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Yu Yu Hakusho
Harry Potter
Vs. System
-By Patriarch
-5/21/2005, format Modified RS-on
-Arlington Convention Center, Arlington, TX
-Deck used: Dragonite
My variant of Dragonite was initially created by the
excellent player, Jermy101, over half a year ago. This style
of Dragonite list strips away not only Pidgeot, but
Dunsparce as well, and uses only Dual Ball/Lanette’s Network
to pull basics. JasonthePwnda then revived it for the
Wisconsin State Championship, and did fantastic, taking the
win unopposed. So ever since then, I have been testing it. I
was heading into this tournament with only one deck on my
mind: "Speed" Dragonite, so I’ll call it. I won't be giving
a list, but you should be able to get the strategy well
enough, and come up with your own.
I arrive at the house of my friend, Ryan soles, and we
immediately convert his kitchen into the ultimate Pokemon
TCG testing ground you have ever seen! Both of us our unsure
on our decks, since he had a stage 1's list nearly identical
to one used in Wisconsin the previous weekend (Lanturn/Gorebyss/Dark
Hypno), but was also contemplating a Ludicolo/Magcargo. I,
however, was torn between playing Dragonite and Lanturn...
After talking decks, we go upstairs and just do random
things, including me trying to play his drum set…nice try
Kettler! Later on, we get some good buffalo wings, in two
flavors, to boot. This food would be the foundation of our
grueling 5-6 hours of play testing, where most of the games
turned out in my favor, until we fixed his Lanturn list into
being a superior machine! Although a list won't be
circulated, I will tell you that it was converted into a
Lanturn/Rhydon/Grumpig. So, before we go to bed at a
sickening 3AM, we play two games using the new list. Our
Lanturn list whoops my Dragonite, and in an extremely close
game of Lanturn mirror, I somehow beat him with a weaker
setup (No Magcargo).
We get in the car and go! While he stands firmly behind the
Lanturn list we built together, I stick to the deck I've
worked on for two months straight. Perhaps I made the wrong
choice, but it didn't stop me from getting to second! o_O.
The two of us finally get to the Arlington Convention
center, and when we arrive, we’re immediately greeted by so
many familiar faces: Our Oklahoman friends (Kevin/Devin
Jackson, Jordan Dupuis, Brad Allred, the Robersons, etc),
Carlos/Flareon from TN and his brother, Adam, the Valdes
family, Master Professor Birch, TAYLOR COLLINSWORTH!!!111fordfocus!11,
as well as the Silvestro family, whom I befriended at worlds
and online. The FIRST thing Stephen Silvestro, the son, says
to me is that I should "NOT PLAY MUK!!!" But no worries,
because I had no such intention!
Really, the only eventful thing that I did was play against
Stephen Silvestro in an interesting match of Dark Dragonite
VS Ludicargo, which I win using Dark Electrode swarming.
Afterwards, the tournament began, and the time to play
Round 1: VS Gilbert Valdes III (Swampert)
Oh great, my friend from league! He goes first, and gets a
great Dunsparce start, Strike and Running for a couple
Mudkips and a Slugma. Fortunately, I start with a rocket's
Sneasel ex, and am able to drag off his Slug. Things don't
get prettier when I have at least two-three of the
evolutions cranked out by turn three. Eventually it looks
like things will soon get nasty when he is about to send up
a Swampert ex, but after he ko's my Dark Electrode, I
one-hit knockout “Swex” with a bouncing Rocket's Scyther ex,
and that's pretty much good game (1-0)
Round 2: VS Paul Kingsley (Blaziken)
He has a relatively slow start and I am out like THAT
*snaps*! I am once again able to pull most of my prizes from
Dark Electrode swarming, until he KO's it with Electrode ex.
Naturally, I am able to KO that as well with a Sneasel, and
once again the game falls into place, even with the (late)
Pidgeot he gets. His sudden flash flips were terrible,
resulting in a tails usually. Oh well, good game. (2-0)
Round 3: VS Heather Lynch (Gardevoir)
She goes first, with lone Ralts VS lone Voltorb. Putting it
into simple terms, I draw into nothing that can stop the T3
Gardevoir KO. Oh well, good game anyways =) (2-1)
LUNCH BREAK!!! I talk to a variety of friends, including
Chad Harris (Scizor), Chris Silver (TRUK), Martin Moreno,
and John Wetz. Of course, they get weird reactions when I
tell them about losing to Gardevoir, but then they're like
"...oh!" when I tell them how, hehe.
SOOOO Ryan and I get overpriced cheeseburgers…just as bad as
movie prices! I play a couple fun games VS Kevin Jackson, in
which I'm owned pretty easily (don't draw into anything,
plus I get stadium-locked -_-). So we start up round 4, and
here we go!
Round 4: VS Andrew J (Ludicargo/Walrein)
He gets a good start, with Dunsparce, and is going first. I
don't get too great of one, but it immediately takes a turn
for the better, since he played too conservatively against
my aggressive deck. I soon land a good draw on a Copycat,
then take full control of the game. He tries to use the
combo of walrein's crush draw with Magcargo’s Smooth Over,
but it gets him nowhere when I can OHKO everything. Good
game (3-1)
Round 5: VS Roy Roberson Sr (Vileplume)
He gets a weak start versus my so-so one. Eventually mine
gets better and I try my best to shut him down for good.
However, when he gets a Vileplume ex setup with battle
frontier, I'm as good as screwed. It was a long game, and I
tried my best, but it ends with that. Good game Roy, looks
like you got payback for our game in Texas State
Championship =P (3-2)
Round 6: VS Diana Chambers (Blaziken)
I setup quickly...one of my best of the day. She gets a
decent one,
just can't take the damage coming out so quickly. She
decides to forfeit the game since there is nothing she can
do, although it would have been nice to at least play it
out. Alas, GG Diana (4-2).
So now, I'm on the edge of my seat as to whether or not I
make the top cuts...since many of us have, at one point of
another, lived or died by the breakers. When I see the list,
and the line cut, I'm like "YES!" when I make it in BARELY
as 15th seed. Although it's a shame that my friend Clay
Carney didn't make it, other buddies, like Brad Allred,
Jordan Dupuis and Nancy Lynch, as well as anyone else I
forgot, _edged_ into the cut with a 4-2 record.
These were the top sixteen-ranked players and decks:
Eric Craig (Metagross) VS Brad Allred (Gardevoir)
Heather Lynch (Gardevoir) VS John Kettler (Dragonite)
Ryan Soles (Lanturn) VS Roy Roberson Sr. (Vileplume)
Carlos M. (Metagross) VS Ty Walraven (Zapdos)
Chris Schell (Blaziken) VS Trent Chambers (Dragonite)
Devin Jackson (Gardevoir) VS Nancy Lynch (Gardevoir)
Robert Eguia (Gardevoir) VS Frank Garino (Metagross)
Jordan Dupuis (Dragonite/SITH) VS Stephen Silvestro (Ludicargo/Lanturn)
Top Sixteen MATCH: VS Heather Lynch (Gardevoir)
Game 1: It's an interesting match, but I'm able to lead
all of it. We had a minor dispute with her evolving a Ralts
into a Delcatty RS Holo o_O, and I'm pretty certain that she
did energy draw, but I don't _quite_ remember if she did, so
I was cool that they just let her put it back into her hand.
However, that's that. (5-2)
Game 2: I get virtually nothing and lose. 100% unplayable
hand, but it's a long game, drawing irrelevant basics. (5-3)
Game 3: This time she gets a bad hand, and I crank out stuff
like mad. Although I technically win on prizes (1-6 left in
my favor), I would have been able to draw the next prize by
doing a maximum of 140. Good games though, wish they could
have been better (6-3 in games, 5-2 in matches)
Moving right along, the good thing was that I had time to
relax, like in the lunch break, and get to call my parents,
telling them that I made the cut! I then talk to Martin, who
said "You're gonna bubble, Kettler, or you suck!" XD. After
all is said and done, here are the remaining top eight:
Eric Craig (Metagross) VS John Kettler (Dragonite)
Ryan Soles (Lanturn) VS Carlos M (Metagross)
Chris Schell (Blaziken) VS Devin Jackson (Gardevoir)
Jordan Dupuis (Dragonite/SITH) VS Robert Eguia (Gardevoir)
Top Eight: VS Eric Craig (Metagross)
First off, I have to say that Eric Craig was the most
congenial player I met all day. With the whole Whicker/Silvestro
conflict going on, I had the pleasure to also meet his mom,
Heidi, and their friend, Gym leader Phil, also congenial
folk =P. So we talk a lil, and the match begins:
Game 1: I think that I go first, and he gets a very godly
start, starting with Dunsparce, getting turn two Pidgeot,
and being able to cycle through cards with DX Jirachi
(although he can't use it once because he doesn't flip on
the Jirachi sleep). I get a decent one, but it blossoms into
a lot more soon enough. I issue the first KO with a Trode to
his Kirachi, in which he responds with a DX Metagross. So we
go back and forth, Metagross swarm VS Electrode swarm. I
eventually get an opportunity to pull more prizes with a
Rocket's Sneasel ex, doing enough to OHKO a Metagross. I
pull further ahead, and he matches my prize pulling. It's
3-1 in prizes later on, and he gets a HL Metagross bulked up
with metal. Despite this, I have the damage capability to
let my 2nd sneasel attack, and then let the last one knock
out anything on his field. Well, my luck screws me a tad,
and the very last prize is that very Rocket's Sneasel ex for
the win. I try to damage him however I can, but I eventually
go down, 5 prizes to 6. Truly amazing game (6-4)
Game 2: That first game took 38 minutes, so we had to work
hard to get this done. He gets a decent start, but lacks
energy for a LONG amount of time. I get setup and take
command once again. I retreat to KO a Pokemon with Dragonite
by discarding a Darkness off of another. Even without
Pidgeot, he still does his fancy work, bulking up a
Metagross HL. However, even without Darkness Energy, I am
able to bust through it with no problem and win with 1 1/2
minutes left on the clock. (7-4)
Game 3: Whoever wins in sudden death wins the whole
enchilada, coca-cola, and 50 buffalo wings...uh-oh! However,
his deck doesn't work under sudden death quite too well. My
deck, however, works great under it, and I enjoy my opening
hand, consisting of darkness, R energy, and Rocket's Sneasel
ex (yes!!!). So when it's my first turn, I attach dark, Drag
Off the lone Pidgey. I could win the game right there on T2,
but he Rocket’s Admins, gets a Registeel ex, and sends it. I
drag off again. He doesn't get much, so he reveals his hand
to be utter crap again, and our epic three games ends with
this. Good ones, Eric. (8-4 games, 6-2 matches)
After that, I finally prepare for the most climactic match
of the whole day; versus my testing partner, buffalo wing
buddy, and ride, Ryan Soles. But first……
Top Four:::
Chris Schell (Blaziken) VS Jordan Dupuis (Dragonite/SITH)
John Kettler (Dragonite) VS Ryan Soles (Lanturn)
Top Four match: VS Ryan Soles (Lanturn)
Game 1: This was embarrassing. Although I am 2nd, I am able
to do T1 40 to him with dark electrode, and later Copycat.
However, I Rocket Ball for Trode, do NOT show him the rare
candy out of a lax-game habit, and evolve straight to it.
THEN I copycat...but guess what? No RC, so the Trode goes
back to the deck. The rest of the match goes to him, and
knowing the importance of time, I eventually scoop it. I
expect MUCH better of myself. (8-5)
Game 2: This works much better for me, since I get my head
out of the gutter and play the match to absolute perfection.
He doesn't get a great start, so I fully abuse it with
Electrode swarming, dragging off, etc. I fully command the
game, and he loses this one. Four minutes (9-5)
Game 3: Again, I play fully-satisfied. We both start
decently, but my speed and swarming get out. I lead for a
good deal, but he gets back up in prizes, and we then begin
to go neck-and-neck at three each. However, one turn I
forget to discard my supporter, and I'm threatened with a
prize penalty. However, after some discussion, and since
8.1.1 of the penalty guideline states that it as a minor
offense, it's reversed to a caution. So we play on, and I
gain more ground, making it 1-3. He then scores a clean-shot
KO, and we're down to 1-2 left. There's barely any time
left, and I knew that thinning my deck to pull a R energy to
win was key, so I did just that. Well, my attempt works, but
not before the clock runs out, so I just do something
random, and win. If I had more time, though, then all I had
to do was a retreat, warp point, then KO anything of his
with rocket's Snex via R energy. Very intense games, Ryan
(10-5 in games, 7-2)
So after yet ANOTHER close call, I make it to the top two,
metaphorically climbing up a fire escape...using my teeth.
Regardless, here's how things stack up after the climactic
Finals: John Kettler (Dragonite) VS Chris Schell (Blaziken)
3rd place playoff: Ryan Soles (Lanturn) VS Jordan Dupuis (Dragonite/SITH)
Now, the interesting situation is trickling down. Chris
Schell already won a trip at the Eastern Regional, so either
Ryan or Jordan would get the trip. Wow! Chris and I were
guaranteed trips and invites, though, so all we were playing
for was the $500. I was still on a high, ready to play the
best that I can:
Finals: VS Chris Schell (Blaziken)
Game 1: Here is my EXACT hand-Dark Metal, Rocket Energy,
Dark Dragonair, Dark Dragonite, Rocket Ball, Voltorb, and
Warp Point. 100% unplayable hand...absolutely terrible, lol.
So I do whatever I can, but he sets up quickly and wins
Game 2: Not 100% unplayable, but bad enough so that I'm
never in a really good situation. He starts with Lone ray so
I'm like "YES!" However, the bad hand screws around with me,
and somehow he pulls T2 Pidgeot, T2 Blaziken, switch,
Firestarter, attach multi out of NOWHERE and begins the
slaughter fest. After that, I play my best with what's
presented to me, but I ultimately lose, with a prize count
of 6-3. Good games, Chris, and congrats ^_^ (10-7 game
count, 7-3 match count)
Looking back, I really did climb this ladder with my teeth!
Yet somehow I made it to 2nd place with one of the faster
decks in the format.
Although I lost quickly, Jordan VS Ryan was interesting to
watch. Jordan wins the first one, and due to a game-play
mistake (as well as due to all his stacked-up cautions and
warnings), he receives a prize penalty that ultimately costs
him the game. Game three is just Ryan setting up, taking
huge command of the game. He technically wins on time, but
like my game with Heather, he can take the prize without a
problem. Good job, Soles!
At this point Ryan and I are STUNNED. Somehow, we BOTH walk
out of this, BOTH with trips! When I ask him "How the heck
does this happen???" he simply said, "John, it has to be
them 50 wings we ate." ROFL. So all of our hard work truly
paid off.
Professor Chris and Jordan also get some good cash. Jordan
gets a nice $500 scholarship, and Chris gets yet ANOTHER
$1500 to add to his hefty battle chest! Truly amazing job to
you both.
So we take a few pictures, call some people, namely my Mom
and Dad who are blown away by the fact that I got $1000
scholarship and a free trip for two XD). The two victorious
Texans head back home, trophies and manila envelopes
in-hand. Ryan still has to contact POP to receive his
trip/invite information, because he didn't get it in his
envelope. =P
My 2nd place earning felt like nothing at first, since I was
tired and probably didn't even realize that I played in a
Pokemon tournament, but now that I look back on it, I'm
proud =)
So without further ado::::::
-Ryan Soles. You fought this one with and against me, and
were a class act the whole way through. But somehow, two
Texan gunslingers both won trips. Excellent showing, and I
feel good knowing that at least two Texans will represent
the 15+.
-Alicia Soles, for being Ryan's really cool mom! She was my
ride to the convention center, and back home. Also, she
cooked us a good breakfast with REALLY amazing hot sauce.
-All of the people that I met, including Ty, Keith, Carlos's
brother (forgot your name >_<), Frank Garino, John Silvestro,
Eric and Heidi Craig, GL Phil, Weldon, Paul, and many others
(If I met you, tell me and I'll put you on the list ^_^).
-My opponents for all being great folks. Namely, it was nice
to meet you Paul (Shoulda gone to Utah, 'cause it's closer!
Glad to see a cool pokeparent!), and Eric (class act, and a
friendly guy).
-Danny Fish and Jose Eguia for being good judges. Both did
-The rest of the judges in the other divisions. That went
off flawlessly!
-Seeing Taylurrrrrr again. When they said you were one of
the game's "finest players," I was thinking "COME BACK TO
-All my typical Texan buds for hanging out with me, namely
Clay Carney and Robert Eguia.
-All my Oklahoman buds, namely the roys, the jacksons, Brad
Allred, and the Game HQ girls.
-Nathan for winning, Jose for winning, Chris for winning,
and the rest of the other top cutters in each age group.
-Me, for winning the trip, and sticking to the deck that
I've loved for two months straight.
-May the Pokemon Trainer, for being a VERY sexy woman 
-Me, for screwing up game 1 against Ryan
-A minor conflict involving confusion as to pairings for top
16, which wasn't an error at all, but TMS randomly pairing
people with perfect resistance
-Bad hands in finals
-Me again, for not making the deck absolutely PERFECT. I
will be working more and more on this list until it is up to
-Me again, for being n00bed enough to finish writing a
(Pojo Note: LOL ... and it is not
unappreciated either Patriarch! ;-)
-I win and lose exactly how i did last year: games 1, 2, 4,
and 6 were wins, and the other two were losses
-Jordan and Ryan meet in a play-for-3rd match yet again.
This time the outcome is different...in a different age
-I upset a higher seed. Only this time, I upset 1st, 3rd,
and 4th seed.
-The only major turn-around is that rather than not doing
well, like Chris and Carlos did last year, they earned 1st
place, and T8. The force is with you o_O
I hope that you all enjoyed reading the highs and lows of my
report, and thanks! Hopefully see as many of you @ worlds as
possible =)