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Yu Yu Hakusho
Harry Potter
Vs. System
From: tony yost [mailto:tyost@xtn.net]
Sent: Tuesday, October 04, 2005 9:14 PM
Tourney Repot - Spencer Yost - Greenville,TN - unlimited
Okay so first I would like to say to pojo that I'm sorry for
trying to post that regional touney report so late.This was
a fun tournamentand I enjoyed and it was like 15 minutes
from my house so it was no problemto drive there. So without
further adu let the report begin!
Round 1 vs. Josh beckett (lapras)
Okay Josh is a friend I've had for years and he's always
played lapras. I start with a lone paras and him with
ekans.Why deos he play Arbok?!Any way I go first attach
energy to paras call for family to get duskull and slugma.
He goes attaches an energy to ekans and poisons me.My turn I
play prof. elms trainig method to get out a parasect evolve
attach energy to duskull and attack with eenergy powder to
attach 2 mor energy to duskull .His go attaches another
energy attacks deos 20 and paralyses me. My go I play prof.
elms training method to get out dusclops ex play warp energy
on parasect and bring up clops and do shadow beam to kill
his only basic. GG!
Round 2 Ally Yost (sister) (salamence/kingdra)
Nooo! Oh well I start with a lone duskull she starts with
skitty.I go first attach energy to duskull and do paralysing
gaze.tails. Her go she attaches energy and passes. My go I
evolve to clops ex and do shadow beam for 40 her go she
attaches energy to skitty evolve to delcatty and deos cannon
ball for nothing. My go I bench slugma and do shadowbeam for
the game.
Round 3 Jantzen Mccamis (Altaria/manectric)
I go first and start with 2 duskull he starts with lone
elecktrike.My go I attach energy to duskull and do
paralysing gaze: tails. His go he attaches energy to
elecktrike and does headbutt for 10. My go I bench paras
retreat duskull and attach energy to paras attack with toxic
spore for 10 and I poisend him his go just headbutts for 10.
My go I just toxic spore again and between turns the poison
kills him.
Round 4 Josh beckett (lapras)
He starts with bulbasaur and ekans I start with paras and
duskull. I go first attach energy to paras and call for
family to get slugma and duskull his go he attaches energy
to ekans and passes. My go I discard his ekans energy with
energy removal 2 evolve paras into parasect attach an energy
on duskull do energy powder to get two more energy on duskul
his turn he attaches energy to ekans and passes. My go I
play prof elms training method to get clops retreat parasect
shove up clops attack with shadow beam to knock him out. His
turn he attaches energy to ekans and does 20 but fails the
paralysis. My go I shadow beam for the game.
So I won the tournament and had a lot of fun so do fear me I
am all powerful!!!
Heres my deck!
3- duskull
3- clops ex
4-mary's request
4-prof. elms training method
2- magnetic storm
4-super scoop up
4energy removal 2
2- fluffy berry
Well if you have any questions or comments mail me at
spygameking@juno.com. Ciao!