By Seena Ghaziaskar
STS Qualifier. Columbus,Ohio
Veterans Memorial
October 6,2001
Wow. I've been waiting for the qualifier for a long time. And here it is! My first thought for Modified was Tyranitar/Zapdos then I focused on Feraligatr. At first, I played Rockets Sneak Attack and Gold Berry but with advice I ended up with Focus Band instead. We arrived there at 7am. One of the first there. My dad left so I played some warm up. Before anything else, here is the decklist
4Proffessor Elm
4Misty's Wrath
4Double Gust
4Trash Exchange
3Secret Mission
3Focus Band
1Narrow Gym
1Rockets Training Gym
1Sprout Tower
The strategy is simple. Get Gatr going. Do whatever it takes to get water in the discard and Downpour. Smeargle kills alot of cards in modified. Especially Gatr and BlainesArcanine. Magby is so they cant use Fragrance Trap and your Gatr can build.=/
I played a game with Chris Fulop in standard before the tourny and beat him. He played FableMukChansey and I played Steelix ^_^
Many people I would like to prop. ESPECIALLY, Spago! He helped alot with the deck and really had hope for me(or did you). Then, Bomiester, Tyranitar666. Not Cool Zues Cb for introducing me to Smeargle. Ah man, I am probably forgetting people but you know who you are. And now on to the Tournament report. 6rounds of swiss
Match1 vs ??? with ??? deck
He had a lone Blaines Doduo. I SecretMission on turn1 and see his hand of 5fire and a Blaines Arcanine. Attach an energy to Totodile and pass. he couldnt draw anything for two turns and I sweeped him for the knockout. 1-0.3pts.
Match2 vs??? with ??? deck
He played alot of cards to counter Gatr. Hoppip,DarkMuk.Giovannis Nidoran.Chaos Gym. But not even all of that could stop 2 Gatrs.He killed 1. Then I killed everything else. I was worried at the beginning when I had lone Magby and he had Neo Pikachu. He had a 25% chance of winning but I pulled through. He also got a Chaos. I defaulted but he slapped another >_<.
Match3 vs. ??? with Kingdra
This was the first organized deck I had to battle. He got two heads on Agility so my Gatr was down to 20life. I then Riptide it for the kill and his Focus Band fails. He eventually kills my Gatr with Sputters. Neither of us can get a new pokemon built but then I get a Croconaw and Sweep his babies. 3-0.9pts
A 15minute lunch break.=/
Match4 vs. Jared Passanate with Feraligatr
His Gatr deck wasnt too good. He ran trap combo and Gold Berry and no Smeargle. Im up like 5-2 and then I can win if the baby flip is heads. Tails. Then he gets Gatr and kills everything and wins. He won two games that day on flips. We met at Origins so we knew each other.=/ Oh and Jared? I ()wn Drew. 3-1.9pts
Match5 vs. Brian Gurta with Blaines Arcanine
I force him to decide between Smeargle and Gatr. So I kill him. He shouldve run Focus Band but NOO!=/ 4-1.12pts
Match6 vs ??? with anti gatr
His anti Gatr really sucked. Meganium.GiosKing.Dark Dragonair.Steelix. But it beat me by doing 80 and sleep to Gatr.ugh..... Then I cant rebuild.4-2,12pts
It appeared as if I couldnt make it but I got 6th~!
top8 vs.Guy who did report with Gatr
He killed My Gatr with his but I sketched his Gatr and then he got tails on focus Band. I get Gatr before him and Double Gust his Croconaw for the knockout. Easy from there. he does 40 with E.Bell.Ko. Then I killed a Totodile and such. Thankyou Double Gust.=/ and Smeargle.5-2.
Semis vs. Julie Buxton
She really didnt know how to play Gatr right. She lost a turn by Eeeeekin so I get Gatr before her. and Double Gust her Croco and ko it. She gets Totodile.Double Gust ko. Then I kill a few babies for the win. Im like whoa! Im going to WCSTS!!!!
I get 24packs and sign some sort of paper.
Finals vs. Andy Sage with BigFire
He gets two Cyndaquils but never gets any Elm.Wrath.Cleffa so I Sweep them both for the knockout and game. 1st place 7-2 whoa!
and speaking of whoa Spencer Byers who is only 7yrs old went 5-1 in 10-unda. Good Job Spencer!!
Slops to Jared for thinking Smeargle was stupid. Now whos laughing huh? hhaahahahahah
So, see ya all in California
-Seena Ghaziaskar
Aim: GoodPokemonPlaye