Almost Hay
(Lightning Season)
By Johnny Kettler
Texas Game Company
Allen, Texas
Thursday, 7-21-02
10-14 people

Sup all. It is Johnny/thegreatcell with another weird tournament report thingy! Once again, the tournament had a good turnout, so I knew that I would have a decent challenge this time around. Enough chat, let's get straight to "Almost Hay"

Pokemon (14)

1 cleffa (genesis)
2 electabuzz (base)
2 rocket's zapdos
1 rocket's scyther
2 scyther (jungle)
1 scyther (promo)
1 scizor (promo)
2 onix (genesis)
2 steelix

trainers (23)

4 gold berry
4 gust of wind
3 prof. oak
3 prof. elm
3 com. search
3 energy removal
3 pluspower


Energy (23)

3 rainbow
3 metal
3 double colorless
7 grass
7 lightning

Round 1: Bye

Yipee! I got a bye for filling up my league card!

Round 2:
Johnny K.                                Karen F.
(Almost Hay)       VS.          (Ampharos deck)

This was probably my favorite game of the tournament. I started out with rocket's zap, scyther, and onix, while she started with clefairy and a couple other pokes I forgot. At first, I thought I would win with zap, but she got out clefable and electroburned for a prize. Although I stalled with onix, it took quite some time to get that fateful oak that rewarded me with an elm that got me a steelix! Next turn, I attached it to onix and won the game.


Johnny K.                              Tony L.
(Almost Hay)       VS.  (Haymaker/wiggly)

Although he is a pro, this was no real game. Within 3 turns I had Rocket's zap fully powered, and I fried all of the wigglys and clefairys in play.


With all that battling, I finally got a chance to watch the other two semi-finalists play (A 10 year old named Warren and a crazy dude named Dan). Despite Dan's army of old school buzz, scyther, hitmonchan, and wigglytuff, Warren Overwhelmed him with two G8Rs for the win.


Johnny K.                         Warren
(Almost Hay)         VS.     (G8R)

This was qute a brutal game. Although I managed to prevent G8R from coming out, his dark blastoise managed to knock out a good deal of my haymakers. Eventually, he managed to draw enough prizes to win the game :(

Aftermath: Although the loss was kinda like a sharp knife to my gut, I got over it within 10 minutes, since I got the same no. of promotional cards as he did. Also, I counted the cards in Warren's deck, and I learned that there were 5 extra cards in it! I felt about telling the tournament organizer about it, but then I realized that I have won so many pokemon games in my life that this one loss is extremely insignificant, so I neglected to tell the gym leader that he put the dark blastoise line in to increase the deck's size from 58 to 65.


1: Katie (The gym leader), for setting up the tournament
2: Karen F, for an extremely good game.
3: Tony L, for being a good sport.
4: David H, for no particular reason this tournament.


1: Warren, for putting five extra cards in the deck.
2: Texas Game Company, for selling their pokemon boosters at high prices :(

Thanks for reading! Tune in next time for, "Almost Hay Gone Retro"!

Johnny Kettler

pojo EZ board's patriarch