Vanilla BONUS!
Brett Hurley
Atomic Comics
Mesa, Arizona
Saturday July 13,  2002
About 15 participants.
2 dollar tournament fee

Oi vey.  Our tournament organizer has been making all sorts of crazy formats for the last couple months now.  and finally, the Unlimited tournament has arrived! YEEHAW!  I love this format because I get to use my ALL Japanese deck (It's a deck with every card in Japanese, pretty explanitory).  I've used the deck for a year, and the only thing that changes in the deck are the tools and stadiums.  I love toying around with different combonations.  And this time, I have a WICKED DEADLY tool-stadium combo at my arsenal.
Keep in mind, this is not a DCI sanctioned tournament (I dislike the DCI anyway) and it's an unlimited tournament and we always play 4 prizes instead of 6.  We also play a 4 game-Swiss style tournament.  Basically, you play 4 games no matter what, and whomever has the 8 top winning scores goes on to the finals.  The games go faster that way. here's the deck!

Vanilla BONUS!

4 Jungle Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
3 Fossil Grimer
3 Fossil Muk
3 Cleffa
2 Yanma

4 Professor Oak
4 Computer Search
4 Counterattack Claws
3 Item Finder
3 Energy Removal
3 Gust Of Wind
2 Nightly Garbage Run
2 Super Enegry Removal
2 Energy Charge
2 Minefield Gym

6 Grass Energy
4 Double Colorless Energy
3 Recycle Energy

The deck is, quite simply, an Anti-EVERYTHING/ALL deck.  It's built in a way that you can throw any deck in front of it, and it will have something that will disrupt your strategy in a VERY BAD way.
I use Fossil Muk to shut down Pokemon Powers.  This way, the opponent is just reduced to offensive strength.
I use Wigglytuff because of Colorless versatility.  He can take advantage of Recycle Energy and Double Colorless in which Sneasel cannot.  And he can use Grass Energy as well.
Cleffa should be FAIRLY obvious
and Yanma is used because during the time when I was trading for the cards in the deck, I realized the deck had no Pluspower whatsoever.  Meaning that anything that was 70 HP would take Wigglytuff 2 turns to kill.  Yanma actually ACTS as a pluspower for the deck.  It's rare that I use him, but when I do, it is ABSOLUTELY necessary.

And here's the tool-stadium strategy:  If I have miefield out, and they set down a basic and attack me that turn (when I have counterattack claws attached).  There's a possible chance of them receiving 40 damage without me even TOUCHING them.  C.A. Claws and Miefield Gym act as my 2nd and 3rd form of Pluspower (Yanma is the 1st form).  Basically, just more damage to the masses

The tournament usually starts at dead noon.  But for some reason, when I got there at 11:45.  Kellie already strated the first round.  I asked her why she did this.  She basically 'felt like it'. She let me in.  I payed my 2 dollars and I just took a first turn bye.

Not my most favorite form of winning, but a win is a win, and you just take the cards you're dealt.

ROUND 2: Dan S.
Great, my first opponent of the day and it's the only other Wigglytuff there.  It's basically a mirror match, except that he uses Magby and some other various cards.
I go first and I am forced to Oak first turn.  Trashing ALL of my Energy Removals.  shoot!  Well, I get an all right setup, I get Wigglytuff on turn 2 with Counterattack Claws attached.  Dan on the other hand has an Unown N out and is struggling to get a Wigglytuff.  He sends up Sneasel and I have a bench of 3 cards.  So I just do 10 damage to it (ouch).  Dan does fury swipes and does 20 damage.  I flip for Counterattack Claws and I do 20 damage to him.  I hit him again for 10 damage and I attach another saet of claws.  He attacks me again, bringing me down to 20 health and Counterattack Claws kills his Sneasel.
In the meantime, Dan is building up a Jigglypuff and he sets down 2 Cleffas (both get a Focus Band attached to them) and a Magby.  I have Minefield Gym out and flips 3 tails on all 3 babies! EXCELLENT!  I then proceed to get out a Fosisl Muk as well as fill up my entire bench, shutting down Unown N and I gust out a Jigglypuff with a Recycle and a DCE on it, killing it off .  He advances a Jigglypuff and punds for 20, barely killing off my Wigglytuff.  I advance a Yanma and throw a Grass Energy on it, I do Shockwave and get heads.  I immediately kill off his Magby and now he flips for both Cleffas with Focus Bands.  One lives and the other dies out. 
I pick up my last 2 prizes and that is game.  I finally use Yanma!  wehoo!

ROUND 2: (girl...I forgot her name)
My next opponent was a girl with a Lightning deck with a few babies and little drawing power.  We both start and her only active is a Magby, and my active is a Jigglypuff.  I throw on Counterattack Claws and I try to pound.  Nothin.  I do this again for 3 turns, nothin.  She Sputters and I get hit for 10.  I gets heads on Counterattack Claws and Magby gets 20 damage.  I pound the next turn and I get heads.  and thats game (bench-out).  I look through her deck after the game.  She wouldn't have got another basic for the next NINE TURNS.  I asked her why she doesn't use Computer Search or Oak.  She told me that she doesn't like how they discard so much.
Ah well, some people are risk-takers.  I being one of them

ROUND 3: Arnesto
This kid and his brother, Nathan, are tough players.  They get some outlandish yet innovative idea and make it destroy everything.  It's awesome!  Although Arnesto's deck this week wasn;t much in the innovation category.  It was a Steel Chansey+Sneasel deck.  We both go head to head, I keep a consistant flow of Energy Removals, while he's trying to Energy Charge (but gets a couple tails in the process) I get a Muk out, shutting off Unown N and I proceed to do the Wave.  He also has a Neo4 Chansey in there, I Gust that thing out just to stall (he had a Sneasl on the bench with a Dar Energy attached, and I needed a stall tactic to get an Item Finder).  I finally get an Item Finder and I Energy Remove the Dark and I kill off the Chansey.  I get all 4 prizes, and a good run for my money.  I want to get a little more elaborite in this match since it was really fun.  But I can't remember half of it.  I basically gave you most ! of the main details.

Kellie starts determining who gets to go to the top 8.  I'm the only person 4-0.  Kellie is shocked by this because she didn't think I Would be able to pull it off.  I showed her up good, :P

all right, since I was 4-0 and the other 7 were 3-1.  I get in my default.  That deserves a moment of ROCK!  Here's how the top 8 works.  Your first round is a best 2-3 matchup.  The rest is single elimination

ROUND 5: Justin (?)
This kid played a Psychic deck (Muks weakness, but Wiggly is resistant, so no problem).  He starts off with a TR Mewtwo and has Shining Mewtwo, another Mewtwo, Jungle Mr. Mime on his bench.  He uses Lt' Surges Secret Plan and sets a card face down. I advance Yanma and I use Shockwave.  I get heads and the card is flipped over, it was a Sneasel.  He passes because he didn't get any energy, so I shockwave again and get heads.   This is really agitating him now and I felt that I did all the necessary damage I needed to with Yanma to knock the TR Mewtwos health so that Wigglytuff can kill them in just one turn a piece.
He's having all sorts of trouble from me having 4 Counterattack Claws in my hand when he used Rocket Sneak attack, to him not getting any energy for 4 turns.  I get out a Muk, shutting down Mr. Mime and I proceed to tear through his Mewtwos and Mr. Mime

The second game, however, was TONS more obscure.  His only basic was a TR mewtwo, mine was a lone Cleffa.  I EEEeeeek like crazy to get a bench started.  He sets down a Psychic energy and passes.  I get a Jigglypuff with a DCE and I EEEEeeeek again.  In an obscure move, he attaches a Dark Energy and uses Juxtapose.  He flips 2 heads and I get 10 damage, then he receives 10 damage.  I continue to have the baby out to stall until he gets more damage.  It works.  He has 4 damage counters on him and I send up Jigglypuff.  I pound for 20 and the Dark Enegry gets him for 10 and thats game.  Totally weird


ROUND 6: Arnesto
I Could tell by this round that I would have trouble.  His first tur he gets out Eco Gym and Unown N.  My next few turns consisted of me trying to keep his Chansey at bay as well as get out a Muk AND get rid of Eco Gym because I know he was going to build up a Sneasel next.  I got it done though.  Although I got greedy and Oaked more than I should have to get it all done.  I basically got the setup I wanted, but I have nothing to back it up now.  so it;s basically do or die. 
Well, I do...for about 2 prizes.  Then he gets out a Sneasel and does Beat Up (I lost all my ER's SER's and I used all my Item Finders) for the game to @igglytuff and a Cleffa.

I got into the finals, so close to getting a cash prize.  Only to get the shaft!  ah well.  At leats I know have found an effective Tool-stadium combo.

Next weeks format is an ALL Electric tournament (make any deck you want, except that every pokemon needs to be electric and you can only use electric energy).  since I have CRAP for Electric Pokemon, I won't be attending next week.  Hopefully, Kellie will do a Modified or an Unlimited tournament the following week.

Unpleasant Gravy Man, down and out, and I need to get some sleep!

Brett Hurley