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Yu Yu Hakusho
Harry Potter
Vs. System
By Patriarch
Deck: Oligarchy, rule of the few
Wow, such a LOOONG day. ^_^""
So I woke up at 4AM, and found that I could only get 5 hours
of sleep since I had to unclog the drain in my shower. GRRR
lol. So Patriarch Senior (pops!) and I went to the Collin
Creek Mall and arrived around 4:50, so Master Professor
Birch (the tournament organizer) could pick me up at 5:00.
After being transferred from vehicle to vehicle, we were
off, talking about various things including past major
events and what I personally anticipate EX: Emerald, the new
set, to be like.
Arriving at the city of Grand Prairie, we picked up Savannah
M and Susan C, Oklahoma natives, and off we went! The
conversing kind of died down after a while, until we ran
into none other than Oklahoma friends I’ve known for a long
time, Roy Roberson Jr, and his father, Roy Senior, at the
gas station! This had actually been my first time to see
them since worlds, so it was cool to see "Old Man" and his
son "Young Man." =p
Eventually, we all arrived at Heroes Collectables in Houston
TX, and I must say that it was a pleasure there was so much
room! Since it was locked up before 10AM we just shot the
breeze, and met up with a bunch of old pals. I ran into Nate
Dalton, one of Texas’ best 10- players, and we talked
strategy. Since his Metagross/Dark Steelix deck had been 2-4
versus his Salamence, he was really unsure about it, and
went for his overall favorite deck, the big dragon himself!
I also got some cool trades, and Clay (Blazi-king)
introduced me to Lee Wiscovitch (Turbo Blastoise). This
little meeting turned out to be important, because we later
end up "meeting" again... in the finals!
After getting some good trades in (Salamence ex =D), we were
finally allowed to go in. I met various people, including
the very quiet (but nice) owner John, Tina (homeofmew),
Brian Stevenson (Pokemaster1110, a former writer here), and
Robert Eguia's (2nd at the South Stadium Challenge in 2004)
older brother Jose Eguia. So I let Jose borrow my sally ex.
Since I wanted my deck somewhat on the DL, I used nothing
other than magma against people who I played against before
Round 1. But speaking of decks...
I threw out a bunch of different ideas to hide what I was
really playing. Some people thought I was using Breloom/Lanturn.
Others thought I was choosing to use a rogue deck I invented
called Super Hyper-Inventive Tech, that uses five 1-1
Pokemon lines! But in all reality, I was using Tyranitar/Ampharos,
which I'll personally call Oligarchy (to continue the trend
of Nidos being known as Monarchy, Dragonite being anarchy,
etcetc). I would post the list, but since I saw firsthand at
my states how some people don't work at all on their lists,
but rather just choose to outright netdeck (for example, I
saw an almost exact copy of Alex Brosseau/BigChuck01’s
draggy list), I'll choose not to.
So the deck ACTUALLY was ttar/amphy...and the tournament
was… now! Since our age group had 48 people in it, the
judges decided that 6 rounds, and a cut to the top 16 (33%),
were necessary, to ensure a legitimate tournament.
-Round 1: VS Roy Roberson Sr/Old Man (Shiftry)
Shiftry is a contender in the Oklahoma metagame, so it was
interesting to finally see the match up. I had a god start (Dunsparce,
Rare candy, Pidgeot), and I really did what I could to win
this), while he had a solid one as well (he got out T3-T4
Pidgeot I know). So he is first, and Strike-and-Runs for
none other than Pidgey, Seedot, and...Drowzee. Likewise, I
“sar”d as well, and my only problem was that both of my
Pidgeys were prized. I did what I could, and instead opted
to go for Jirachi DX, Mareep, and Larvitar, running for
Jirachi DX. Thanks to several flips that went my way,
Jirachi was able to consistently fetch card after card,
being a pseudo-Pidgeot (exactly what I meant it to be like).
Since he knew I'd just wipe out his Hypno anyways, he played
conservatively, building HL shiftry, Hyppy, among others.
However, I went aggresive and got out a non-candied ttar,
pounding and grinding away until i eventually screwed him
over with a couple well-placed atm rocks. Sorry roy, but gg
-Round 2: VS George Clay/Duckman (Spinning Tail ttar)
This was a short game. I just got a ttar that Ko'ed his
spinning tail around turn three, and that was it (2-0)
So here's where the great dispute came. Basically, there was
a wrong ruling on Rocket's Tricky gym that could have cost
her the game, but didn't. After asking many different
opinions, all saying that yes, they declared that yes, Feint
Attack does more than 20 to the active pokemon (going back
to the murkrow ruling) if Darkness Energy is attached.
-Round 3: VS Lee Wiscovitch/Turbo Blastoise (ZapDOS with exp
Nice to play him at last! Although I didn't get an excellent
start, I was able to get out an extremely fast T2 Dark
Ampharos that seriously screwed over Zapdos' setup. His tech
exp alls were brilliant, since EXP all is great in most
decks that don't have energy manipulation to go off of, and
helped him get through the game, but I won in the end (3-0)
At this point, it was obvious that my van was the best
performing one of the day, since Susan, Savannah and I were
ALL 3-0. But fate screws you over, and who should I play but
Savannah round 4...
-Round 4: VS Savannah Mitchell/Scarletkitsune (Dark Crobat/Amphy)
Well, to start off, she mulliganed two times, so it wasn't
gonna be too great for 'er. However, she did start with
Sparce, and went first (but didn't have much draw to back it
up :(). I also got setup fast, and eventually had a ttar
rocking and locking away. Since she knew that my Amphy
ohko'ed her Dark Crobat, she really could just hit me with
Dark Golbat. Eventually my ttar was knocked out of the way,
as were a couple other dudes, but I won in the end (4-0)
-Round 5: VS Susan Collins (Spinning tail Ttar)
Oh great, my van has to play VS itself again! We both get
somewhat setup, but I had a stronger start. She wasn't able
to attack me head-on with ttar spinning at all, so she opted
for sand damage VS sand damage. She got a hold on the game
for a while, but my 3 sand damage and the retriever'ed line
VS her 2 pushed me through the win in this match (5-0)
At this point, although I was ecstatic about being 5-0,
figured i'd be kicked out of the car and forced to walk, lol
XD. Surprisingly, I watched Brian Stevenson's draggy lose to
a bizarre blaziken list, and found that I'd be playing vs
that...boy was that a surprise.
-Round 6: VS Ben (Blaziken/Moltres ex)
Unlike typical blaze, he's been using moltres ex in his
list. At first his lone moltres start looked fine vs me, but
I didn't have an excellent one myself. So it was so much
with the bird hitting me for 60 consistently, not to mention
auto-confuse. Jirachi didn't due much from weakness, and
when I finally got a hold on the game, he got heads on super
scoop up, sent up a combusken, and atm rocked me...ouchouchouch.
I did what I could from there, but I was eventually reduced
to basics and stage 1's, since my 3rd ttar and 1 flaaffy
were prized. (5-1)
Well, it was no big deal that I lost that one...kinda
ominous, but fine, since I was still getting in at 2nd seed.
T16: VS ??? (sorry forgot your name, with Slaking/Magcargo)
Games 1 and 2 were the exact same thing. I won so fast he
just decided to end them both. (6-1 and 7-1)
The Top 16 pairings all looked like this...best 2/3 made no
difference at all for this round at least:
*note, bolded names=winners
Savannah Mitchell(OK; bat/amphy) VS Brian Stevenson (TX;
John Kettler(TX; ttar/amphy) VS ???? (TX; Slaking). John
Jose Eguia (TX; salamence) VS Phillip Tran (TX; zappy).
Phillip wins
Susan Collins(OK; spinning tail) VS Dana Lynch (MS;
Blazimence). Susan wins
Lee Wiscovitch (TX; zappy) VS Robert Eguia (TX; gardevoir).
Lee wins
Mia Cook (TX; draggy) VS Ty (TX; zappy). Ty wins
Nancy Lynch (MS; ttar/amphy) VS Diana Chambers (TX; zappy).
Nancy wins
Clay Carney (TX; draggy) VS Ben (Blaziken/Tres). Ben wins
Texas had seemed to hold its fort quite well, knocking out
all but 4 “invaders” from other states. My match was the 2nd
to finish, so I had time to observe the others have at it!
Pretty interesting matches, and out of the top 16, there
were 10 different decks! What a shift from the Blaziken-dominated
format of last year!
T8: VS Brian/Pokemaster1110 (Drag/Trode)
Game 1: We both got nothing for turns on end. However, it
was much better for me, 'cause I had a Pidgeotto One-Hit
KOing dratinis, which got me the win solely off of weakness.
Awful game, sorry. (8-1)
Game 2: This time, both of us got off much better. However,
when I got Amphy into play, it was the seal on his
Dragonites, the only things that could really spank me. His
Dark Electrodes, whenever they attacked, usually just got
OHKO'ed, and whenever he sent up a draggy, it either got
ohko'ed by my pidgeot, or in one situation, I counter-gymmed
his ancient tomb, and crystal sharded with an amphy. He
managed to pull several prizes off of me, keeping it close,
despite some poor luck on flips, but I won in the end (9-1)
It was nice to meet him, and we had an okay bout the 2nd
time around, but that was that. We were both mentioning how
ole Daniel Reyes should hopefully win his state (even though
he got 3rd after 1st seed ;_;). Oh well...le sigh.
afterwards, T8 broke down like this:
Brian (TX; drag/trode) VS John (ttar/amphy). John wins
Phillip (TX; zappy) VS Susan (TX; Spinning tail). Susan wins
Lee (TX; zappy) VS Ty (TX; zappy). Lee wins
Nancy (MS; ttar/amphy) VS Ben (Blaziken/Tres). Ben wins
T4: VS Susan (Spinning Tail Tyranitar)
Game 1: this one was a very solid game. I didn't have a
whole lot to go off of, having a somewhat mediocre start, so
I had to make a big choice when my celio was topdecked: try
to get lucky with explosive evolution on dark pupitar, or go
for the sure thing with Jirachi dx. That decision right
there made the game much longer, but I went with the jirachi,
the sure thing. So for turns on end Jirachi, whenever it got
out of sleep or paralysis, got me fully setup. She was also
setup, and due to this, our ttar vs ttar conflicts were
much, much more interesting. I honestly feel that if I
played less than 3 sand damage ttar, I would have lost this
one, because she was able to do several handy things,
including setting me up so she could deal 100 damage with
second strike, among others. But I got out of this one
barely (10-1)
Game 2: A rather shame compared to the 40-minute epic just
played out, lol. She didn't get much of a start, whereas I
got a god one, and OHKO'ed her basics for a win (11-1).
John VS Susan. John wins
Lee (zappy) VS Ben (blaziken/tres). Lee wins
SOOOOOO at long last, the tournament was at the finals!
Since we played for a while, the first place I went to
was...yes...the VENDING MACHINE!!! I drank most of my coke,
and rested up before the big rematch...
Finals: VS Lee (ZapDOS)
Game 1: At this point I feared that I would repeat my
showing at states last year, losing in the finals to get
2nd. This seemed to be bolstered when I mulliganed 4 times
(yes i counted ^^""). He didn't have a great initial hand,
but the extra 4 cards made it better. I drew into a slightly
okay setup, but the zap being on turn dos (me going 2nd) is
what really bit into my setup. However, I got out a sand
damage ttar, and it began multitasking, both on zapdos ex
and the bench. It fell kinda quick, but much like our last
game, Dark Ampharos picked up the entire slack, and won this
game for me. I'm not sure if it was this game or the next,
but I even drew 3 prizes at once somewhere along it (12-1)
Game 2: He didn't have a great start this time around, and I
had a decent one. However, his hand turned rightside up when
he topdecks a Zapdos on turn two, and once again starts
pounding away. Unfortunately for him, setting up the amphy
was much easier, getting my opponent at every corner, both
basics and damaged evos. After the dos fell, not even energy
manipulation through exp all could help, along with his
AWFUL dual ball flips, and the tournament finally ended
The prize was a neat thing, and only 'cause ToysRUsKid of
www.pokegym.net asked, I'll put a picture of the trophy on
Webshots.com . Along with the trophy, I also have:
• A $300 travel allowance to attend the Origins
International Game Expo and participate in the Pokémon TCG
National Championships. I’ll be given this on-site at the
• Four-day admission to the Origins Game Expo in Columbus,
• 24 booster packs of Pokémon TCG: EX Deoxys
• Other cool shtuffzzzz! o_O
Since it was late, we all basically just packed out of the
store ASAP when I won. I gave Lee a couple goodies from my
VIP bag before he left, and we all just kinda shot the
breeze. I spoke to the Lynches a lil bit about strategy and
the day in general. The four of us from the van had done
well, taking both the GBA and TCG state titles, and were
treated to dinner by MP birch. What a Texan gentleman! :O
The drive was long, and the day was too, but here I am,
after staying up the craziest 24 hours I've had in Pokemon
since the World Championships.
-John, the owner.
-All my opponents, for being such class acts against a jerk
like me ^^""
-Birch for being a bang-up TO
-Jirachi DX, for saving me time and time again.
-Having a great time with all my pals that I haven't seen in
a while: Chambers, Lynches, Phillip, Robert Eguia, etcetc
-Getting to meet new people, like Susan/Savannah, the rest
of the Eguia family, Pokemaster1110, homeofmew, Turbo
Blastoise, and anyone I forgot sry x_x'''
-Birch, Susan and Savannah again, for not kicking me out of
the car! =P
-Team Mississippi and Team Eguia representin' along with
Team Birch XD
-Tracy and Steven for winning their divisions. Also to Nate
for getting 2nd in 10-!
-To you all on Pojo, for reading this!
-That misruling about Tricky Gym was the only thing, and it
only applied in one instance.
Thanks for reading, and wish me luck at nationals =)