Erika's Dark Side
by Ryan
The War Room(how ironic)
October 20,
About 60 peeps.
Well, here we go again, I am going to another
QT,but I already got my ticket's for the STS. I wanted to play for boosters.
(They weren't Revelation....=/). I met up with a few people and talked to pojo
board peeps. Erik Rust was there, #2 in NC, we were representing NC. We played
and I kicked some arse. But, He had Feral, and I had Victreebel. So enough
Erika's Dark Side
4x Erika's Bellsprout
3x Erika's
3x Erika's Victreebel
3x Murkrow
3x Cleffa
2x Yanma
13 Grass
4x Dark
4x Professor Elm
4x Erika's
3x Focus Band
3x Rocket's Sneak Attack
3x Misty's Wrath
Chaos Gym
2x Double Gust
2x Nightly Garbage Run
Strategy: Too have
my opponent get little~no chance of powering up and to Trap them by using
Victreebel's PP to kill weak basics.
At around 10:00am we start the
Atlanta QT.
Round 1: Erik Rust~Feraligatr
-How ironic, don't you
think. I couldn't believe it and he couldn't either. We start and I get off to a
3rd Turn Victreebel and gust up his Totodile. He flips tails on the Focus Band
and Chaos Gym for the entire game. I was just too overpowering for his weakness
and I never saw a Feraligatr.
Round 2: Quiet Kid~
- Well, I am still kind of wondering what his deck was
because it went so fast. He started with a Neo Genesis Onix. I RSA he twice
getting rid of 2 focus bands.I laid an energy on my Bellsprout and tackle for
40. Now, he makes a big mistake. He lays down a Neo D:Eevee, lays a dark and
flips tails.=/. He passes and I rid his Onix of a Focus and then he lays another
dark on eevee. ^_^;;. He flip tails and passes. I knock out both at the same
time and that's the entire game.
I was happy to see Feraligatr...not! He was
very cool during the game reminding me He was cool the entire
game. Well, we both stalemate b/c I didn't get any energy and then make a stupid
mistake. I lay down my Smeargle and then he double gust's it for the prize win
with 2 cards left in his deck. He went to the Top 4 and lost to
- Round 4: Keith
Once again another Feraligatr. He was cool too. He had
some Jap. Energies which I thought were very 1337.We start and I get a Cleffa to
his Totodile. =/ He puts a Water and fails to attack. I draw a Maids and well,
maids! I knock the Totodile with in 3 turns(focus band). I get 2 fully-powered
Victreebel's out and then Fragrance Trap his Totodiles for the win.
~ Round 5: Jacob Nelson~Meganium
I think that
this was a great match. I start with crap and never really grasp this match
fully. He got a Meganium out and I got it out by locking a Rocket's Scthyer w/o
energy since he didn't have enough energies to kill it. I gets another one and
puts my Murkrow asleep. (We both have on prizes). I flip to retreat my Murkrow
and send on my Smeargle to put asleep his Meganium. It fails and I lose. That
was a great match though.
~ Round 6: A guy~
He was cool also. I think that he was happy for that I won.
He got out a Smeargle which K.O's my Victreebel and I got another one out and
gust up his Totodiles. I K.O them and all of his babies for the
Waiting was hard b/c I was 4-2. Buffy was
nervous and was talking to his pojo friends. I got 7th since I 0wned with the
HIGHEST % in the event. That seemed funny too me. But, hey, I got in,
Top 8~ Quarterfinals- SomexxGuy
Well, this is not really a
great battle since he decked like 6 times. Well, I wasn't trying b/c he needed
the trip worse and I was already going. For lack of effort, I almost got him,
but I didn't so....that's cool.
I got 1/2 box of boosters of
Neo:Discovery. =/
-Props to Erik for winning!!! Victreebel 0wnz
j00 f00.
-Props to Somexxguy for beating me twice.
-Props to Reepicheep
for helping with the deck.
-Props to Denise and her family for taking
-Props to all of the non-gatrs.
-Props to me for playing the only
Erika Anti-Gatr(besides Erik's Sis)
- Slops to the 5 of 8
gatrs in the Top 8....too many!
- Slops to Smeagle for costing me a
- Slops to me for not going 5-1 b/c of Smeargle...=/
Thanks for
not sleeping!
Ryan Byrd a.k.a "Buffy the Pimp"
AIM-Nightblade Hawk and
Pojo- Sliverblade(yes, I mispelled Silver on