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Ohio State Championships
This was a cool day as it was
actually my birthday too. It starts off early at
5:20. The tournament is a 4 hour drive and
registration is supposed to begin at 10. I take a
shower (more pokemon players need to exercise this
healthy practice) and put on the girl pants I was
supposed to wear for the day. Then I leave with my
dad to pick up Tom D and Mike O. We go over decks,
play poker and find various other ways to take up
our time during the long road down to Athens. Just
before we reach the smallish mall the tourney is at
we stop at McDonalds. There's some old lady behind
the counter and she screams like, "Come on downs
when yous ready to order." We grabbed some grub and
head on over to the tourney. We get there and meet
up with the rest of the Ohio crew. There are a bunch
of girl pants comments and eventually we go over to
a female clothing store to buy a shirt that was $3
on clearance. I wear it awhile and give it to Jim.
Then we all signed it for him to give to Steph. I
also do quite a bit of mad dealing and borrowing to
complete the deck I planned on using.
Eventually registration begins and I hand in my decklist. The exact list shall remain secret but it was a Sceptile Ex/Slowbro deck. Round 1 v. Dark Crobat/random grass stuff This actually scared me because Sceptile Ex is weak to grass. However his deck wasnt built extremely well and I was able to abuse Jirachi to get a complete set up. Eventually he kills Jirachi and I KO his Dark Bat with a Boost Energy on a Sceptile Ex. He sends up some random grass basic that confuses my Sceptile. I try to attack for a couple turns unsuccessfully. Eventually I retreat and mow the thing down. By now he has a second bat which I KO with a Slashing Strike again. A couple turns later I eat up enough basics to win. 1-0 Round 2 v. Ajay w/Neverland Ajay is an up and coming player at our league and his play continues to improve. This is the first of two games that I really stole when I won. I get a ridiculous hand of Treecko, Pidgey, 2 Grass, 2 Rare Candies and a Pokemon Retriever. I start with Treecko hoping for a quick Larvitar KO. He starts with a Jirachi and grabs a Dark Pupitar. I draw... another Rare Candy. I attach grass and pass. Now he makes what I consider a crucial misplay, instead of just grabbing the Dark TTar from his deck, Ajay goes for the heads on the attack to evolve. Of course he flips tails. My turn I attach grass and flip heads for a big 60. His turn he is stuck using the flip attack again...and yet another tails. To my joy I topdeck a Pidgeot. I immediately grab a Grovyle and KO his Pupitar. Now Ajay is pissed at himself and his luck. Its pretty much all over as the next turn I grab a Sceptile Ex and eventually he cant touch my play area with Sceptile Ex and two Slowbro. He concedes in disgust at my luckiness. 2-0 Now there was a lunch break and we all headed over for some McDonalds. We get back finish eating and fool around for awhile. Tom throws up the trash for the dunk and I slam it into the can. Too bad the can was full and ice shot all over the room. At this point only Fulop has really bombed with an 0-2 start with is what I considered to be one of the best decks in the format. A Blaziken deck and Vileplume deck (played by Jim Ferrell) are making a splash which is starting to scare me. Round 3 v. Mike w/Neverland Mike got an extremely bad start with a Pidgey and two Larvitar. I Sars for Jirachi and fully evolve my whole bench. There was nothing he could do as a Sceptile steamrolled his whole play area. 3-0 Round 4 v. Sean w/Neverland The third Neverland game in a row. Its an autowin so Im not really minding. I get a first turn Dunsparce but am surprised to find my Jirachi is prized. This hangs me out to dry but his start is awful. I decide to go aggro with a Rare Candied Sceptile Ex. I KO about 4 Pokemon before he is able to ATMR for the KO. Its too late as by then I easily get another Sceptile to go with the two Slowbro on my bench. Sean realizes its impossible for him to keep any damage on the board and concedes after a couple turns. Round 5 v. Laura w/Draggy Laura probably gets the worst possible start for her TecHed out Dragonite list. A Sneasal and Regirock. I Sars finding no Jirachi yet again. Laura brings up my Treecko with Sneasal. I bench another and start to power it. She does 20 more to the active Treecko. I topdeck a Grovyle and evolve my Treecko, attaching a grass. Her turn she takes the free KO on my active. I promote Grovyle and evolve it. Then I do Poison Ring. Her turn she fails a Super Scoop Up and eventually is forced to Switch to Regirock. I attach a grass and POW the Sneasal for the KO. On her turn she benches another Sneasal and passes it back to me. I attach and KO the rock. Couple turns later the same happens to Sneasal. 5-0 Round 6 v. Russ w/Primetool This was a match I didnt want to play either. I didnt feel Sceptile would be able to compete with OHKOs. This would be the second win that I stole from an opponent. My start was just terrible as I sacrifice stuff left and right. Eventually I just send up a Sceptile Ex to stall. He goes and is unable to OHKO and deals 40. I attach a second grass and heal. He deals 40 again. I send the 40 to a Slowbro and attach Boost for the KO. He sends up a Claw Fossil and passes it back to me. I POW his Mankey, attach an energy and KO it. His turn he attaches a Buffer to the Claw and passes again. I do 20. He has nothing left and passes. I KO Claw for the bench out. 6-0 We turn in our decks and hang out for awhile. The top 8 looked something like this: 1st Sceptile Ex/Slowbro 2nd Neverland 3rd Blaziken 4th Vileplume Ex 5th Dragonite 6th Primetool 7th Neverland 8th Metagross/Dark Steelix Yes, thats an amazing seven different decks in a top 8. It shows how crazy this format is and how almost anything can win in it. Top 8 v. John Wetz w/Metagross Game 1: We both knew this one was going to take forever as our decks were both built around healing. We both get pretty good set ups and I am able to poison his Steelix. Eventually he is forced to retreat which opens up a window for me to Boost KO whatever he brings up. I do, and he scoops so we can get a second game in. Game 2: He gets an Onix start with no energy. I abuse this by getting a full set up. Eventually I KO him with a Sceptile Ex. He is forced to play on even though he has no hope of winning, especially because two Milotic are prized. I deck him and draw my last few prizes all in the same turn. 7-0 Top 4 v. Russ w/Primetool Game 1: We both play slowly trying to play for a set up to just overpower the other. I stall with my Dunsparce well he sits with a Claw. Eventually he makes his move and the chain reaction of KOs occurs. It comes down to him needing the last of his tools to KO a second Sceptile Ex. He Steves but comes up two short. I move the damage around and heal. Having nothing left, he concedes. Game 2: This one starts out pretty much the same as game 1. His start is much worse and he spends a lot of time passing. He goes for his move and KOs my active. I send up a Sceptile and OHKO. As expected he KOs me back. Now he has like 7 cards in his hand and needs 5 to KO another Sceptile. I figure its safe to make a move with another Sceptile. Too bad he drops 5 and KOs me. I send up a Pidgeot and KO the Primeape. There isnt much time left and I did think about stalling but I continued to play on. I cant survive forever though and my Pidgeot dies a few turns later. Game 3: This one is pretty much a sudden death game as time is called immediately after we start. I get a quick Sceptile Ex and just send it out to stall. He has an awful start with a couple Mankeys. Russell draws into no answers and a Mankey dies. 8-0 Top 2 v. Seena w/Neverland Game 1: Now I figured this would be pretty easy but Seena turned it into a game. My hand is awful but I Sars for Treecko, Slowpoke, and Pidgey. Jirachi was prized again. Seena uses Sars for the usual stuff. My turn I topdeck a Pidgeot, which pretty much saves me. I evolve to Grovyle and Pidgeotto. Seena gets a Dark TTar with Bite Off on his bench so I cant use Sceptile Ex for pretty much the whole game. I get my Pidgeot and start evolving my bench. I go for a R/S Sceptile too so I can abuse my support pokemon for attacking. Eventually his Dunsparce kills mine and I POW up his TTar. Pidgeot locks it but he Brineys to save it and Amphy kills Pidgeot. I lock Amphy with Sceptile Ex while he starts to power TTar again. Amphy dies at the end of his turn so I get a free Dunsparce kill with a Slowbro to tie up the game again. He sends up TTar and uses grind for a KO. I attach a Shard to another Slowbro and hit it for 30. Tails on paralysis. He retreats and starts attacking my bench with the fighting TTar and a Tricky Gym. I do some damage moving and hit his TTar for 30 with Slowbro. He does some more bench stuff on his turn. I put 50 on Slowbro and move his energy to Sceptile. Then I Briney and bring my R/S Sceptile up. I use Tail Rap and get a heads for the KO. Having nothing left Seena brings up the TTar and Bites off for a KO. I send up Sceptile Ex and attach Boost for the KO. He has nothing left and is going to deck a turn ahead of me so Seena concedes. There are only 17 minutes left so he just gives me the whole match. 9-0 It was a great tournament and I appreciate everyone that played in it. I had some great matches in there too. Thanks to the Gillettes for running yet another great event. The ride home was pretty uneventful with all of us being extremely tired. I got home and fell asleep immediately. -JediDrew
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