The Great One's Return by Will London
                                                                       Toys R Us
                                                                       Saturday,August 25 2001
                                                                       8-12 Participants
Hey PoJo,I was in a tourney today,and played faithful
Sneasel.Guys,I really wasn't gonna enter this tourney at first.
I've got a losing streak as long as my house,so my self esteem
was way down.But I did,and here's the newest verision (my old
one is in your box Satoshi lol)
Pokemon 13
3 Sneasel
2 Electabuzz
2 Murkrow
1 Chancey
3 Ditto
2 Cleffa
Trainers 32
4 Oak
2 Item Finder
3 Lass
3 Energy Removal
3 PlusPower
2 Eco Gym
2 Professor Elm (Power to the Elms!)
3 Gold Berry
1 Scoop Up
Energy 15
6 Lightning
4 Dark
2 Rainbow
I took out the Zappy because it's an energy hog,and once it falls it hits the ground hard.
At least in my deck,because removal is popular.
Round 1vs. Matty with Gatr Blastoise
I new my main strategy would be take out squirtles now,KO totodiles
later.Luckily for me he starts with a lone squirtle,me with buzz.
He draws,and bubbles with no paralyze.I draw,play lightning,pluspower,
oak,pluspower for the win.
Round 2 vs. Jared (!) with STS Phlosion and B. Arcy
As uneven as it sounds,he beat me earlier.
He starts with cleffa,me with Krow.I draw and lock him in.
He puts some basics down and eeeeeeeks.I play a second
Darkness on Krow,and take out cleffa.I take out everything else
with some pluspowers,and a double-edge wins me the game.
Round 3
Round 4 vs. Chris w/Dark Golduck Movie Mew2
We start out my ditto against his Mewtwo.He goes first
Oak and energy absorb combo.I oak 3 times,
put a DCE on Ditto,and I forget the rest.I know
killed one ditto,and my Sneasels and Buzzs did the rest.
I won 6-1
Round 5
Round 6
Finals vs. Maccy w/gatr
He has to beat me twice to claim first.
All I remember is that 2nd turn I have a lightning
and a Darkness on buzz,I gust out a Dile,and KO it.
He plays another Dile and energy to it.Gust it out,Gold Berry,Pluspower,boom
He slaps down another one,energy to it.Gust,kill it.He throws down another one,
and this time it becomes Gatr.Buzz gets SER'ed.I bring in murkrow with dark
and lightning and in two turns Gatr has 60 on it.I used an ER on it too I think.
He draws his last card,if it's Time Capsule,he has it pretty much won.Chris is standing behind him and
said,"You just won Will"
At this point I probably could have cried.I was so happy,I finally won a tourney again,broke the losing
streak,and I was so happy I started break-dancing on the floor.It's time for propz and slopz
MASSIVE,HUMONGUS,PROPZ to,Jared,Maccy,and Chris for helping me fix the deck today.
I'm in your debt guys.
to Matty for being a new reign of terror soon I bet.
to rookies of this game,they probably work hardest just to make it past round 2.
to me for first,and finally being able to do the Spinaroonie!
to books-a-million for challenging us to SUDDEN DEATH MATCHES!
More like "The Sudden Death of Books-a-Million"
My e-mail is  Any help would be greatly,and the Will means GREATLY,appreciated.
Peace out-Sneasel999