‘THAT’ Deck
26 People
‘That’ 1.2
Pokemon 14
4 Sneasel
3 Rocket Zapdos
3 Electabuzz
2 Murkrow
2 Cleffa
Trainer 27
2 Prof Oak
3 Prof Elm
4 CPU Search
3 Item Finder
2 Super Energy Removal
3 Energy Removal
2 Gold Berry
3 Gust of Win
2 Focus Band
2 Eco Gym
1 Sprout Tower
Energy 19
4 Dark Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
9 Electro Energy
2 Metal Energy
I’m writing about the qualifier for Italian STS, we use standard format and there are around
many Raindance decks (lol).This tournament is with direct elimination
Match 1
‘That’ VS Jacopo Domizi with a not well focused fighting/dark/psychic/water deck
I went firs with R.Zappy, Sneasy, Dark energy etc…He had Hit.chan and Larvitar,in few turn I knocked’em out with R.Zappy and energy removal, easy win
Match 2
‘That’ VS Emanuele De Santis with Clefable /trapper deck.
I put down first turn sprout tower,he didn’t have any gym, so I thought to play only Buzzy
to don’t let him copy heavy attacks. He had omly 5 basic Pokemon in the deck:4 Clefairy,
1 Togepi so he couldn’t do anything with his 4 Clefable against my only Buzz.Easy win
Match 3
‘that’ VS Stefano Romani with RainDance
His lone base set Squirtle against my R.Zappy, 1st turn victory!!!!!(Easy win)
Match 4
‘that’ VS Marco Mascitti with Kingdra Dance
I went first with SuperSneasy with 4 dark energy in 4 turns and knocked out 3 Articuno
In these turns he was able to build up Blastoise so I retreated S.Sneasy to send out R.Zappy to
use my second letal weapon: the Flying Fortress (R.Zappy with 3 electro and 2 metal energy).
With it I destroyed his Blastoise and the Kingdra he had without energy and with gust of wind
I knocked out for the victory a benched Sqirtle!!(easy win).
Match 5:the final
‘that’ VS Matteo Flaminnio with‘that’ 1.1 (copied without my authorization)
He had copied my old version of the deck with aerodactyl but I play this deck better!
I went first with Snesy, Zappy and Cleffa, he had only Sneasel.I gave dark to Sneasel and
fury swiped for 20.He use berry to remove damage and did fury swipe for 30. I elmed, filled
my bench and energized Sneasel with another dank to beat him!!!(easy victory)
I won the tournament and I won 2 Heroes packs and I’m qualified for Italian STS
(easy win)
Props and Slops
Props to
Marco Mascitti to land me the cards for my deck
Giovanni(Jack) the gym leader of Play Planet
Blaine’s Charizard to be the Best Card of the Game if played right with Tiphlosion
(I didn’t use him ‘cause of the many Rain Dances)
Pojo To be the best Pokemon Site!!!!
Slops to
Bin Laden
Wizards for No 15+ qualifier and for VS set
Who thinks that Blaine’s Charizard is a 4.5 rated card!!!!
Werner Jr. Quevedo
Thanks to Pojo