name: Justin (flip) Carver
deck: Charlie's angels V1.6
place: comic city
date: 9/2/01
10 people tourney
state: Michigan
age: 12
hello all you poke' freaks this is flip (you may know me from the bailey center in westland) with the Michigan famous CHARLIES ANGELS DECK!
the tourney was the first they had and sadly many people dropt out 2nd round (man!)
4 sneasel
3 scyther
3 ditto
2 cleffa
1 elekid (tech)
3 oak
1 elm
4 computer search
4 item finder
3 gust of wind
3 super energy removal
3 gold berry
2 energy charge
2 no removal gym
2 ecogym
1 nightly garbage run (tech)
1 RSA (tech)
4 darkness
4 rainbow
4 recycle
2 full heal
well here's the tournament!
round one vs a kid with a magikarp deck!
I won the coin flip and led with scyther and a sneasel on the bench. he led with a karp. I put a rainbow on scyther and used sword dance. he used plus power and tackeld for 20. I put a DCE on scyther and slashed for 60 and the win!
here's were it got weird! 3 out of 10 dropt out and I got a bye and sat it out!
a little kid said that I was going to be a easy opponent so guess who I battled next?
round 3 vs little dude
he played a rocket's zappy deck and won the flip. he opened with a TR zapdoz and I a ditto! he played a oak and passed. I searched for DCE and put it on ditto and plasmaed for 20. he laid down a cleffa and put a energy on the bird and passed for some reason? I then played a new search and got another DCE and played it on ditto and KO'D the zapdos he put out cleffa and gave up.
round 4 vs some fat kid
it was easy! I had sneasel active and a cleffa benched he had only a igglybuff I put a rainbow on the weasel and a gold berry and got heads on the baby rule and fury swiped for 20. he passed and well...I won!
round 5 vs a rain dance deck
OK... last match alas the heat is on I won the flip the kid led with a base set squirtle and had 2 on the bench. I opened with cleffa and had elekid and sneasel benched. I put a dark on sneasel and used playful punch on the turtle for the kill. he then put a energy on on of the squirtles and passed I then put a dark on sneasel and retreated. sneasel came out and beat up the pokemon. he played a breeder and evolved into blastoise! he had no energies so he was hosed! I then beat up the blast for the win!!
I won a booster pack nothing special!
to my school, north middle school!
to Nicole Mckeveer
to my deck
to Travis C. at the bailey center