The Rockets Slowkrow

by De'Andre Bell

Comic Oasis

Las Vegas, Nevada

Saturday July 13, 2002

20 people 




Pokemon (17)

4x Slowpoke

4x Slowking

3x Cleffa

3x Murkrow

3x R. Zapdos



Trainers (29)

3x Computer Search

4x Item Finder

4x Professor Oak

3x switch

3x Bill

2x Sprout Tower

2x GOW

3x Energy Removal

3x Super Energy Removal

2x lass


Energies (14)

4x Dark

4x Rainbow

6x lightning



Round 1


Me vs. A Wiggly-Haymaker deck

I had out R. Zapdos on my bench and cleffa as my active. He had only jigglypuff out. I went first. I retreated

cleffa for R. Zapdos and use Sprout Tower. Then I used lass, attach a lightning and use plasma. His turn went and

he couldn't do damage and had no trainers, my turn. Used plasma again. He didn't have nothing but energies. I used plasma and I won.




Round 2


Me vs. Raindance

He had two squirtles from base set out and I had murkrow on the bench and R. Zapdos as the Active. I went first.

I first I computer search for lass. I use Lass and then attach a lightning to R. Zapdos and kill squirtle. the second turn





Round 3


Me vs. Fire

I won because the guy had 67 cards in his deck




Final Four


We decided to split the store credit 4 ways.

We each got 15$ in store credit and I bought

Yu-Gi-Oh packs.



For tips e-mail me at