Beat the dead
By Fighting Fiend
The sports card super store
Calgary Alberta
10 people
This deck's record is 13-0 it's a undfeatable deck.
4 Houndour { collect fire }
3 Houndoom{ Flamethower }
4 Sneasle
1 entie { mega flame }
4 Cyndaquill
3 Quilava
2 Typhlosion
3 Pokemon breeder
3 Pokemon breeder fields
4 Oak
4 Pluspowers
2 Gold berry
3 focus band
4 Dark
4 Rainbow
12 Fire
round 1
Beat the dead vs. kevin doodle with scizor/steelix
I go first with an active cyndaquill and a benched houndour.He had an active scyther and a benched onix.I attached an energy to cyndaquill and used fireworks for 40.I got heads.He attached an energy to onix and passed.I attached an energy to cyndaquill
put down a sneasle and Koed scyther with fireworks.Eventully he got steelix going but I Koed him with houndoom.
1-0 3 points  14-0
round 2
Beat the dead vs. landen with grass
Um,not a lot to say but i creamed him.
2-0 6 points  15-0
round 3
Beat the dead vs. chad lightning
I totally crushed him with typhlosion and houndoom!!!!
3-0 9 points 16-0
Round 4
Beat the dead vs.kevin daniels with kingdra/feralagator
 I go first with an active houndour.He had a totadile active.I attached an energy to houndour and smogged and he was poisoned He attached an energy to totadile and 40 with fury swipes.I put down a sneasle and attached an energy to sneasle and KOed  totadile for the game.
4-0 12 points 17-0
round 5
Beat the dead vs. Jen with meganuim\typhlosion\gator
She went first with an active chikorita and a benched cyndaquill.I had an active sneasle and a benched entie.She attached an energy to chikorita and tackled for 10.I
attached an energy to sneasle and fury swiped for 20.She attached an energy to cyndaquill and tackled for 10.I attached an energy to sneasle and KOed chikorita.
She attached an energy to cyndaquill, evolved and used firewind and KOed sneasle.I
put down sneasle and attached an energy to sneasle and passed.She attached an
energy to quilava and used firewind for 30.I attached an energy to sneasle, retreated
entie, put down 2 cyndaquill and a houndour and used beat up for 40!!!!!She drew and
 passed cause she didn't get an energy.I put down a houndour and KOed quilava for
the game.
5-0 15 points  18-0
round 6
Beat the dead vs chad again
I totally DEMOLISHIED him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
6-0 18 Points 19-0
I checked the standing and I WAS FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
These were the top eight standings
1.Me 6-0
2.Kevin daniels 5-1
3.Jen 5-1
4.Kevin doodle 4-2
5.conner 4-2
6.rubin 4-2
7.justin 3-3
8. rhys 3-3
Quarter-finals vs. Justin
when his deck fell down I saw that he had extra cards so he got disqualifed and I got
the win.
7-0 21 points  20-0
semi-finals vs. rhys
I totally crushed him with typhlosion!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8-0 24 points 21-0
Finals vs.Jen
She started off with a totadile. I started off with a sneasle.I attached an energy to sneasle and used fury swipes for 20.She drew and passed and I used fury swipes and got....TWO HEADS YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
9-0 27 points 22-0
I won the tourny and got 10 neo Revaloation.Ths deck's record improves to 22-0
see ya
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