JuMpLuFf Madness 3
by Pat Kennedy (nikePK)
Oak Court Mall
Memphis, TN
Saturday, September 15, 2001
10 participants

 Yep, this was the Memphis Qualifier, my sister competed in the main tourney, but since I’m 16, I did a side event.  The side event was Open Constructed ( us standard ) with 5 round swiss breaking down into the top 4.  The matches were 25 min. long, even though my games never reached the limit.  I didn’t get a chance to know everyone since I had to leave when I got done playing, so I don’t know anyone’s names.  Anyway, here’s the deck.

4 Hoppip
4 Skiploom
3 Jumpluff
4 Scyther
2 Chansey
2 Pichu
3 Cleffa

3 Prof Elm
3 Prof Oak
3 Gust of wind
4 Energy Removal
2 Super energy removal
2 Narrow Gym
2 Nightly Garbage Run

9 Grass
3 Metal

 Well, with this deck you basically try to start out nice and smooth.  I usually have a Skiploom out 2nd turn without any problem ( I certainly didn’t today ).  Skiploom’s poison powder is incredibly lethal and then the Jumpluff’s sleep attack is very nice.  They only need 1 energy to attack which allows you to build up a Chansey with a few metals or Scythers.  The deck also can go up against high removal because of Skip and Jump’s low costs.  Well here’s the tourney, I’ll tell it in storybook form to make it seem interesting.

Chapter 1 ( Battle 1 )  Jumpluff 3’s first real life tourney.
Jumpluff Madness vs Jiggly/Wiggly

 This guy had Erika’s puffs and jungle puffs along with Wiggly.  We started out fairly well, he tried to load up the jiggly on his bench while I removed his energy.  He did the same to my scyther.  I got a Chansey powered up and ko’d his wiggly which had Ko’d one of my Hoppip ( I had the whole fam in hand too!!) He tried to get another Wiggly going and I started to beat up his erika’s puff’s and then he tried to lullaby my scyther with his Wiggly.  I woke up every time and slashed it to pieces.  He couldn’t really attack with anything so he ended up decking out.

1-0 3 points.

Chapter 2 ( Battle 2 ) Jumpluff tries to face the waves.
Jumpluff Madness vs Raindance w/ quagsire and others

 Ouch, I started out decently but he throws down a turn 2 Blastoise without even using a drawing card. He then proceeds to elm and ko some pokemon. (details on this game are a bit fuzzy, sorry) I finally take out Blastoise, then my Chansey takes out an Articuno and another Articuno.  But he gets another Blastoise out and Jumpluff and Skiploom take a one shot beating. Scyther tried to fend off and so did Chansey but it just wasn’t  enough.  He wins by taking his prizes, I fought valiantly and took 4 of mine though.

1-1  3 points.

Chapter 3 ( Battle 3 ) Jumpluff puts on Cruise Control.
Jumpluff Madness vs Hay

 This mighta been my 4th battle, but it really doesn’t matter.  He starts out with a gligar and a r’s zappy.  I start out with a Scyther and Hoppip.  He goes first and attaches dce to gligar… he slashes then realizes his mistake.  I dance.  He removes me I think, then plasmas.  I evolve hop to skip and poison powder him.  He then scoops up and then plays him again and plasmas me.  I poison powder him again and then he plasmas me back.  I got scyther loaded up and knock him out.  He gets a few more basics one of em being neo magmar who tries to get powered up on the bench.  I get Jumpluff out and slash some more while loading up a Chansey.  He sees that if he sends out magmar he’s gonna get killed with double edge so he keeps it back there and I ko some more guys. I gust out magmar and DE him and then its all downhill for him even after he finally gets an oak.

2-1   6 points

Chapter 4 ( Battle 4 ) Jumpluff tries to ride the Riptide.
Jumpluff Madness vs Feraligatr deck w/ neo magmar and scyther

 Well this match was a good one.  He gets the gatr out pretty easily and I thought I was doomed.  I get Jumpluff and Skiplooms to get a few hits on him while scyther and Chansey get powered up.  He kills off my  Jumpluff with one riptide attack but I get another one later on in the game.  Pichu does a bit of damage to him  and then Scyther hurts him.  Skiploom finishes him off with a poison powder.  His other Feraligatr gets some ko’s but I take him down with Jumpluff and Chansey.  The most annoying thing though was that he kept on getting switches to get rid of the status effects  I put on him so poison kept leaving him.  He finally gets out his grass counter ( neo mag ).  He’s got 2 of em out and I’m in a predicament.  I’ve got a scyther damaged which will die from one Tail slap, a gust, and 3 dmg on both his magmars. I check my hand…hmm Hoppip… he’s gonna win me the game.  I send out Hoppip and Hop for 10 to put 4 on his  magmar.  He retreats magmar and puts in scyther hoping to stall me out, but I retreat, gust out the magmar and slash for the win with 2 or 3 cards left in my deck… whew!

3-1 9 points

Chapter 5 ( Battle 5 ) Jumpluff tries his hand (or whatever he’s got ) at Luck.
Jumpluff Madness vs Sneasel/King

 Oh yea, he took advantage of this one early on.  He got out a Sneasel but I was able to counter with a narrow after a while.  The most he got was 4 benched pokemon the whole game so his Beat up wasn’t that much of a threat.  He took about 3 prizes when he gets 2 Slowking out.  I finally get a Cleffa and energy and try to mount a comeback.  He beats up for 60 to my scythers and I get a Chansey with a metal on it and ko his Sneasel.  His other Sneasel comes out and takes it down to 1 prize for him.  Ok, its do or die time. My hand is FULL of trainers, so I decide to use em.  I get a computer search off (thank the lord ) to get another Metal for my Chansey ( so he won’t kill himself when I DE ) then a few more trainers such as ER SER go back onto my deck…. then he gets 2 tails on Oak… So I get all those trainers back that I used and I try a few more and I think I get an Elm off.  I ko Sneasel.  Then its all up to this…  He can’t attack with anything cuz his Chansey only has 1 energy on it. but he gets to retreat it for a Sneasel with a dark on it.  He needs all 3 fury swipe heads to win the game.  heads…. Heads…. omg argh cmon coin!!!! …… Hea…..TAILS!!!!  Chansey’s got a 110 damage on it… I bench him and slash with scyther.  He plays rainbow and beats up…. 50 to me…. I slash and ko him and he can’t attack with anything else and he decks…. thank ya coin!!!!!  That win kept me in 3rd spot… If I would have lost I’d be in 5th unable to go on to the top 4.

4-1 3rd spot so far

Chapter 6 ( Battle 6 )  It Downpours in Jumpluff’s Jungle.
JM vs Gatr  ( again )

 Yep, he wants revenge… I start with a long hoppip and go 2nd against his neo magmar and a couple of other basics.  I take 40 first turn then I removal him and Cpu for Chansey then Elm and get a Skippy in hand so I sprout and get another Hoppip.  He kills off Hoppip and I start getting ready with Chansey.  I evolve to skippy and gust in a Croc and poison powder.  He plays a switch, and misty’s wrath’s about 3 times and oaks and then ko’s my skiploom.  Chansey comes out and kills off magmar.  I don’t remember much else except toward the end.  I need to take 3 prizes, he needs two.  he’s got totodile scyther and 2 magmars.  I ko totodile with a scyther and then that scyther takes 40.  Now, his active is a magmar.  If I go out there and slash him my scyther will die, which is very bad.  I have Chansey and I get another metal on him (making that 2) and now his magmar won’t be able to kill me.  I ko one of his pokemon, and now its 1 to 1 and I have 1 card left in my deck.  I DE, he has no bench so I win on account that I win on 2 terms and he only on 1 so I won, he had a scyther in his hand but he didn’t put it down!

Chapter 7 ( Finals ) Jumpluff’s Sky High Finale.
JM vs Blastoise and co.

 He beat me before and I was sure he was gonna beat me again.  This game though I found a wonderful combo that helped me take out 2 of his Blastoise and that was to have skiploom do 20 to his squirtle. Then he’d evolve to Blast, kill Skippy then Chansey would kill Blast….without Blast I could ER his pokemon to high heaven.  So I did that 2 times and we both make a few mistakes, I played wrong card, he forgot to attack.  Eventually he has a squirtle out trying to keep paralyzing me.  After I kill that with a scyther, I just gust out an empty energy Articuno and he decks out and I win the side event!!!!!!

Jumpluff made more of an impact on the games than I wrote down here, I wish I coulda written the games down as I played them though.  Especially vs Feraligatr Jumpluff really helped me out.  For the WCSTS they should do US Standard, as I’ve seen today, not everyone is gonna play a Sneasel/ Slowking deck.

Thanks for your time people, I hoped you enjoyed my report.  And the next time you laugh at someone’s Hoppip you just better remember this report.  If some of the facts are wrong, sorry, like I said its hard to remember all that stuff.

Props go out to everyone who played in the side tourney, It was a challenge the whole time and you never knew for sure if you were gonna win or not.

Best card of the day has to go to Chansey here, he just helped me Ko so many powerhouse guys.  Skiploom gets 2nd for being out every game almost 2nd turn letting me attack quickly and deadly.  Cya’s later

      Pat Kennedy  (nikePK)

“Victory is just a Hop, Skip, and a Jumpluff away =þ”

Comments?  email at PANDNKENNEDY@prodigy.net