Grass Stuff and Magma Melt-Down
By HypnosProjectHQ (Derrick Krenke)
Hobbytown USA
Brookfield, WI
Saturday, August 29th, 2004
25 Participants
I left for my trip Friday night. We went to Dairy Queen for supper. Ok,
I'll skip to good part.
I stayed over night at my cousin's played a
little Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life, and went to bed. When we got up we pretty
much left really quickly to go to the tourney.
When we got there, I met
menoknow. He's one cool guy, for anyone who is wondering. Then, I hung around
with him and the league people: Josh, Joe, Chris, Cody, Matt, Niki,
Ok... now I'm skipping to when I opened packs because there isn't
anything interesting between those. Well, I always say I pull crap, so here it
Cards pulled
1 Ditto
1 Poliwrath
1 Dugtrio
1 Kingler
1 Primeape
1 Tangela
1 Drowzee
1 Metapod
1 Nidorina
1 Parasect
1 Persian
1 Porygon
1 Venomoth
1 Wartortle
1 Weepinbell
1 Bellsprout
1 Caterpie
1 Charmander
1 Clefairy
1 Cubone
1 Growlithe
2 Jigglypuff
1 Krabby
2 Magikarp
1 Meowth
1 Nidoran (Male)
1 Paras
1 Pidgey
3 Ponyta
1 Seel
1 Shellder
1 Slowpoke
2 Venonat
2 Weedle
1 Bill's Maintenance
1 Charizard ex
Wow... 1
Trainer. This is what I built. It probably wasn't the best selection on my part,
but I really didn't want to have a lone Ponyta start.
My Prerelease Deck
1 Ditto
1 Tangela
2 Ivysaur
1 Parasect
1 Persian
1 Porygon
1 Venomoth
1 Caterpie
1 Meowth
1 Paras
1 Shellder
2 Venonat
Trainers (1)
1 Bill's Maintenance
Energy (17)
17 Grass
That is all for the deck.
So, here are my rounds.
Round 1 - Peter
(Grass stuff)
Ok, I start off by quickly
KOing a Paras and some other Pokemon with Bulasaur. Then he takes my Bulbasaur,
so I bring up a powered Parasect. He takes that pretty quick, so I bring up
Ivysaur. I'm able to score 1 prize before he KOs me, so I send up my Ditto with
2 Energy on it. I use it's power to switch it with Bulbasaur for KO. Good
1-0; 3 points
Round 2 - Niki
(Grass stuff) AKA Shadowcune
Niki is playing
Grass too. That would probably be because of the abundance of Grass Pokemon in
the set. Anyways, I start off with Weedle. She starts with Caterpie. I Poison
her right off the bat, then she hits me for ten. Her 2nd turn she evolved into
Metapod, so I Poison that too. 3rd turn she pulls out Butterfree on me and takes
2 prizes really quickly (not without me racking up some damage on it, though). I
bring up Venomoth and pray for the flip. HEADS! Now She's only up by one prize.
I take 2 more prizes with Venomoth, then I send up Bulbasuar for game.
2-0; 6
Round 3 - Josh (Grass stuff) AKA
Ok. Josh was an easy game all
around. I got a 2nd turn Metapod and ate him alive by stalling until I sent up
Paras to poison him. I took 1 prize with Paras and 3 prizes with Metapod. Good
game, Hypnotoad: Ruler of the Dimentions. :p
3-0; 9 points
Round 4 - Steve (Fighting/Fire)
AKA Yoshi1001
Ok. I didn't stand a chance. I
did offer the ID before the match, but oh well. I lost. I'm not going into depth
at all with this. He had total weakness over me.
3-1; 9 points
At this
point there was a 4 way tie for 1st in my division (11-14) with Josh, Cody, Joe,
and me.
Round 5 - Cody (Grass stuff) AKA
Cody's my brother. We IDed. No,
not because of being brothers, but because of a strategic plan I was about to
impliment. I also got Joe and Josh to ID. They played each other too.
10 points
Round 6 - Joe (Grass/Water
Joe's cool. He always gets lucky
enough to beat me though. We ID... part of my master plan. I also got the 1st
through 8th place people in 11-14 to ID to assure their positions as well.
3-1-2; 11 points
The results for 11-14 were in.
1st Place:
2nd Place: Joe!
3rd Place: Cody!
4th Place: Josh!
5th Place:
6th Place: Matt!
7th Place: Peter!
8th Place: Kyle!
ended up being a 4 way tie for 1st place, and resistance AND last names decided
it. Joe and I had the exact same record AND resistance, but Krenke comes before
Miller in the alphabet, so I
Then, there was the Modified
side event. I'll get right down to the
The Deck List: Magma
4 TM's Groudon
4 TM's Zangoose
TM's Baltoy
2 TM's Claydol
2 TM's Numel
2 TM's Camerupt
Trainers (25)
4 Professor Oak's Research
4 Team
Magma Ball
4 TV Reporter
3 Team Magma Consirator
3 Strength Charm
Mr. Briney's Compassion
3 Pokemon Reversal
2 Ancient Tomb
2 Maxie
Energy (16) 8 Fighting
3 Magma
3 Darkness
Ok... now that Manitowoc is over too, here is the rounds for
yesterday's Modified tourney.
Round 1 -
Niki (Team Aqua/Suicune ex/Walrein) AKA Shadowcune Ok, TM's Groudon is an awsome
card. I took all of my prizes but one with him, and the one I didn't take I took
with TM's Zangoose.
1-0; 3
Round 2 - Matt (Machamp/Banette)
AKA Monsterprowler Matt is my cousin, so I
decide to wail on him. His Banettes are both Weak and Resistant to me, so they
are OHKOs. He stalls a bit with Shuppet and Machamp, but everything gets damage
piled on it. Then, I Briney for a fresh Groudon!
2-0; 6 points
Round 3 - Kyle
(Walrein/Milotic) AKA Pooka Pooka is so cool.
I do agree, however, that he is too quiet. Sometimes you have to wonder about
why he is so quiet. LOL. Anyways, he takes a whole one prize on my TM's Groudin
that I sacrifice just so I assure a win. Good game, and I'm glad that I was able
to beat the 12th place 15+ World Championship participant.
3-0; 9
Round 4 - Cody (Exploud/Xatu) AKA
Blaziking111 Cody's my brother, so he begs
for an ID. Why would I do that? I'm on a roll. So, I pretty much take everything
out do to weakness. He never got a Xatu out at all.
4-0; 12 points
Round 5 - Peter
(Castform/Walrein) My 3rd Walrein deck
today... YAY. Walrein is Team Magma's only challenge, so this turns out to be a
slow paced game where I am only one prize ahead at all times. One prize is
enough to pull off a win with only 2 minutes left on the clock. Best, and
hardest, match all day. Good job!
5-0; 15 points
Round 6 - Danny (Team
Magma/Banette) AKA Erma Eunice
FinklebunkerThis isn't even fair. He isn't
playing Team Magma's Zangoose, and I am. Also, I have Weakness over his
Banettes. He is able to stall for a couple turns with sleep at the end of the
game, but top decking a Briney's Compassion was all I needed.
6-0; 18
Yay. 1st place, 1 Treecko promo, 12 FRLG packs. I think I gave the
Japanese players a great name. Team Magma is an excellent deck, and the Japanese
players were extremely smart to play it at Worlds. I probably would lose to them
- being more experienced with the deck and all, but I think I've done well. You
can keep up with the deck's record in my profile.
Just to let everyone
know, I took 5th place at Manitowoc today and got 12 more packs for $15.
-Team Brookfield: Great Showing at Brookfield and
-Jared Spriggs (Broken Lizard): You are the #1 best TO.
For sure!
-Japanese Worlds Reps: Great deck. I loved playing my own
version of it.
-Wisconsin's Worlds Reps: Congratulations on a job well
done last weekend.
-EX: Fire Red and Leaf Green: Great cards; great
-Menoknow: Your a cool guy!
-Jordan Becks: Nice job going 1-6 in Manitowoc!
-Manitowoc Crew: At least you guys are a bit of
-Hobbytown USA: Thanks for a place to play.
-Yoshi1001: My only loss all day Saturday out of 12
sanctioned rounds.
-Wisconsin: For originally having all the prereleases in
the state on the same day.
-Porygon: For doing nothing for he all tourney.
-Shellder: Read slops for Porygon.
That is all. Thanks for reading!