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From: Tim Jorgensen [mailto:lil_timmy03@hotmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 11:17 PM
Subject: Tim J's NZ Nationals Report
Hey guys my name is Tim Jorgensen, i'm from NZ and posting
the New Zealand National's Report!
Hey guys, i'm finally going to write my nationals report,
why? Because the stupid internet isn't working and i can't
be bothered doing homework.
Well, it all started in June, when we finally heard that New
Zealand would be holding a seperate event for our nationals!
Hip Hip Hooray! Myself, Matthew Russell, Edwin Woon, and
Teawhi Woon started our deck creations for the nationals
tournament. Of course, with all 4 of us far behind in the
metagame, with myself not playing a tourney since CC's, and
Matthew and Teawhi, none since TRR Pre-release, we had
pretty Lam-O decks... however, in
the end we KIND OF caught up, and we put together some
pretty solid decks, in the end, deciding on the team name
Welly Town Pokers... (ask Matt) and decided on playing these
decks -
Matt - Draggy
Tim - DPG-unit (i realise how much i h8 this deck now... :P)
Teawhi - BED (Blaz, Electrode EX and Delcatty) Edwin -
So we were all ready to go to nationals, now ... who's gonna
drive us there?
-_- we're screwed. ITS OFFICIAL.
Wait. . .
Teawhi's Dad has KINDLY offered to take us to Auckland!
So after that BANZAI the day before nationals arrived, we
had to meet at Teawhi's house at 6am, to get our ticket's to
Auckland, and at about 6.15 we
left, on our roadrage to auckland. We stopped at a few
places on our way to auckland, like sdome random place where
we stopped and got a pie, and watched happily all the people
that had to goto school! LoL, wen we finished
our pies, we jumped back into the car, and continued our
Our breakfast was at risk, because we were only allowed to
goto McDonalds for breakfast IF we got the before 10.30...
the pressure was on, we were half an hour away from Taupo
when Edwins dad decided to stop. Which in a way
was welcoming, i needed to stretch my legs, and we had a
look in the bonnet of the V8 Commodore LIMITED EDITION. I'm
Lovin it... All the way to Taupo from there we were cracking
lame jokes, while going "NICE ONE!" and giving each other
high-fives... which was a bit random. And after a while...
We got to Maccas in time, and i indulged in a BLT Bagel
Combo. With Lemonade. It was one of my favourite burgers
ever!!! It was so good............. mmm. (we got there at
After that we continued on to our journey and finally made
it to City Life hotels, which we got there at about 2.30. I
wasn't staying there, however we
stayed there and wen't for a swim, and then wandered round
Queen St, and we were getting paranoid, and was trying to
find a net cafe, to print off registration forms and
decklists, because we thought we HAD to have them.
After alol we didn't need them, but we still got them. Later
that night, we went out looking for a fish and chip shop 4
dinner, it only took like an hour to finally find one. It
was really weird =\ it costed $50 for 5 ppls to
have dinner. OMG! To expensive!!! So then we just decided to
goto the supermarket and get some food, znd then when all
hope seemed to have gone...
We were driving back to hotel... Down and out, soooooooo
disappointed that we couldn't find a decent F & C shop...
And it was REAL NICE!
After dinner, i was really fat, and i was almost as annoying
as David Y, after drinking 2 cans of pepsi from the budget
dairy across the road.
So we playtested for a hour after that, i played Teawhi, and
it was really close, i was pretty happy with the end result
of the match, however i lost, but i was OHKO'ing his
Electrode EX's with my dugtrio's, and taking care of his
blaziken's with my Gorebyss's, but in the end he somehow
came up on top with a ATM: Rock, which was perfectly timed.
Which got him the match.
After that , i txted my aunty, and she came to pick me up,
as i wasn't staying with them, I wish i had cos it sounded
like they had heaps of fun at
that hotel. While we were waiting for my aunty, we went to
the gym, and i was running on the fastest level on the
treadmill!!! It was really scary, and i ened up slipping off
the end! Then my aunty came, and i left, and i ate a whole
bag of lollies in one night. (It weighed 420grams)
I wake up at the silly hour of 6.30, i can't get back to
sleep, so i get up and have a shower, by the time i'm out
and dressed and looking FINE I MUST SAY! It's 7am and most
ppl in the house are uyp and running... I Eat stale weet-Bix
for breaky, which doesn't taste very nice, but i eat it... I
NEED MY ENERGY FOR THE DAY! I quickly check my deck for
anything that doesn't need to be in there... im looking,
hmm... is it necessary to have 2 switch's? Nahh, 2 Briney's?
Nah... ok, so i have 2 spots left, i put in a 4th desert
ruins, and my first ATM: Rock, which i borrowed off Edwin.
We leave at 8.30am, i want to be there early so i can have a
look around.
But it takes a while to find the dam place, and after bout a
half hour of looking, we find it, and myself and my auntie
go have a look around the ancient place... After having our
look around, i see Martin and i think Tao arriving, so it's
time for my aunty to leave, its really cool, she gave me
some inspiring words, telling me not to forfeit, and keep on
going! (I end up forfeiting 3 times lol) and then i help set
up the tables when kristel arrived.
The tourney is about to begin, pairings are up, no more
changes were made for my deck, i've got my funky name tag,
i've got my cool POP boosters, i'm fired up and ready to go.
After a few chats with Welly town pokers, while Kristel is
writing up the pairings, my pairing is finally called. Table
19, against a boy playing a card that is unown (lol) to
me... Dusclops (NOT EX... phew) But she's screwed up the
pairings or something like that, because there is a young 8
year old girl playing a 18 year old... LoL (its age
groups...) so she changes it, and I end up playing someone i
have heard of.
ROUND 1 William Wong (Blaziken)
He's like OMG UR NZ NUMBER ONE! I'm like yeah... Then he's
like NOOO!!!!!! Y
me? Y not David Y?
Im like lol.
All the games are best of 3.
First match, rare candy a Clamperl first turn DRE, and knock
out lone torchic.
We start, i get a dunsparce, he gets a torchic, i start, i
get a energy,
(phew) and i SAR for Pidgey, Diglett, and Clamperl, i see
here that i have a
huge typer advantage, with Gorebyss being my main attacker,
so my main aim is to power up Gorebyss ASAP. I see a DRE and
A Celio's Network in my hand, so i switch out for clamperl,
knowing if he doesn't get out another basic, i'll win easily
T2, but he does, so my plan is ruined, he gets out a sparce,
switches, and attaches to Dunny, and SAR for a nice big
bench of Torchic and
Knowing that my plan is kinda dead, i try and aim on getting
out a pidgeot.
So io draw, i OAK my hand, then draw... DRE, DRE... oh no,
cool... Steven's Advice.. yay, and RARE CANDY. Yes! So i'm
pretty flushed, and rare candy into pidgeot, i quick search,
get out a gorebyss, it'll still
come in handy, and then evolve and attach DRE to it, and get
the first KO of
the match.
After this, its pretty vague... but the prizes go back and
fourth in this game, and he wins in the end, when he takes
out all my gorebyss, and then im
pretty much screwed!!!
Third match, is pretty much the same as the first, he has a
massive draught of everything, and i kill his torchic with a
After one round we have the lunch break, as the rounds
started at 11. I get myself and Edwin some burger king, but
i have to carry Teawhis and his and mine, so i can eat
anything, and matt's just walking along next to me with just
his, lol.
After the lunch break, i havent even started my lunch, but
Kristel said as long as our opponent didnt mind, we could
eat. My opponent for roun 2 hardly
even knew we were playing... I was like auto win... He was
very interested in his burger. There was mayonnaise all over
his face! Lol ROUND 2 George (Rogue Rogue Rogue)
Game 1
He plays Latias/Latios, i ko third turn, he doesnt even
Game 2
He plays Latias/Latios, he's still eating his lunch, and
just ends his turn as soon as he draws a card. I KO 4th turn
At this stage im STOKED! I like want to smother every card
in my deck with kisses. But i dont want to get to over
At this stage Edwin is 1-1, Matt 2-0 Teawhi is 1-1 and
The pairings are called, and im playing... DAVID Y!
ROUND 3 David Yan (EPG Unit Exeggutor, Pidgeot, Gorebyss)
Game 1
I get owned. Can't get anything, have lone Dunsparce, and
forfeit after 3 turns of nothing.
Game 2
This is better, i quickly get set up, with only 20 minutes
remaining on the clock, im desperate to get the game to 1-1
before time runs out, so then we sudden death... I don't
care about the usual strategy, i just try to get out
a gorebyss with benched pokemon with DRE's all over them,
and i do exactly that. After a while his turns start to get
a bit long, he realises he can't win, im up 6-3 in prizes, i
get a bit angry at him and tell him to hurry up.
He does ( :D ) and i continue my onslaught, and take all 6
prizes b4 he even
has 1.
Game 3
We are in a massive hurry, im just trying to get out a
Gorebyss ASAP, and for backup Dugtrios, 3 minutes left... he
takes the first prize, by now we have an audience of two,
Rob and Edwin, with one minute left, i see a move to get my
prize! I get it, and kill him to the ground!!! I'm quite
Rob studies the board. David Y ends his turn, he realises
hes lost. Im all happy, hes got a pidgeot, i can do 100 with
gorebyss, i start cheering quietly to myself, i attack, i
shake his hand...
He says, that doesnt kill me. I'm like... Ahhh why? He's
like ive got another special energy on my pokemon, so multi
doesnt count. I start raging,
the judge hears it and comes over. He's killed my pokemon
when he couldnt have because that would have minused 10
damage off gorebyss's attack which would not have killed me.
Great time to realise David! I could have attached
an energy if i'd known that, David tries telling lies, but
it didn't work, and in the end, the only result we could get
was to restart the match, and play sudden death.
It was going to be a battle of the Gorebyss's, i could feel
it, and i started with a lone clamperl, i attached a psychic
and passed. He had a clamperl also with a benched Dunny, he
wanted to attack. Fast. He rare Candies... im like... oh no!
He evolves, plays a DRE, and says GG, and tries
to kill me and pack up. But noooo David needs to learn how
to read, Eskeleton reduces the attack by 10. so all i have
to do is draw, attach DRE to my newly draw Gorebyss,
Strength charm and KO him for my hat-trick of wins.
IM LIKE YEAHAHAHAH! And im thanking Rob and Edwin for
backing up my story, which was true.
At This stage, im thinking 2 players from welly are gone.
They are the defending champ and Edwin.
Tim 3-0-0
Edwin 1-0-2
Teawhi 1-0-2
Matt - 3-0-0
Me and Matt are feeling pretty happy, whislt the Woon's not
to happy.
Im standing 2nd at this point, with only Prof. Aspen
(Andrew) above me, Matt
was 4th i think, and nationals was starting to look good.
ROUND 4 Prof. Aspen (andrew) (Dark Night)
I was thinking, first hard match of the tourney, this is
gonna test my deck.
Game 1
No chance, nothing at all.
Game 2
Win very luckily, came down to a flip.
Game 3
Dead 2nd turn.
Im like noooooooooooooooooooo, My shards didnt help me at
all in this game, when i thiught i had a good matchup, but
he pulled off some very nice moves,
and got me early.
At This stage, we are looking quite confident still, Matt
lost his first game of the touney, so did I, we are quite
happy with our performances now, Edwin was happy that he'd
pulled himself back to 2-2, and Teawhi doing the same thing,
but with a terrbile resistance. Unfortunately for Rob, he
was basically gone for t16, with his ludicargo just not
working for him. He was 1-3. I thought he would bounce back
though. And may have a chance for t16, cos atm there was a
1-3 in top 16.
ROUND 5 Marvin Cho (2nd, Rock-Lock)
It had just been anounced there would be 6 swiss rounds.
Then cut to t16...
So i was playing Marvin, the only other time i had played
ihm was when i was
9, and playing the Fan App. Tourney, i found out he was
playing Rock-Lock when he started with no base.
This game was one of the more memorable in the touney, we
got both off to a flyer, taking prizes off each oher
quickly, but he's quite a quiet player, and he's very
skillful, and it's hard to tell when hes got a winning move,
he keep's ths same expression, we were getting prizes like a
see-saw, until i got a big break, and was leading 4-1 in
prizes, i was feeling confident, but i had a hard battered
bench, and when i had his tyranitar down on 40 hp,
he did a well times ATM: Rock, which got him all four przies.
At this point, i was nervous... i heard that teawhi came off
with a win to goto 3-2, and Edwin won to goto 3-2 aswell,
Matt and I were still struggling
in our battles.
I get a horrid start, i start cursing everything around me,
as the rips through my whole bench, how can people be happy
ME!!! Am getting absolutely slaughtered, i hate this deck!!!
At this point, i am in doubt of top 16, now only in 11th
place. Edwin was 12th, Matt won his match and was doing the
best off all of us, he was in 6 or 7th place. Teawhi was on
low resistance and in 15th place he basically had to win to
make t16.
I think we all agreed, we had to win to make t16, apart from
Matt, who was automatically in.
and then it hit me, and edwin...
Table 8 ... Tim Jorgensen vs Edwin Woon
I was raging!!! Edwin was laughing. But as we sat down on
the stupid table... there was silence, i muttered "gud
Game 1
Took like half an hour, but Edwin had total control during
the match, just mucking around with me really.
Game 2
I'm like edwin.. let me win..... you've got a high
resistance!!!!! By now it
was about 6pm, and i knew he wasnt gonna let me win, it was
the end of the match b4 it had even started.
Im like raging, raging so bad, teawhi had lost aswell, but
he was cool about
it, thinking he would do quite well in the side events the
next day, we were
both 3-3 and we almost knew we were gone. Matt R also lost,
putting him and Edin on 4-2, definitely in t16.
Later, i figured out from listening, that 3-3 would prolly
make t16... 4 of them. I was like... YES! I've got a ultra
high resistance, and i think i may
get in! Unfortunately for Rob, he had pulled himself back to
3-3, well done,
but had like a 33 resistance, no chance. My resistance was
73, i was happy with that. The top sixteen was annnounced
9th... not me
10th Edwin
11th Matt
12th not me
13th... not me!!!! RAR at this point im so sad...
14th ... T-Tim JORGENSEN! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY im so happy. My
nationals hopes
are still alive.
15th... no one i knew... Teawhis gone... surely..
16th... Teawhi Woon.
Because of rob's horrible resistance, he placed 19th.
Hey guys, if you wan't to find out about the top 16, email
me @ lil_timmy03@hotmail.com thanks.