Dragon Deck
by Lee Guang Zhe
tampanise mall trainers fight
2th December
around 50-80 people

ok, this deck like any other deck has its weakness,
its weakness is... a raindance deck, but I don't think
its quite famous now so.. here it is

3Dratini(Base Set)
3Dark Dragonair(Team Rocket)
2Dark Dragonite(Team Rocket)
3Charmaner(Team Rocket)
2Charmelon(Base Set)
2Charizard(Base Set)
3Magicarp(Team Rocket)
2Gyrados(Base Set)
3Computer Search
3Proffesor Oak
3Pokemon March
3Gust of Wind
14Fire Energy
14Water Energy

1st match...
almost lost it, my opponent was using a electric deck
and my starting hand was magicarp, pokemon march,
computer search, the rest was water energy. So I
played magicarp, and, i fliped tails, his voltorb hit
me and i had 10 HP left, then i played pokemon march,
got dratini, then com search for dark dragonair.attach
a water to magicarp and retreat then pass. he hit my
dratini and i evolved it,used pokemon power and attach
water nrg to magicarp and evoved it, then it was
pretty easy from then.knocking his only voltorb out
with a ragon rage.1-0

2nd match...
easy one, got charmaner, magicarp, darkdragonair, the
rest was fire and water energy.played charmander and
knocked out my opponents bulbasaur. won, 2-0.

3rd match...
k, i lost it for this one, i played a charmander and
flip tails. then his staryu knocked it out with a
i sent out another charmander attached fire energy and
used proffesor, placed a dratini on the bench and
attack, then he knocked me out and i sent
dratini,attach fire energy an attack, then he hit me
back with TWO pluspowers and i lost... 2-1

there were only three round for each player and u
could only comtinue if you had won every match u
played so... i got kicked out... sad....