Crush Down v1.1 (Fire/Steel)
By Kardshark
Schumer’s Cards and Comics
Centerville, Ohio
Sunday, July 14th, 2002
18 Participants
Hi! Kardshark
(Yes, with a “K”) here! I just got back from the tournament and I did
pretty good! I spent quite a while on Saturday thinking about what to use
with Steelix (I always use it, until I just completely get killed in a
tournament) and then after a few hours it hit me, Arcanine! So
here’s me deck!
Crush Down v1.1
Pokemon: 18
4 Growlithe (Legendary Collection)
3 Arcanine (Legendary Collection)
3 Steelix (Genesis)
2 Onix (Genesis)
2 Onix (Legendary Collection)
1 Elekid (Genesis)
3 Cleffa (Genesis)
Trainers: 24
3 Gold Berry (Genesis)
2 Nightly Garbage Run (Rocket)
3 Focus Bands (Genesis)
2 Pokemon Breeder Fields (Revelation)
3 Bill (Legendary Collection)
3 Professor Elm (Genesis)
1 Energy Charge (Genesis)
1 Warp Point (Challenge)
1 Super Energy Retrieval (Genesis)
2 Balloon Berry (Revelation)
1 Healing Fields (Revelation)
1 Time Capsule (Genesis)
1 Double Gust (Genesis)
Energy: 18
12 Fire Energy
4 Metal Energy (Metal Energy)
2 Rainbow Energy (Rocket)
Well, that’s my deck! But now on to the rounds! (We had 5 rounds
followed by top 8 cut)
Round 1 V.S. David Mack
Deck: Water Deck (Both Gatr)
This game wasn’t much! I just got out Arcanine fully charged turn 4 and
then killed the only basic I had a Marill! So this game was easy, but the
hard games were still to come!
Round 2 V.S. (can’t recall his name)
Deck: Riptide
This game was something else! We drew prizes and killed pokemon back and
forth! Then for a while I was running on a Elekid while trying to get a
way to get back some card to get a my Arcanine! I eventually got NGR and
got him back followed by a Elm and managed to draw it and that was game!
The main reason he lost was that he used 4 Misty’s Wrath on his
first turn and lost some Elms there, he basically lost all his speed before he
had drawn his third or fourth prize! Overall, it was a very good game!
Round 3 V.S. Mathew Brockman
Deck: Hydrocutter- Triple Kick
This game was downright pathetic! We both could not draw a thing.
He managed to kill a Growlithe and and Onix with his Hitmontop, but then
I actually got a Steelix ready for Tackle and he couldn’t flip heads for Triple
Kick! So I won the game by Tackling four times (he got heads on Focus
Band) But as I said it was pathetic as you could guess the next few cards
in our deck and the prizes were where all of the good cards were! But as
a said I won!
Round 4 V.S. Steve G.
Deck: Espeon- Umbreon Deck
This game was the toughest game I had today! All I had in the beginning
was Growlithe which I evolved but then in order to stall he played the
new promo mew (The one with the pokemon that makes it untoucable by evolved
pokemon) He then got Espeon out, followed by Umbreon, and then almost got
another Espeon out! How I won I will never understand, I was behind the
entire game from turn one, but the flips were with me all the way from Focus
Bands to Healing Field to baby powers! And then Arcanine saved me again!
Round 5 V.S. Brian (I think)
Deck: Dark Deck (Umbreon, Dark Espeon)
At first, I was sort of worried, but then when he got out a Umbreon with two
dark on him and a Psychic and used bite instead of Feint Attack, I knew
right then that I had the game (I won with Arcanine with Steelix ready to go in
case of a problem)
So ya I won all five rounds, but seeing the layout for the quarter finals I was
already dreading it! My next round was against a kid named Zach, he is no
pushover. (Me and him have tossed wins around for more than a year now)
Quarterfinals V.S. Zach Grubbs
Deck: Riptide Deck
Basically he grabbed several prizes, but not without taking lots of damage on
both of his feraligatr. At the moment he had his Suicune (non-holo)
out and used double gust to bring out my Arcanine to kill it but I chose
his the non charged 110 damaged gatr but Suicune isn’t affected by trainers
thus he sent out his 110 damaged charged Gatr and won the game!
So overall in the tournament I was 5-1 and I’m very pleased with my deck!
Next time I will hopefully do better! Thanks for your time!
See ya!