Deck: Who Let the Dogs Out
Name: Nick Kitch
Home: Harrisburg, PA
Tour: Toys R Us
People: 12
Date: 11/17/01
This was the last week for toys r us to have a tournament
because of the holidays. Anyway the rule that u can only use
team rocket set and above was over for them. Anyway, on with
the deck.
Who Let the Dogs Out:
3x Growlithe
3x Arcanine
3x Sneasal
3x Cleffa
1x Chansey
1x Pichu
4x Bill
4x Professor Elm
4x Computer Search
4x Gold Berry
3x PlusPower
2x Defender
2x Gust of Wind
2x Chaos Gym
11x Fire Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy
4x Dark Energy
2x Metal Energy
Match #1 This kid was really late, By the time he came I only had 2
prizes left. I started with Sneasal and attach dark energy and use
I get another deark enegy with two Growlithe and and a pichu. I use fury
swipes on his Kanghskan. He uses fetch. I drew Cleffa And used Beat
Up. I got 4 heads and knocked him out. I win!
Match#2 Nick vs. Grass deck.
I start with Cleffa and he uses hoppip. I go first and use Eeeeeeek.
I receive 2 Sneasal, 1 Dark energy, and a bill, and rest fire
he uses hop but fails. I energize Sneasal with dark energy and use
again. I receive two more dark energys and a cleffa and Growlithe. He
evolves into neo3 Skiploom. uses hop and fails again. I attach 2nd
to Sneasal and get 2 heads with beat up. knocks him out. Next he
out Rocket Scyther. Cant do anything. So i get Chansey on the bench
Beat up and get 3 Heads. I Win.
Final Match Nick vs. Electric deck
This match took evergy thing i had. I start with Chansey and
he gets 2 neo pikachu. I go first and energize Growlithe with fire
He pulls out Raikous and Raichus and i faint them with Arcanine. I faint
last Raikou as well as myself so now it's unownD vs. pichu. Fortunately he
only uses it for it's pokemon power so he can't do anything except
I use Zap twice and take the victory.
I didn't get anything really except for congrats.
Thanx pojo.
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