TheElectroBeating(electric and darkness)

by TSM date september 23,2001

subang jaya,malaysia


here is a deck that i used to get 2nd in a tournament in wizards trading


3 electabuzz(same with sneasle)

2 rocket zapdos(more to plasma)

2 cleffa(draw power)

2 igglybuff(slowking)

2 ditto(mini clefable)

2 sneasel(main attacker)

1 magby(anti blastoise)


3 com. search(duh)

3 item finder(duh)

3 super e removal(shoot those unwanted "fat" down)

2 energy removal (same as above)

2 oak(draw power)

1 elm(draw power)

4 gold berry(cure to the pain)

2 gust of wind(u can retreat but u can't hide....)

1 switch(just 4 fun)

2 nightly garbage run(incase of deckout and to recharge those lightning energy)


3 darkness energy(for sneasle,of course)

3 recycle energy(ammo 4 ser)

1   double colourless energy(some flavor to diito)

11 lightning energy(electabuzz's and plasma's best freind)


tournament report

round one

me vs player with scyther/sneasle/electa./rocket zapdos deck

this match was good for me because i drew one sneasle, one darkness

one cleffa,one oak, and 3 lightning enrgy.he started with a electabuzz

if i am not mistaken and had a bad hand.for me i oak and managed

to oaked a darkness 4 second turn beat up.



round two

me vs player with kangaskhan and some other pokemon deck

i don't remember much but i won beacuse of sneasle



round three

me vs kid with lt. surge pikachu, raichu and electabuzz deck

i saw this kid played earlier, so i knew i was goind to use

ser very often because the lt. surge pikachu can be quite

hard to kill when it turns into lt surge raichu.i managed

to use fury swipes with recycle energy because my darkness

energy was then ser'ed.but i managed to won using electabuzz

and rocket zapdos for the finishing touches.



round four

me vs richard(the only person that i rembered the name in the tournament) with slowking/electabuzz/sneasle deck

this match was a hard one beacuse he is playing a deck that i hate the most.SLOWKING.

but things went on,and during my 4 turn i was shocked when i com. search and found

out that 2 fo my oak's was in my the award goes to cleffa and elm.but his slowking

was not a problem to me because he only had one out and i have 2 igglybuff

i then gust' out his slowking and slowly kill it with my electabuzz.i knew he could not

swithed his slowking because he discarded 2 of them(switch) at the second turn

for a com the oak's at the prize turn out to be good when i won him

because he deck'ed out.if the oak's was in my deck i would have decked out 1st.

now i was going to the last round that decide wheter i will get 3 packs or 2 packs

for the prize.(1st gets 3packs , 2nd gets 2packs)



round 5

me vs player with  similar deck with richard

well.... buzz,got killed i killed his rockets zapdos and slowpoke thru ditto with dce,recycle,and lightning

energy using electro burn and watergun(man thats nice...) but i lost because i deck'ed out.



well the wining streak come to an end and i got 2 neo genesis packs.the 1st pack was a mary,someone

laughed at me but the second one was a  SLOWKING....... wooo!!!.looks like it is 2 more king's to go

before i make the ElectroBurningGames deck.


props and slops



1st round 4 such a nice hand

oak for being at prize at 4th round




oak for making me lose


if there is any spelling erors in this report

magby i never used it for its main reason because no blastoise player matched with me