crazy water
craig miros
the HEROzone
sandusky OH,

to give our minds a break, in the aftermath, my son (1-2-64 .i'm a geezer who plays pokie) and I  headed to the HEROzone for our weekly battle.  this deck was listed before as the moss deck, but it has been compleatly re-tooled, with power results.  included also are results from an earlier event at SIX Flags, where this deck was also used.  a special HANG TOUGH to pokie friends in NYC, and others left behind.


4 base set seel
4 base set dewgong
2 base set squirtle
1 base set wartortle
1 base set blastoise
2 rocket set magikarp
2 base set gyarados
1 mantine (undulate attack)
2 base set dratini
2 rocket set Dark Dragonair
3 cleffa ( EeeeeeeK attack variety)
1 base set jigglypuff
1 fossil set Wigglytuff
1 fossil set Exeggcute
1 base set Exeggutor

2 Chaos gym
1 narrow gym
2 Item Finder
1 computer search
1 nighty garbage run


17 water
4   dark
4   double colorless

deck strategy: the key to this deck is the chaos gym.  this slows down the use of all trainers ( think about it: if they get tails, YOU   get to use THEIR card!)  Since trainers are slowed down, the second key card is the cleffas, a virtual "professor elm".  the baby rule protects it, and with 3 of them,  I almost always get one.   the third key card is the Dark Dragonair.  evolutionary light gets the ball rolling fast, and with trainers slowed down, it gets around the "breeder" card.  with the dark energy charging it up, this can become an attack card  ( 4 dark is 40 + the base damage of 20 = 60, with a good coin flip, 80... WOW!) usually in about 3 to 4 turns, something is evolved enough to attack.  for variety, an exeggutor and wigglytuff were worked in (in the event that I face an electric attack).  

match 1.
the kid hit me early by knocking out my cleffa.  couldn't get the dragonair out, and my dewgongs charged up enough.  even with the chaos gym out, he got me quick.
match 2
the kid had a grass deck, and got an early start by hitting a dewgong, exeggutor,and then a cleffa.  in the meantime, my dragonair was pumping the bench full of evolution.  the chaos  allowed me to use HIS  energy removal,  HIS garbage run, AND HIS computer search! I got out a cleffa, charged it with water, sent it out, used raindance on the 1 gyarados and 2 other dewgongs, and started sending them out.  in 4 turns, I was down to 2 prizes to his 3.  in the meantime, i was drawing dark, and had the D. Dragon fully charged.
I finished him off with the d. Dragon.

match 3
this kid used the same strategy as me ( chaos gym), but uses a hard raindance deck ( 3 blastoises) . this was an even fight to the end.  even with his 3 blastoises out, I was able to hit him with an exeggutor with 2 d-colorless cards( 4 coin flips, yeah!)  we were pounding each other out, he with his blastose's and me with my "El Dewbongs".  
I took a chance and flipped to get a garbage run.  I lost it, and gave him back another blastoise. we nearly decked each other, but i beat him just in time.

match 4
played my son, with his fire-fighting deck.  he chared me, and knowing what my deck does, helped him stay alive ( Jake streched kicked me like a dog!) .  I dewbong'ed him for 3 wins,  and then caught him with my D. Dragonair, fully charged.

Match 5 (six flags)
played a kid who thought her 4 blaines charizards could get me.  she wanted to use a dice for coin flipping, and I said no; we'll use a Quarter.  Apparently, she had trouble flipping,  and when she was using her trainers, they went dead..  she got one win, and  I cleaned her out with my Gyrados and dewbongs.

match 6 (six flags)
kids grass deck hit me early, and hard.  I couldn't get a decent basic out, and they had me in 7 turns. ( they took my cleffa's out early).

the kid's grass deck, with a little electric.  survived the electric attacks for three wins, but they got  my cleffas, my exeggutor, and enough water types to win.


props-    THIS DECK IS WICKED!!   the players at theHEROzone are tough, 'cause when we went to six flags,  jacob went 5-0 and i went 1-2 against weakness.   Props to all my opponents at Six flags Great adventure,   you kids are allright!

slops - six flags great adventure (A.K.A. SICK flags)  they had their promo on the old sea world, but didn't let you park there, you had to walk a mile to get to the show,   AND THEN the set up was compact, so play of nintendo or tcg was rough.  worse, just around some trees was the rest of the WB setup, with a open pavillion, lots of shade, plenty of room, and UNUSED.....WHY???  I guess thats why CEDAR POINT RULZ!!!!
