Ultra Electro-Psy
by Adam Smith
Excellent Adventures(518) 844-9498
110 Milton Ave.
Ballston Spa, NY 12020

It was a long time sience i have played pokemon with Jonny Blaze and i was really looking foward for this. I got i ride with one of my friends to the local Toys R Us store where John always picks us up for any pokemon turny. When we got to Ballston Spa it was early so we got some thing to eat came back and traded untill it started.
It was a Standard format event so every was playable

Ultra Electro-Psy
Pokemon 10
Trainers 34
3xComp search
2xSprout Tower
2xResistance Gym
4xEnergy Removel
3xGust Of Wind
3xNightly Garbage Run
Energy 16
3xDouble Colorless
3xRecycle Energy
5xPsy Energy
5xLighting Energy

Hmm...10+34+16=60 8-) good job!
As always the 1st Round of Ballston was a round robin where u had to play every body there.I am not going to write every single match cause it will take to long and i forgot most of it. ^_^
One thing that really made me MAD!!!!! was the only lost i got that day.It was because of the Store's stupid rule that if u get three Paris in a row  u lost the game
and some how i pulled that off! I played the Kid after and i won so that made me even mader but o well i mad it to the final's anyway

Final 6
Jonny blaze
nick blaze (his son)
Sience i was the Top Seed in the Final's if i won the 1st match i was booted to the final round

Quarter-Finals versus Dave w/Murkrow maker
This was a Tough and Close Match and it ended up in a decking on dave's part.
it did not seem that he used murkrow much so it was a basic clash of HayMaker
I don't think any of us had the upper hand during most of the game.In the end he was stuck with a powerless Buzz and could not get him out of the way for a eek.

WARP SPEED TO THE FINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finals versus Jonny Blaze w/Crossfussion deck
This was it the Final's with the Store Champ 3 times in a row.I Failed twice to deTrown him and i got another chance to try again.This was a long straing match. His lickitung was the one who did the most action this game. He Tongue Wrap  and got heads for the longest time.At some point he attack with a CroBat and failed so a contered with mewtwo with plus power to gain a prize.At the end he had to retreat Lick to cleffa but he didn't have enough energy so he passed.I used Thunder Punch with a HEADS knocking out Cleffa there for he ended up decking.

I got 15 Packs of Neo 3 and by the time it was over it was dark so John drove us home as soon as it got over with.

Record 11-1

Props to Jonny Blaze for Bring me to all of these turny's and for being the coolest person in the wrold!!!! Thanks John!!!!!!
Props to matt for being the only store left to still hold pokemon turny's
I don't feel like giving slops cause i had such a great time with all my friends

Contact me at DeathShadow6@aol.com thanks for reading 8-)