Houndooms cruncher
                                                      Nick seitler
                                                      Dream Wizards
                                                      Rockville Maryland,
Hello this is nick. This was a QT for the STS in san diego! if you got top 16 you got something if you got higher you got better. the top 8 go into a single elimination round.
Me my brother and my friend{since he spent the night} all went to the QT today.
Here's the deck
Pokemon  17
2 igglybuff
3 cleffa
3 houndour
2 houndoom
2 murkrow
3 slowpoke
1 slowking
2 yanma
Trainers 29
2 berry
1 master ball
1 challenge
3 moo moo milk
2 proffesor elm
2 energy charge
3 warp point
1 misty's wrath
3 Rockets sneak attack
4 gold berry
2 rockets minefield gym
2 nightly garbage run
1 sabrina psychic control
1 time capsule
1 sabrinas gaze
1 super scoop up
energy     13
5 grass
4 rainbow
4 dark
Now this may sound weird and it is but we only played 4 rounds. it was swiss style and you could not get eliminated. if you made top 8 you go to top 8 tournament. if you made top 16 you get something i said this earlier :}.
Round 1 Houndooms cruncher vs sarah with blaines ninetailes.
Ok i started off bad. i had iggy actice and no bench. she eventually played down blaines ninetails and Attemped to KO my pokemon and after 5 ATEMPTS she was successful.
I put it like this because she was very complicated.
Round 2 vs Mike Louu with sabrinas alakazam deck
This deck i rocked. I got out houndoom on the 3rd turn played more dark energy and KO'ed all his pokemon.
round3 vs tim brooks with riptider deck
He started off with pichu and had totodile becnh while i started with murkrow.
I talked to him he did'nt seem like he was in a good mood. so asked him why. he said he had lost his first two rounds and said i at least had a chance. so he took it easy on me and Sorta gave me a win. and tim if your reading this thanks. He was real nice he had let me win since i at least had a chance what a good kid!. He is the brother of the famous Jonathon Brooks who was at the the QT.
round 4 vs some kid with rockets zapdos and stellix.
this kid really started off bad. he started with onix while i satered with houndour he didn't anything good. until the end. but i overcame his pokemon with houndoom!
General raiku or whaterever it is was supposed to be at this QT. but anyways i then checked the standings and i did'nt make the top 8 nor the 16th. I was in 26th place! i could not believe it. there was only 50 kids in my age group 11-14. i don't know why i made 26th. but my brother who is in the 10 and under got 12th and ended up getting 4 neo discovery booster packs. he had a 2-2 record i had a 3-1 record now tell me who is better?
Now time for props and slops
to my dad for driving me 50 minutes to rockville
to jay my friend for spending the night
to my brother for getting 4 packs
to the kid in round 3 he is really nice
to dream wizards for getting pizza right around the tournament time when i was hungry
to the judges for getting me 26 thats preety bad
to jay for being an idiot and trading me back for dark energy
to school for being tommorow
Thanks to everybody for reading this. my favorite song is still Lifehouse hanging by a moment
thanks glitch hopefully for posting this!
any body want trade me a neo discovery holo umbreon or two. or some slowking than post
an email at nickseitler@hotmail.com

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