Running Water
Troy Corrales
Las Vegas NV
July 16 2002
Booster Draft

Hey pojo troy here with my second deck report and hopefully you'll post it.  The format was gym challenge and legendary.  i got at the tourney at about 10:45 and the store opened at 11 so we waited a while and finnaly the draft started.  Tons of newbies and some older people like JR not junior, J.R.  we started the draft we got off count a couple of times because of the newbies but i got what i needed i'll show you what i drafted.
Running Water
1 erikas jigglypuff
2 blaines Rapidash
3 b ponyta
3 dewgong
3 seel
2 tauros
1 warp point
1 challenge
1 sabrina's psychic control
1 potion
1 blaines quiz #2
10 fire
9 water
2 potion energy
nice draft huh well onto the battles

round 1
me vs some kid(sorry forgot name)with grass
first game i started with erikas jiggly him with all 40hp or less pokemon i took out a couple of pokemon with e jiggly and powrin up a blaines rapidash i won.  next game wasnt any different so i got a win.

round 2
me vs some kids friend with another grass
all that i saw was nidoran male and i had a powered up jiggly he got ticked because i was beating pretty bad. 2 game wasnt any different except i used more rapidash.

round 3
me vs some kid(sorry forgot) with another grass deck
whats up with the grass everyone used pshycic so whats your guy's problem he had g nidoqueen i had late in the match a powered up jiggly and a dewgong i eventually won taking out his only g nidoqueen.2 match he couldnt get anything powered up thanx to b rapidash.

final four
i was paired up with some guy with a cololess deck so i knew he had e jiggly and i couldnt get anything powered because of a bad hand that stinks.

final four
i faced christen my friend almost beat him so i thought i would win.  he was beatin the s$^#$ out of me util i could get a dewgong going and it came down to a flip the flip went so slow knowing tails i won and heads he won so it landed on TAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!! i got third place and got store credit and got 1 genisis booster and rocket i got a steelix and a dark riachu.
this was a good tourney and i'll have another one sunday.

troy Corrales