Hi Everyone i'm
back with another report for this
month :-) So enough chat and on with the show
*(note: the tourney here allows every card Except ___Pikacha!!!)
Black Angel
Sneasel x 4
Chansey x 2
Electabuzz x 2
Ditto x 2
cleffa x 2
Comp x 2
Itemfinder x2
Ecogym x 3
chaosgym x 1
Gold berry x 2
S.potion x 1
E Removal x 3
Challenge x 1
NGR x 1
GOW x 3
+power x 4
Elm x 2
Oak x 2
Scoop up x 2
Lightning energy x 8
'' x 4
'' x 1
'' x
*Note:I've got an interesting event
in between Round 3 & 4 So readers, read on About the:
Blair witch Project 4 The missing
Pokemon cards
-The BORING & Normal strategy is to get sneasel out
bench and use electabuzz and ditto for Backup or
Cleaners, Chansey Is for
-*My strategy is to use sneasel's
beatup and use chansey as a cleaner!!! Electabuzzie & Ditto Are just
Which Means...
...Yes, I like big damage
fast & swift!!!
Round 1 vs Victor's friend With
Sucine & Raindance deck
It went fast! I started With a Sneasel active &
electy(Nickname) benched, he
started with Base Squirtle Active & sucine holo Benched. He went first. He
attaches water to squirtle and bubbles for 10 with parlysis!
I draw
recycle, attach Lightning To electy, Comp search for a scoop up , scoop sneasel
& play it on the bench and thunder shock for 20 with parlysis(He smiles !?).
He draws and evolves to wartortle, plays moo milk remove all damage (DAMN!!!),
attaches water to warfatty and withdraws for... Tails!!!(YES!!!)I draw a +power
attach recycle & +power to electy and Thunderpunch for Heads(Damn! wasted
a +power)He draws and passes . I thunder punch
Round two vs Sabrino!? With
The last time i
fought him was in april( Check For Enter the dojo Submission) And he sure has
improved alot!!! I mulligan once giving him a free bill, I had 3 DCE , 3GOW and
a lone chansey!!!(NO!!!)Luckily we both had bad draws with me, a lone chansey VS
his chansey active & 2 benched slowpokes!!! I go first and drew a DCE ,
attach / scrunch...Tails-_-. He draws , puts down a hitmo and passes. I draw a
cleffa, play it on the bench attach a DCE/Gust out his hitmo(HEHE^-^) and draw a
sneasel as a prize. He puts chansey active and passes. I draw a darkness, play
down the prize sneasel and attach dark , gust out his slowpoke and We each draw
a prize.(I drew an electy) He puts chansey active & i put cleffa
puts a electy down , attaches lightning to it and pass. I draw an elm, put down
electy , gust out his electy and use elm to get: 1dark,1Rainbow,1cleffa, 2
sneasel, ecogym and oak. I retreat Cleffa for sneasel,attach dark , fill the
bech And beat the crap out of electy!!!After, I killed his chansey & 2
Round 3 vs Kid with Houndoom /ponyta
He started with
a ponyta and i with cleffa active and electy benched.(I had 3 +powers in my
hand).He with ponyta active and 2 fire houndours and 1 dark houndour. I went
first & attached a lightning to electabuzz and shock the pony for parlysis.
he plays a pokebreeder field and gets two heads and gets two houndoom.(I
reminded him that no pokemon could evolve on the first turn)He then energy
searches for a fire energy ,attaches it to the dark ones and passes. I draw a
chansey gust out the dark one, attach recycle to electy and
+ punch for tails(Phew!). He puts
ponyta out and passes. I punch the bad pony and draw a comp search. He draws and
attaches a fire to the bench houndour. I draw a recycle , attach to chansey and
double + punch for 100% Knock out. He sends out the houndour ,evolves to
thrower one), attaches fire and passes. I s. potion recycle, attach recycle to
chansey and shock for tails. He draws attach dark & +power and flame
thrower!!! I put chansey out comp for DCE and Double edge for the
between Rounds:
The Blaire Witch project 4: The missing Pokemon cards
4:30pm 11
November 2001 -Sombody's album went missing and he decided to call on the gym
leader.The album was later found in the toilet with all the cards inside had
Following people are not Actors!!!
Gymleader: Ok people take out all the cards
in your bag
and let me check you 1 by 1.
People: But We didn't take it We Just wanna have Fun...
Gymleader: ShutUP!!! One of you
here is the culprit, &
Whoever it is he/she had better admit it NOW!!!
Nobody makes a sound Except for the crying
boy's sobs.
Gymleader: If that person doesn't admit it out, When i
The Secruity camera, I'll take the culprit to the
cops!!!(Threatening Voice)
Nobody Makes a Sound except for the crying boy's sobs
Gymleader: Ok Round 4 Hey Stop
Round 4 vs a Guy Nobody wanted to
play with new hay deck
He was the best player there and I just saw a wiggly deck got creamed by
his hitmos/gligars & Zappies!!! I was VERY Nervous but soon got angry with
him as all he was doing was talking to the guy next to him. I really got pissed
off when He looked at the cards in my deck and said ooo, a sneasel deck, Piece
of cake(I wonder if you're allowed to look at another players deck!!?) Any way
he kept choping my deck and bending my cards so i got mad and shuffled his cards
on the floor(HEHE)He said HEY, Don't damage and mess up my cards!?So I had to
turn all the @#$% cards the right side up when i notice that he might have extra
cards! So I demanded a deck check which proved both our decks were legal and
then i shuffled my cards on the floor and asked if he mind!? He didn't care and
went on drawing 7 cards. We both started out slow but i went faster. Soon i had
a full bench with sneasel out front gusting & Killing everything in sight.
He was pretty good and kept getting those annoying
Sprout Towers/SuperEnergyremoval combos on my
ecogym protection with the help of countless itemfinders!!! Finally My sneasel
was powerless and we were down to 1 prize to 4 prizes with me in the league. all
he had was a magby Vs my Sneasel(Energyless) And the full bench. I Decided to
powerup my chansey with 2recycle energies/1DCE and double edge for the win. He
started getting serious then.My plan worked after fliping 3@#$% coins for baby
power. The guy
to him congraduated me on behalf for defeating him.
Round 5 Vs Promo Scizor/MP mewtwo/
Slowking deck
I dont
want to say anything except that i lost to the no basic loss when he got 2
slowkings out with my Chaos Gym in play (sometimes I'm just such an idiot) and
his scizor with 4 metal energies attached!!!
So i got 4th place and got a Gym challenge Booster And inside i got a... ... ... Koga's pidgeotto(;::'>C<'::;)
So Props to:
-The gym leader
-For getting a booster rather than The lucky
draw(Which Stinks)
-To pojo for being my No.1 Favourite Website!!!Rock on
Slops to:
-The culprit for stealing other people's
for losing to a slowking deck!!!
Thanks for reading,