Gators Death Roll vs.1.2
                  Created by Charzilla(my dad)and me,Chris Foster
                   These are some results of how the deck and I did in 10-under at Cleveland's STSQT.My second shot at a trip.I made it to the game for the trip at the 1st won but lost in the final game.
        Again,since I didn't even know about this site I couldn't provide all details about all games just some of the better and worse(there were many)events.
        4 Toto(fury swipes)
        4 crocs(sweep away)
        4 Gator(Downpour)
        2 Magby(shut down Slowking and others,helps murkrow think twice)
        2 Elekid
        3 Cleffa(draw those cards when things are slow)
        2 Magmar(Neo)if you saw the deck and results of the prior QT would explain itself.Meta-game guess.Expected grass as anti-gators but besides mine 3 of the top 4 were gators which made this card pretty much useless
        4 Elm
        4 Wrath
        4Trash Exchange
        2 Gold Berry(playtesting tells me I don't like focus bands)
        3 D.Gust
        2 Narrow Gym(take out Chaos and can save an important card if used right.It can serve as a Super Scoop Up
        2 Bills Teleporter(again I do better in playtesting overall with this and w/o Secret Mission
        18 Water Energy
        I'm sorry but again in the future I will pay more attention to each game but for now I only have details that sort of stick out to me.
        Game 1
        Actually this decks theme was not easy to tell as it was definitely a popourri.
I honestly didn't know where he was heading.1-0
        Game 2
       This deck had me worried a little at 1st because I saw grass.Even the tweaking of the Neo Magmar was something I was not sure would work.But after making it to the game for the trip in Pgh.and losing to grass(E.Victreebell)I  decided to try some help against grass.Magmars ability to either evolve up from Magby and its colorless attack for 2 nrg for 40 against grass made it worth a try.
       Now though even though this opponent was playing grass it turned out to be Kogas Muk and Kogas Zubat/Golbat.With Ninga Tricks.No weakness to grass.Oh well.So much for the yweaking attempt for the meta-game.
       But back to the game.This game involved skill good decision making and a good knowledge of the rules.And lucky flips.
       I was able to get my Gator pretty quick but didn't do to well at 1st against babies with no luck with the coin.
      About 10 minutes into the game rules knowledge made the difference.He had a fair amount of damaged pokes that he had been retreating but now I decided to try different tactics and knew the rules.
      For example he had attached focus bands to some of his damaged pokes.Instead of using direct attacks from my actives I took some chances that paid off with Elekid and a coin.He had a poke with 20 damage left with a focus band on it.I used Playful Punch hit heads and knocked him out.He then tried to use focus band and started to flip.I tried to explain that I used a Poke Power not an attack so the focus band didn't work.Finally we got the judge who made the right call.
      Minutes later we needed the judge again.This time I used Playful Punch to KO a poke with a ninga trick on it.He wanted to use the ninja trick but again I said Playful Punch is a Poke Power,not an attack.Ruling in my favor and now 2-0
      Game 3
      Best game of the day for me not because I won but cause everybody was watching cause it was such a good battle.It was Gator vs.Gator/Parasect.The Parasect is great but not against another Gator.This players name is Spencer.I just met him that day during that game but he is a good player.I had two fully powered Gators quick but he held me off with babies and good play.I also overcame a 1 prize penalty because I had my 1st edition Gator in my binder right by me but I got a penalty because it was not out of the binder.I had only 1 Japanese in the deck and I had an American one in play so this wasn't about translation.He saw a possible way for an advantage and it worked.Give him credit.He knew the rules.In the end 3-0.
         Game 4
         Against a previous QT winner this who already had a trip and had a younger brother in the group but I spoke along with at least 40 or so others about this at another site.More later.
         She had a B.Arcy based deck which I was able to handle pretty well.What I had no luck with was Ho-oh.She got the foiled one powered for sacred fire?and hit I believe 5 or 6 of 7 heads and just wiped out my babies and bench and that was pretty much it for me.3-1
         Game 5
         Don't remember anything except the win and knowing at 4-1 I would mate top 8.
         Game 1 Final 8
         I beat the younger brother of the previous QT winner who told the kids she was playing to clear the way for her brother.Many local boys and others wondered if their kid might have made the 8 if Isabella had played in the side events which would not have affected the kids in 10-under she beat.1-0
         Now we are down to 4 of us.At this point things really went nuts.There was a situation where you had a previous QT winner,myself from a couple hor drive away,and 2 others who were locals.When it was announced who would play who the Qt winner drew 1 of the locals she knew.She then quit giving him the win and a bye.Was she going to play me if she drew me?Oh well.
        So now I am having a rematch against Spencer who I beat earlier but who I saw was very good.This was a much shorter game than the other.It was like a mirror.All we both got were toto's then got to croc's but neither of us got a Gator.He went 1st and swiped.I did the same.He went to croc tackled.I did the same.He then did sweep away to kill my croc.I had built another croc on the bench but since all nrg had been going to the first one I had to build and try to hold off with babies.I got to where my croc was sitting with 2 nrg on it with my Gator in hand but I could only tackle and he had a metal nrg on his croc if I remember right.He had done sweep away for 40(metal)the turn before and did it again.Game over.1-1 in the final 4.I guess I finished 3rd because of the move the player who had her trip before the tourney did.But my 2nd box of boosters that allowed me the ability for many cool future decks.Tyranitars-5,Foil Umbreons-3,Foil Espeons-4(a fave)Smeargles-3(don't dismiss him.This took 2 boxes but I completed my whole collection of Dicovery.
                                Anybody wants to e-mail do it at
       I would really like to hear from people of all ages cause most of our tourneys I play in at our league(DCI sanctioned)are almost always older than me but in our last 3 in standard I am 22-2 with a 1st and 2 3rds with only a loss in the final 4.I think players older players helps me a lot.I am 10.I also would like to hear about any tourneys near me,hopefully DCI's cause we only get 1 a month here and even though I am ranked # 1 in Pa.I want to get my ratings higher.Thanks if this gets printed.