The Leaky Bug(Grass/Water)
By Bob Baker
Columbia County Turny
Oct. 24,2001
About 55 Contestance
    Now me and my friends have always played small little turnys at each others houses, and no matter how the different games went I would always have the best record at the end of the day. Of coruse none of them would admit that my deck was best so I set out to prove that it was and used this turny to do so( my friends also entered)
3 Poliwag
2 Poliwhirl
1 Poliwarth
3 Squirtle
2 Wartortle
1 Blastoise
11 Water Energy
3 Weedle
2 Kakuna
1 Beedrill
3 Caterpie
2 Metapod
1 Butterfree
12 Grass Energy
4 Potion
3 Energy Retrieval
2 Defender
2 Maintenance
1 Recycle
1 Gambler
Now I'm not great with numbers and have been know to be off by 1 every now and then but only in trainer cards!!
Round 1
Me vs. Mud Puddle
This one was tough becuz we had very similar decks but with my save the deck strategy I was able to hold on and make my oppent deck out and move on.
Round 2
Me vs Mental Thrashing (My Brother }:I)
This one I knew would be easy well because hes my brother and i knew what to expect but he some how work his way down to a 4-5 game in his favor. Luckly for me he tends to use more cards then needed and decking out making me the victor by the skin of my teeth.
Round 3
Me vs Flaming Brids 
This was a good battle . We were half and half in the weakness department and both knewwhat we were doing. The macth went for ever ( No time limit) and ended in him decking the trun before I would have and he had beaten for sure if not for the paralyzing powers of caterpie!!!!
Round 4
Me vs Bye
Round 5 (Semi Finals)
Me vs Leaders Of The Pack ( The only one of my friends to make it this far :p)
My friend has this idea in his head that by molding his deck after the elite 4 it makes him unbeatible and thats almost ture, but almost doesn't count and after his over zealous use of Dragonairs Pokemon Power Evolutoinary Light and a imposter porf. oak wicth did alot to fatten my deck he well decked out just before destorying my last pokemon
Round 6 (Final)
Me vs Flame of Light (Fire/Lighting)
As soon as i saw this guy win the match before the finals i thought i was done for, but to my suprise the macth was fairly easy I swear I have never seen anyone gobble up so many cards so fast he'd use bill get another bill use it get prof oak use it and on and on just gobbling up cards and before he could get any decent pokemon (i.e. Charizard Raichu Ninetails) he deck out for a rather dissapointing final.
So at the end of the day I had weasled my way to an undefeated recored 5-0(not counting the bye) and proof that my deck was best pluse a shiny new Dark Weezing and some other good cards all in all I think I did well and might try another deck and turny soon
any sugestoins e-mail me at