PE Burn (Psychic, Electric)

by Benjamin R. (Silver Suicune)

Roosevelt Field Shopping Center
Garden City, New York

Saturday, June 15th, 2003
About 10 people


Hello! Ben or Silver Suicune here with another deck to rot your mind!XD Today was the Electric Season Tournament and it was great. Here is my deck and the report!:)


Pokemon 18

4 Slowpoke (3 NG, 1 Fossil)

4 Slowking (NG)

3 Rocket's Zapdos

2 Electabuzz (Base)

2 Promo Mewtwo (MP)

1 Rocket's Mewtwo

2 Cleffa (NG)


Trainers 18

4 Pluspower

4 Super Energy Removal (SER)

3 Oak


3 Gold Berry

1 Misty's Wrath


Energies 24

11 Psychic Energy

11 Electric

2 Metal


This deck is my only deck. In case you wondering PE Burn means Psy and Electro Burn. Mewtwo and RZ have "Burn" in their attacks. Get it? Got it? Good. GO


I am known as the "Slowking Kid" at the leauge I go to, weird huh? Anyway I had 14 wins while some had around the areas of 12, 17, 6, or 0. The first round was against this dude who hates me and he kept cursing under his breath when ever he was losing. The rounds were 10 minutes each.


Round 1

Dude Who Hates Me (Dark Gengar Deck) VS PE Burn

I mulligan. Then my opening hand is a Super Energy Removal, a Pluspower, 2 Psychic Energies, 2 Metal Energies, and a Rocket's Zapdos. Perfect j/k He opens up with a Kangaskhan. I win the flip and draw an Electric Energy. I decide to save my Pluspower for later and I use Plasma. He attaches a P to his Kangaskhan and uses Fetch. I draw a Misty's Wrath and use it to get a Mewtwo and and a Psychic Energy. I play Mewtwo and attach an E to RZ. I use Plasma and take the E from my discard pile and attach to RZ. He plays a Gastly and a some other pokemon, then he attaches a Psychic Energy to Kanga and plays Healing Fields. He flips heads and heals his Kanga for 20. Fetch. I draw a Gold Berry and attach it and a Metal to Rocket's Zapdos. Burn. 10 HP Kanga left. He attaches a P to his Gastly and passes. I draw a Slowpoke and play it. Burn and a prize for me. He sends out the other pokemon and attaches a P to his Gastly and evolves to Fossil Haunter. He passes and I draw a Cleffa. I attach a Metal Energy to it and Burn his Pokemon. He goes and sends out his Haunter, attaches a P to it, plays an Eevee (I think), and evolves to Dark Gengar. He uses Pull in on my RZ. I flip 2 heads and wake up. I draw a Slowking and evolve the 'poke. I Electroburn his Dark Gengar. Wait a minute! He evolved it from a Haunter not a Dark Haunter. I tell him to take the Dark Gengar back to his hand and just have a Haunter. The Haunter had 60 on it, so it was Ko'ed. I draw a prize, a P energy. He has Eevee out now and tries to use Energy Ark. I flip heads for Slowking and he passes. Burn wins the game.


1-0-0 (20 Points)


Round 2

Matt Shaffer (Colorless Deck with a bit of Water and Electric)

My opening hand was a RZ, Buzz, Gold Berry, 2 E and 2 P. He opens up with a Porygon active (N4), a Porygon benched, and a Dratini (N4). I start with RZ. I lose the flip. He uses PC Search for a DCE, then a failed Rocket's Trap. He attaches it 'Gon and Sharpens me. I draw an Oak. Attach a GB to RZ along with an E. I use Oak to get a Cleffa, GOW, Metal Energy, Mewtwo, P energy, Oak, and a SER. I play Mewtwo and Cleffa and use Plasma. I take E from my discard and attach it to RZ. Matt uses Bill and plays a Promo Buzz, attaches an E to it, and Sharpens me, but I remove 40 with Gold Berry. I draw an RZ and play it. I use Plasma to get another E from my discard. He plays Energy Stadium and Bill. He plays a Marrep and uses Breeder Fields on Dratini and 'rrep. He gets heads Dratini and gets Light Dragonite. Pokemon Breeder for his Dratini. He uses Energy Stadium for a E to attach to Light 'nite. He uses Sharpen. I draw another GB and attach that and a Metal to RZ. Burn. GB removes 40. He sends out Light Nite and uses Energy Stadium for an E for his Buzz. He passes. I draw a Psychic Energy. I attach it to my Benched RZ and use SER. I use GOW to bring in his Buzz and I use Burn. He sends up Light Nite but alas, TIMES UP. I lead 4-6.


2-0-0 (40 Points)


Round 3


I don't remember anything about this match except we tied in prizes and time was up. The Gym Leader fliped a coin, if heads I win, if tails I lose:-\ He flipped heads:)



Round 4

SA (Ampharos Deck)

This dude eliminated me from the Rainbow Tourney and it was time for payback........ wait a sec the League's over? The Gym Leader gives us both the win and the tourney:)




6 Electric Energy



Everyone for being a good sport.


My Deck

Our Gym Leader



None! I had a great time:)