ra inbow colors by Erik henze
        Kailua Hawaii
                  This tourney started out like a in the a.., but as i got farther in to it  I liked what I saw. the rules were, all pokemon had to be genesis or higher.
Rainbow colors,
3 scucine
3 raiku
3 entei
3 ho'o
2 southern island mew
3gold berry
2mistys tears
10 water
10 fire
10 electric
stragety: first I get one of my cats going and power up a ho'o. then I try to elm or oak to get a southern island mew.
round one: rainbow colors vs. lantern, scucuine, steelix deck
my active was a raichu and his was a neo onix. At first I thought I was going to lose because he got a steelix out and I drew crappy cards. I finally got an elm and got a S.I.mew, scucuine, gold berry, 3 water and 1 fire. so since that was his only basic he eventually lost due to know basics.
round two:rainbow colors vs. tyflosion, sttelix deck
I started off with a scucuine active,and a ho'o and entei bench. the only thing he had was a cleffa. and  he got a caterpie since he got to go first and I killed it along with the ceffa.
round three:
semi finals:rainbow colors vs. furrilagatur deck
all i can say is  him tododile me S.I.mew and water energy= him dead two turns!!!!!
finals:rainbow colors vs. steelix, piloswine, murkrow deck
We both started off slow just powering up are benched pok'emon  then I started dominating his pok'emon with scucine but he got out a pesky piloswine and killed my scucine. so then It was my raiku against his piloswine and  atached agold berry and eventually won the game.
the prize was 3 revalation packs and 12 dollars store credit.
now for props and slops
props to
geckos for holding this tournament
me for winning it
mom for taking me        <(.    . )>
kirby for just being cool
slops to
every one who dosn't like kirby
my e-mail adress is craner002@hawaiirr.com