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Card Game - Killer Deck Reports
(Tournament Reports)
Muk variant
by Michael Weldon
Arlington Convention Center
Arlington, Texas
Saturday, May 22nd, 2005
64 total participants in 15+ division
I am rokman on pokegym.net. all the people that have names
in parenthesis, are also members of pokegym.
i apologize for my horrible spelling/grammar... (Pojo
Note ... I fixed a handful of spelling errors that caught my
eye for you ... ;-)
Hullo all! yesterday was a long and eventful day full of
playing trading and selling! This is my tourney report on
Southern Plains regionals!
It was my 6th day of being 15...w00t!
The day started out with waking up at 5, 4 hours before my
alarm clock went off. i played a few matches with my
dragtrode and ate it up. took a shower, ate breakfast, got
prepped and ready to go. around 8 my mom gets up and we go
to walmart for lunch, i get a 2 liter of sprite and a box of
crackers w00 h00! lol
the day went smoothly, i picked up a friend of
mine(blackfire) and we went over to Arlington. We get there
and its already packed (well kinda) and i go over to birch
and get the cards i needed to finish my deck. i traded him
zappy and a matrix lightning for what i needed. talked to
some girls and met with old friends (the OK posse) lol
im ready to go and in line when Mr.Bigbad kettler walks in,
struttin his self...i say hey, nonchalantly and he
walks bye with a hello. Im in line and they call the GBa
tourny players, the peopl in line let me cut so i can hurry
back there and the deck checker(i believe is Keith) is slow
as dead lice. It's like he reads e-v-e-r-y card! i finally
getit checked and run back there to my first match up.
sadly i have to play a friend of mine, Tony's(coolmanderzx)
younger brother.
he had 6 in his party and we had to restart. i swept his
whole team with my heracross. easy win.
next, i had to play some big guy (sorry, forgot name) and he
had been having very bad luck...missed twice and i
criticaled his slaking with my heracross....lol
then it came down to 5 of us, one of us would get a bye. i
got it and this, overall is what let me win. Steven(the best
friggin GBa player in our
region) lost to George($duckman$) who, is the worst...lol
Steven was very ******. anyway came down to final 3.
I had to play George next, i won because i destiny bonded
his last pokemon salamence...and i had my 2 remaining pokes
untouched...easy win.
Final match! i was pretty excited, i expected a lose....but
luckily her whole team was weak to fighting, my heracross
reaped her whole team. i endured her slakings return and she
switched to miltank and i reversaled it OHKO. then slaking
came out, i protected then reversaled for OHKO, and OHKO her
regice aswell with reversal.
In my packs i got a dusclops ex which i later sold for 5
dollars and a muk ex(to finish my deck) currently
Clay(~Blazi-king~) a vileplume ex, rare candy, and a stevens
After i was awarded i went over and decided to play
Jordan(Whicker) and about the beginning of our match the 10
- were called up for pairings and we knew 15+ was coming up,
mid game 11-14 were called and almost near the end,
15+ were called, and the day of horrible match ups began...
ROUND ONE - Justin Shaw
(Gardy/speed DX)
Another first round match up against a friend...It was a
long game, It came down to the nitty gritty...Muk VS Speed
DX. he usually beats me in our matches, but the weakness
hurts muk bad. he screwed up early game by sending out
Wobbofett and forgetting Muk shuts off Wobbufett's
Safeguard. Overall it was a close matchup, but i came out
with a victory...
ROUND TWO - Heather Lynch
Wow. Just wow. She drew like there was no tomorrow...and
again, another bad matchup. I have to admit, i havent seen a
deck like this before. She says she T16 or something like
that at Worlds with this exact deck, but with modifications,
she is Mewsmom's daughter btw. She used Gardy in it and
raped my purple fatty...her mofo-like drawing abilities
couldn't be stopped. I was going to win...until she sent out
Kirlia with 1 Psy attached, i was confident until a boost
was slapped down on Kirlia and KO'd my muk. Ah well, it was
a gg.
ROUND THREE - Diana Chambers
(I think blaze...)
Nothing really happened, her basics was all she got, bad
draws for her.She only played 3 NRgs all game, and i ER2'd 2
of them...ouch. bleh...easy game.
ROUND FOUR - Paul Kingsley
Man, Elec ex early game with just enough NRGs to kill muk. I
couldn't revocer because all i had was a 20 HP remaining
Wobuffet. He could've won next turn by blowing up elecex and
setting NRGs on cumbusken to kill my wobby. He made the
mistake by not noticing and if i topdecked a Great ball or
basic, i could've came out with the win. but i drew a swoop
and could do nothing. he won, and my next card was a grimer!
and two Great balls were prized (figures)
I dont know what happened...He kept healing the ludicolo and
doing 30 until my only muk on the feild was Ko'd. he dumped
his hand to win. Well, i officially hate mudicargo. i could
do nothing......bleh, another loss. but that isnt the reason
why i lost. i had 6 cards in my hand after i stevend and i
set my hand down to my left and alled a judge over about a
ruling on swoop. and as he was explaining i started looking
for my hand and realized it disappeared. i had to start over
midgame with no hand...afterwards i realized, i never set
prizes, and when i set my hand down, i thought that was my
prizes...(i was sooo ****** about that) thats why i didnt
get T16....*cusses to self vigorously* lol
ROUND SIX - d00d with alot of hair
OMG!!!!1111fordf150111!1 like he so could of won, but he
kept ending his turn and i kept wishing star for like 15
turns in a row. it came down to time. i drew my last card in
my deck and time was called, i attached an NRG and ended for
the win, i had 1 prize, he had 3. and the biggest mistake of
all, he thought muk worked while on bench and never
psyshadowed once!
:D....ah well, i won and didn't make finals....ah well
well, my day was long and i had a great one, a HUGE surprise
on the GBA champ thing, and never expected to make 23rd...in
the main event
i sold a CC and 2 RC for 10 bucks and entered the Draft, but
as soon as i got my packs, my mom was ready to go. i told
Brich and he gave me another pack and i was on my way. In
the pack i got a Milo ex and a RH battle frontier as well as
a RC...lol
Thanks Birch for running the amazing tournament, and IM A
PROFESSOR NOW!!!!!! w00t w00t!!!! i passed earlier today!
haha! thanks everyone!
Props -
GBA champ
new exes
making 23rd, which was abit of an upset
got to see old friends and meet new ones finishing my deck
about 20 minutes mefore the tournament and having an all
around good day
slops -
accused a person of cheating... :'( i know i saw it.
losing the match with Paul, man i was ******! i had
that...damn elecex the 2 HUGE mistakes i made that cost me
finals *is still ticked about
well thanks everyone for their hard work and effort for a
fabulous pokemon day...you too to all the judges...thanks
Birch and your wife's cookies were great! and so was the
sprite and crackers lol
<>< rokman
Michael Weldon