2005 Pokemon Team Sealed
Play - Origins - Johnny Blaze
Origins Gaming Convention
Columbus Ohio Convention Center
Sunday - July 3rd, 2005
22 Teams – 44 people
Part 3 of 3 of my Origins Pokemon report. Day 3 and the
final day was all about playing in the Pokemon Team Sealed
event. Teams were comprised of 2 people and each team was
given 10 Deoxys Booster packs to build their decks. The
packs could be shared amongst teammates to create 2 - 40
card decks. For those that played in the last sanctioned
Team event under Wizards of the Coast this would be quite
similar except for the fact that communication amongst
teammates was limited to only yes or no questions and the
teammate whose turn it was could only ask the questions. An
example would be if I am holding a Lady Outing I could ask
my teammate if he needed energy cards. Then if he responds
yes then I can play Lady Outing and he can benefit from the
trainer’s effect. That is right in team play you can play a
trainer card and have your teammate benefit from that
Other rules were that you can only benefit from an attack or
Poke-Power so if you controlled Wishing Star Jirachi only
you can benefit from its Power. Same with attacks, if you
used Beldum’s Call for Family attack only you can search
your deck for a basic, your teammate could not. Status
effects were also handled slightly different. Paralyzation
and Confusion stayed the same. But Sleep was changed in Team
Play to be ruled as after the end of every player’s turn you
would flip to see if your Pokemon was awake. This made Sleep
a lot less useful that it was at last year’s Team Event.
Burn and Poison were treated as and the end of your turn you
would take Poison and Burn damage along with at the end of
that opponent’s turn that Burned or Poisoned your Pokemon.
So in essence if your Pokemon was Poisoned then it took
Poison damage twice.
Lastly about team Play rules I can recall about positioning
at the table. Teammates sat directly diagonally from each
other and movement went clockwise around the table. This was
crucial because if a team had the right set up they could
effectively make an opponent skip both of their turns in a
row by abusing status effects. It happened to my team. In
one game my opponent Paralyzed me and then I had to pass
since I couldn’t do anything but draw a card and attach an
energy then the next opponent went and put my teammate to
sleep. So that is basically 2 turns in a row where my team
was shut down from attacking and couldn’t do anything. It
was quite annoying. Also each player placed 2 prizes out so
to win a team had to draw 4 prizes.

TEAM BLAZE consisted of myself and my 11 year old son Nick.
Here is what we drafted:
Johnny’s deck ____________________ Nick’s deck
Pokemon – 21 _____________________ Pokemon - 21
1 – Lotad _______________________ 4
- Duskull
1 – Lombre _____________________
1 - Dusclops
1 – Ludicolo ____________________
3 - Barboach
3 – Swablu _____________________
1 - Phanpy
1 – Altaria ______________________
1 - Donphan
3 – Electrike _____________________
2 - Taillow
1 – Manectric ___________________
1 - Swellow
2 – Wurmple ____________________
3 - Beldum
2 – Silcoon _____________________
2 - Metang
2 – Slakoth _____________________
1 – Deoxys (Energy Crush)
2 – Vigoroth _____________________ 1
- Jirachi
1 – Plusle _______________________
1 - Lunatone
1 – Sableye
Energy – 17 _____________________
Energy - 17
7 – Electric _____________________
9 - Psychic
5 – Grass ______________________
8 - Fighting
5 - Water
Trainers 2 ______________________
Trainers - 2
1 – Crystal Shard _________________
1 – Lady Outing
1 – Meteor Falls _________________
1 – Professor Cozmo
So as you can see the trainers that we pulled were less than
optimal. The Crystal Shard did come in handy 1 game when I
ko’d a Rayquaza. I thought that we pulled decent lines but
after playing other Teams almost every team we faced one of
the teammates were able to pull a Magcargo Smooth Over line.
There would be a total of 5 rounds.

Round 1 vs. The HYPS (Hypno’s Project + Blaziken111)
This was one of the teams that I was talking about with the
Magcargo line. They had a built Magcargo and was able to
Smooth Over every turn. On Top of that I was paralyzed at
one point 4x in a row. My son was basically left to attack
at one point. Team HYP had a Slaking and Donphan out and we
got pounded.
L: 0 - 1

Round 2 vs. Team Dinosaur
Team Dinosaur got out a quick Masqeurain that prevented 20
damage to it. By the time we could build anything that does
more than 20 damage the other teammate from Team Dinosaur
had a Donphan built and we got hosed again.
L: 0 - 2

Round 3 vs. TEAM (Paris + Snorlaxative)
This was their name – TEAM. Apparantly TEAM were DQ’d their
1st round for doing too much talking. Lol TEAM was another
team that had the Smooth Over Magcargo line. This match was
very close with 1 prize left for both of us. It was my son’s
turn and he had a confused Metang. Nick needed 2 successful
flips to ko Snorlaxative’s active or else next turn
Snorlaxative would attack for the final prize. Nick flipped
Heads on the confusion flip then another heads on Metang’s
attack to win our 1st game. Yeah!!
W: 1 - 2

Round 4 vs. Team Turkministan (Penguim Master + Phoenix
These guys were pretty cool and nice to play against. All I
remember about this match is that after I hit 4 heads in a
row on Swablu’s Fluff Poke-Body, Team Turkministan stopped
attacking me and Teamed up against my son. They had a
Whiscash and Nuzleaf built getting ready for the Shiftry but
then took their last prize before Shiftry hit the board.
L : 1 - 3

Round 5 vs. Team 3 (Physics Squirrel’s team)
Here is the final round. We have no shot but want to at
least win 1 more game. My son had the worst luck this game
and pulled only 2 energies all game long. Needless to say he
was doubled teamed again. They had Ninjask and Weezing which
was also killing me with the Smogscreen attack that had me
constantly retreating. We lose again.
L: 1- 4
So our Team record was 1- 4 and it was a very humbling
experience. Team play is no joke and is very difficult but
on the flip side very fun. Although 30 minutes is not very
long in Team play since you have 4 people that are taking
turns. I would recommend that Team play at least be 45
minute rounds. It seemed that Team play this year at Origins
went much more smoothly than last years. So that is a step
in the right direction. Would I play Team Sealed again? Most
Here was the ultimate Team:
