Mike's Modified gater
Michael frac
Carousel Center mall
New York
October 13, 2001
35 participants
Well I had just been to a qualifier and I came third in
it. In that qualifier, my brother came first along with my other
friend Jesse Nixon. I was really peed off that I came so close to
winning and I didn't. So the next day I asked my mom to take me and a couple of
my friends to Syracuse so I could have a chance to win a qualifier so my whole
family could go. When I arrived in Syracuse with Andrew Noble and
Steven Berzie we went straight in to the mall and sat down and started play
testing our decks. Andrew, Steven, and I were all playing similar gater
decks. Finally after a couple of hours the tourney had started. The
tournament was 5 rounds and then they would take the top 8. Enough talking,
let's talk about my deck
Mike's Modified Gater
tododile-4(the one with leer and furry swipes)
croconaw-4(the one with sweep away)
feraligater-4(guess with ones........downpour duhhhhhhhhh)
professor elm-4
misty's wrath-4
trash exchange-4
double gust-4
focus band-3
secret mission-2
time capsule-1
narrow gym-1
the rocket's training gym-1
water energy-18
cards in deck:60
round 1- vs- (some kid with girafirig, slowking)
This was a farley easy match, he had a slowpoke to start i had a
cleffa and a tododile. I got my gater pumped and went through his deck while he
sat there putting more and more basics down. I eventually killed all six of his
pokemon and he didn't even knock out anything.
1 win
0 loses
round 2-vs-(my friend andrew with a similar gater)
He got a very quick start on me getting his gater pumped while
every time i put a tododile out he would double gust it and kill it. when i got
a croconaw out he used trash exchange on me getting FOUR trashing in his
discard, I was so happy. I eventually got a gater pumped with a focus band and
took six prizes straight.
2 wins
0 loses
round 3-vs-(some girl named julie with a dark muk slowking
I asked her before the match what her deck stratagy was for and
she replied it is to counter gater. i was actually preety scared when we started
because i thought i was going to lose. The match started and i got a very
quick start on her getting a gater pumped and a magby out sputtering. Her
slowkings were inofective as I washed out everything with riptide and
3 wins
0 loses
round 4-vs-(some kid with a entei blains arcanine deck)
I knew this match was going to be a breeze. What do you expect,
he had fire , I had water. The match wasn't to long. He got an entei and a
blains rapidash but I quickly dispenced of it using my gater and my
4 wins
0 loses
round 5-vs-(steven with an almost exact gater)
To tell you the truth, i was shaking. I thought I was going to
lose forsure. But as you know it, luck was on my side. The match started
out fast with both of us getting out two gaters andf riptiding. at the very end
we both had one prize left. The time ran out but the judge said whoever picked
up the first prize would win the game. I ended upi getting a fully pumped gater
out and knocked out his elikid for the win. This was the best game in modified I
have ever had in my life, good game Steve.
5 wins
0 loses
After the last roiund they announced the top 8. I was first and
my friend steve was in second. we planed this from the beggining. We both hoped
we were in different brackets and we were.
round 1-vs-(the kid with the blaines arcanine and blains and
this match was very like the first one. I got my gater out with
a foucus band and quickly killed all of his pokemon. Good game man and good luck
next time.
6 wins
0 loses
round 2-vs-(a kid with a feraligater parsect)
I really wanted to see how this deck would work, it turned out
it did not do very well. All he got out was his skarmory's and i quickly got rid
of them with my double gusts and my trainers.
7 wins
0 loses
final round vs-(julie with the dark muk slowking and
I thought i was going to win just because i beat her
before. As we drew our hands I had a really bad draw and she had a good one. By
turn three all I had was a tododile and a elikid. I eneded up getting a gater
while she got a dark muk. I was fortunate enough to get to use my trainers when
I needed them most. We ended up with one prize each.
I had a gater with 80 health points left and all she had on her
bench was a whole lot of pokemon with damage on them. I ended up flipping a
heads on a baby and won the whole tourny.
8 wins
0 loses
yes, i finally won plane
Congradulations on all the people who attended this event and
placed well. I hope you all had a good time like I did and I hope to see you
guys at the sts.
Later peeps.
ps: steve ended up coming 6 but went to the toronto qualifier
and eneded up coming in second to win the plane tickets.
NO props and slops