fire to him and Professor Elms. Then passes. I draw, and put down Mewtwo
I remembered that one well, because it was exciting, I thought I was done for when I saw B. Arcy!

After that, I had a snack and looked at the charts. I was number 1!
I was in the top 8 (of course!) and went on to the elimination rounds!

Top 8, Round 5:
The kid I was to battle never showed up, so I told the judge and he gave me the win after 15 mins.

I had some extra time after that and battle my Mom (I let her use my Feraligatr Deck again, because she beat a bunch of people with it and liked the deck!). I beat her because my next opponent was ready when I had 3 prizes left and she had 4.

Top 8- Round 6:
Tyranitar's Rage vs. A kid with a Grass Deck (Jumpluff and Crobat)
I was surprised he made it this far, but then I remembered how many Feraligatr Decks I saw there.
I don't remember much, but my turn 4 Tyranitar with 2 Dark and 2 other energy beat his turn 3 Jumpluff and turn like 10 or so Crobat, I beat the rest of his Babies and Hoppips with Trample (I don't think I had an Unown D, but I remember him beating my 1 baby, so I had no bench anyway!).

That one was pretty quick, so I checked the charts and I was still number 1!

Semifinal- Round 7:
T-tar vs. Feraligatr w/Skarmory and Neo Rev. Parasect
I don't remember too much of this match either, but he didn't have enouch water Energy and too many Pokemon. He never got any Ferals either, so it was an easy win with Espeon and Mewtwo.

Final Round!:
Tyranitar's Rage vs. Steelix/Slowking/Rocket's Zapdos
I used to have a deck kinda like this and it was pretty good with a rank of like 60-4.

He had a lone Slowpoke and I had a lone Larviatar. We both had bad hands, I think because we were both too excited to shuffle good! Anyway, I went first and thank goodness, I drew a Pokemon Breeder Feild! I used it and got Pupitar. I put a Psychic on Larvitar and did bite for 10. He put down a SI Onix and attach a metal to it. I drew and put down Energy and evolved. I did Skull Bash for 20. He put a Lightning on Onix and passed. I did Master Ball and got Tyranitar! I slapped him down with a Darkness! And did Slam for a KO! He sent out Onix and did Mary. He then passed. I threw down a Rainbow and did Trample for 50 because of his Metal. Then he drew a Steelix and put down Rainbow for no damage to himself because of Metal. He did 50 damage to me. I attached Gold Berry and the Darkness that I drew. Then I did Trample for 60 more and KOed him!

I WON THE TOURNAMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o)

I won a box of Revelation and a cool Pokemon League Master t-shirt and cap!
In the box I got the whole set except Shining Gyarados, Celebi HOLO, Jumpluff HOLO! And I got tons of extras including Shining Magikarp and Holo Ho-Oh! By the way, if anyone wants to trade my Pokemon Trade Shop name is panda2007! LOL, just kidding, well unless you want them! ;o) :o)

All in all, I was a GREAT day!

Slops and Props:
To the Comic Book Store (gosh, why can't I ever get the name right?)
To the box and other prizes I got
To Pojo, It's an AWESOME site!
To my Mom for bringing me
To Tyranitar
To anything or anyone that I forgot
No Slops, it was an AWESOME day!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for reading everyone!

~Jill (panda2007)