The Power of Pink Decks
Let me explain why I'm listing 2 decks in KDR...there's a good reason. Our League was having its last day, and it was only a 1-hour league...I didn't have enough matches with one deck to warrant a KDR, but with both of them, I have enough.
(Hard-Boiled v1.0)
(Wigglyburn v1.2)
by Michael Lucas
Toys R Us
West Mifflin, PA
October 14, 2001
Roughly 8 people (It was a slow day...the last day)
On to the decks:
Wigglyburn v1.2
Pokemon: 16 (13 basic)
3 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
2 Erika's Jigglypuff
3 Rocket's Zapdos
3 Cleffa
2 Igglybuff
Trainers: 33
4 Oak
3 Search
3 Item Finder
3 Lass
3 Pluspower
2 Gust of Wind
3 Energy Removal (metagame)
2 Super Energy Removal (metagame)
2 No Removal Gym (for emergencies ONLY!)
2 Nightly Garbage Run
3 Gold Berry
2 Switch
1 Energy Charge
Energy: 11
6 Electric
1 Metal
Hardboiled v1.0
Pokemon: 13
3 Chansey
3 Rocket's Zapdos
3 Cleffa
2 Igglybuff
2 Unown N
Trainers: 33
4 Professor Oak
4 Computer Search
4 Gold Berry
3 Item Finder
3 Lass
2 Energy Removal
2 Super Energy Removal
2 Ecogym
2 Gust of Wind
2 Energy Charge
2 Switch
2 Nightly Garbage Run
1 No Removal Gym
Energy: 14
6 Lightning
4 Metal
Well, this was our last day. Our Gym Leader had made a special challenge for us. He would play his Psychic deck, starting out with a Sabrina's Alakazam, Sabrina's Gastly, Rocket's Mewtwo, and Mr. Mime (no energy on them though). THEN he would shuffle and draw 7, and the game would start. If any of us beat him, we would get TEN BIRTHDAY PIKACHU. However, he played someone else to start, so I practiced against a couple of people first.
Match 1: Me using Hardboiled vs. a young kid with a Neo Grass/Colorless deck.
I start out with a lone Chansey. He starts out with a Caterpie. He goes first, does 20, 10 to self. I attach Metal and pass. He attacks (10--10 self). I attach Metal and Scrunch, getting heads. He attaches energy to bench and passes.
To make a long story short, I Oaked, got a DCE, Unown N, Gold Berry, ways to get other cards, and the massacre went on from there.
He ERed my DCE, but I deliberately put 4 Metal on Chansey to get him angry.
I took 6 prizes to 0.
Match 2: Me using Hardboiled vs. Lee Weber with Grass/Psychic deck
He wanted to test out his new Grass deck against mine. Chansey got out with 1 Metal, 1 Lightning, 1 DCE by turn 3 or 4, Unown N on bench, and the massacre began. Rocket's Zapdos went in to make the last kill.
I took 6 prizes, I forget if he took any.
Finally, the GL finishes his other game and I get to go at it.
Match 3: Me using Wigglyburn in a handicapped match against Steve using his Psychic deck
I get a lone ERIKA'S JIGGLYPUFF. Argh. No card drawing either. I do 40, he gets tails on Juxtapose. I pass, he gets tails on Pose. I draw a Search, get Oak, and get setup with Wiggly quickly. He kills a couple of babies I get along the way (and he RSAed my Oak in that time...) I get Cleffa-Lass off (finally). I get Wiggly pumped, and we're both low on deck, him more than me. I had 1 prize left, he had 4. He puts out Mime to stall. I keep putting it to sleep, he keeps waking up before my next turn. He eventually decked.
I took 5 prizes to 2, and 10 Birthday Pikachu.
I played 1 other quick match against a kid with an Erika theme deck.
Match 4: Wigglyburn vs. a kid with an Erika deck
Not much to say here, except his Bulbasaur put up a good fight, putting me to sleep a lot. He took a couple of prizes, but Wiggly prevailed in the end, thanks to a couple of Gold Berries.
I took 6 prizes to I think 1 or 2.
I was then informed that I would have to play my best friend, Cory, for the GYM LEADER SHIRT we've been playing for all year. (There was a tourney for it...but since most of the people weren't here today, and me and Cory were the only two out of the final 8 there, we had to play.)
Match 5, the final match of the year: Me using Wigglyburn vs. Cory Rhodes with a Donphan/Dark Dugtrio/Murkrow deck.
He gets 5 basics. I get 2, one being Cleffa. I get heads to Eeeeeeek, he does 20 with Elekid. I eventually get a half-decent setup and a couple of prizes from Erika's Jiggly. He locks an Igglybuff as active. He starts to Feint Attack my bench, until I Oak, Item Finder for Switch, get Erika's Jiggly back out, DCE, Pluspower, dead Murkrow. He was instantly killed by Dark Dugtrio (I got tails). Wiggly got powered again, and made a couple of kills. I had 1 prize left, he had 3. I computer searched for Gust...NO GUST leftr. (It was my last prize.) I had about 4 cards left in my deck...Wave on Elekid with Focus Band...HEADS. Elekid's Focus Band...TAILS!!!!!!!!!!!
I won the Gym Leader shirt! It was tough and nerve-wracking, but I finally won a tourney. (sort of...)
I took 5 of every promo there was left, 10 B-day Pikas, and the Gym Leader shirt I'm wearing as I type this, everyone else got 5 of all promos and either 5 or 10 B-day Pikas, we cleaned up and closed down for the year.
Props to:
Wigglyburn for winning the tourney
Chansey for being near-indestructible
This kick-*** shirt
Steve, the Gym Leader, for giving us all of these promos
Steve for letting us play for the shirt
Slops to:
No one, really. Today was what the entire year was all about.
God, I'm gonna miss this league (until January)...
All comments, ideas for the deck, and offers to trade me Feraligatr Lv. 69 for a Birthday Pikachu can be sent to