(Pojo Note: Writer didn't tell us where this STS was played ???, or how many energy in the deck???)


                     My STS Qualifier Experience
The Deck:
4x Cyndaquil (Fireworks & Quick Attack)
4x Quilava (1 Char, 3 Fire Wind…..Fire Wind is amazing!)
3x Typhlosion (2 Fire Recharge, 1 Flame Boost to kill babies)
3x Blaine’s Vulpix
3x Blaine’s Ninetails (Hey Burn up’s amazing just Blaine em back)
2x Blaine’s Magmar (Tech tech and more tech!)
2x Cleffa (Hey, It’s cleffa!)
1x Magby
1x The Rocket’s Trap (Tech)
3x Prof. Elm
4x Blaine
2x Misty’s Wrath
3x Sabrina’s Gaze
2x Focus Band
1x Gold Berry (I only had one)
It was going to be 7 rounds of swiss then the top 8 elimination
Round 1: VS. Cocky Kid with Feraligatr.
First Turn I had a Cleffa active and a benched Cyndaquil to his Active cleffa and benched Totodile, He attatched a water to Totodile, retreated and attempted to Fury swipes and failed. My turn I attatched a fire to cleffa and eeeeeked. Next turn energy to cyndaquil and eeeeked. Next turn I evolved to the Char quilava and attatched a fire and retreated and smokescreened, (that whole time fury swipes failed)
He then evolved to quilava and attempted to tackle and failed
I then attatched a fire and charred and flipped heads for the counter. Next turn he took 20 from char and I killed it next turn
I then evolved to Typhlosion (Fire Recharge, and I attached an energy and killed his totodile, (It was pretty much like that the whole game until he had wrathed until he had 8 cards left. He then wrathed again and evolved another totodile to croconaw with no energys and passed. I then double gusted and asked if that was game, turns out it was game too.
Record 1-0       3 Points
Round 2 vs. some kid with a bad promo hitmontop deck.
I don’t remember how this went but he spilled pop on my cards and wrecked one of my typhlosions, I ended up losing because my sleeves were messed up and I couldn’t shuffle, I talked to the judge after the match and she declared it a draw and told him he had to buy me new sleeves and a new typhlosion.
1-0-1            4 Points
Round 3, Versus Feraligatr
The kid complained because one of my cleffas was Japanese so I had to find another cleffa because of the Japanese back.
But hey it’s a good feraligatr deck so I lost anyway.
1-1-1             4 Points
Round 4, versus Sabrina’s Alakazam, S.I. Mew and MP Mewtwo
I lost this because I was busy with refilling my deck with good sleeves I bought.
1-2-1.  4 Points………..
Round 5 versus Rocket’s Zapdos and something else.
I wasn’t messin around this game if I even wanted to make top 16 I would’ve had to start playin hard.  I won this easy because I was actually determined.
He started with like 3 Rocket’s Zapdos and I ko’d em all wit typhlosion.
2-2-1    7 points
Round 6     versus another Sabrina deck
Why can’t people understand that these decks look good for combos but they’re so bad.
Another win
3-2-1       10 points

Round 7   versus ………….Feraligatr
He got out feraligatr third turn and ko’d everything easy
Well I ended up coming in 38th out of like 78-79 or something.
I won nothing.  But hey it was my first big big tournament, and I  just got back into pokemon in August.
Any questions or comments, you can contact me at