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Yu Yu Hakusho
Harry Potter
Vs. System
Pokemon TCG US National Championship
Origins Convention
Greater Columbus Convention Center
Columbus, Ohio
240 players in age group 15+
By William Hung
This is probably the largest tournament of the year. I got
there Friday late afternoon, so I only pick up my badge and
say some hellos to many familiar faces. But as a celebrity,
I guess I can't avoid autographs and pictures. It's all good
- it's been more than a year, and it's a good thing.
I will move into the tourney report now. So the metagame is
quite diverse. I saw Dark Dragonite/Dark Electrode, Rock
Lock, Blaze, Hariyama ex, Medicham ex, hybrids with those
two fighting Pokemon together, Zappy, and of course Ludicolo/Magcargo.
Let's not forget Metagross, Dark Steelix/Milotic, and
Shedinja! Yep, better be ready for anything and everything.
So I was choosing between Vileplume ex and Turbo Dark
Slowking, and I went Turbo Dark Slowking all the way,
because it can handle a larger variety of decks without
I don't mind if you copy my deck and bring it to Worlds,
because you probably won't do well at Worlds with it without
some serious tweaks. I tested this deck a lot by myself on
my computer - like Apprentice, but real games are usually
somewhat different, because you have many different players
with different mind sets and philosophies - even within the
very same deck - like Rock Lock.
Dark Ruler
Pokemon (12):
4x Jirachi (Deoxys - Wishing Star)
4x Slowpoke (Team Aqua and Magma - Amnesia) 4x Dark Slowking
Trainers (34):
4x Steven's Advice
4x Prof. Cozmo's Discovery
2x Rocket's Mission
4x Rocket's Pokeball
4x Swoop! Teleporter
4x Crystal Shard
4x Strength Charm
4x Pokemon Retreiver
Energies (14):
10x Psychic
4x Darkness
Concept is to get out turn 2 Dark Slowking. However, I do
struggle to get energies going, and unless I start with
energy (if I go 2nd), and starting Jirachi is a much better
choice - assuming I have a Slowpoke.
Dark Slowking wins by controlling the opponent's topdeck -
with Poke-Power Cunning. For each Dark Slowking (as long as
there isn't anything shutting the power down), you can look
at the top card of the opponent's deck and decide if you
want to shuffle their deck or not. But this is a difficult
task - you must understand how your opponent's deck work in
order to figure out what they need at a specific point in
the game.
If you can do that, then Dark Slowking's attack Litter will
put your opponent on a "clock". If you can win the game
within 8-10 turns after turn 2, then I think you will be
fairly successful.
With 240 players, it is 8 rounds, and cut to top 32.
Game #1: vs. Blaze
That's an easy match-up. Everything in his deck can be
one-hit KOed, as long as I have a Darkness and a Psychic
energy. I took full advantage of Cunning, and none of his
attackers, in particular Rayquaza ex, Blaziken ex, and
Deoxys ex (Attack) can match up well.
Win 1-0 3pts.
Game #2: vs. Muk ex
Another good match-up, but got a shaky start. I didn't know
he plays Muk ex, so I laid a Jirachi and Slowpoke on bench,
and he went first and Taunt my Slowpoke with his Grimer. He
got an early lead in prizes, but I eventually got back on
track and finished everything smoothly. His Weakness to
Psychic was simply too much.
Win 2-0 6pts.
Game #3: vs. 4 Corners (Gorebyss/Hariyama ex/Magcargo/Deoxys
ex - Normal) I think that's his deck - not too sure about
the Deoxys ex - Normal. Anyways, I had the worst sequence or
strings of cards in my life. I started out okay with
Slowpoke and Darkness energy.
But I couldn't get any Psychic energies until turn X. It was
a long time - like I got 3 Darkness energies in a row with
my Rocket's Mission and Prof. Cozmo's. Absolutely horrible!
But the game wasn't over - because as soon as I get setup, I
start fighting back, and at a prize count of 2-4 in his
favor, time was called! Ouch!
Loss 2-1 6pts.
I don't want an early "exit" at US Nationals. So I am going
to pay even more attention to detail, and stick to my game
plan I came up with during my own playtesting.
Game #4: vs. Zapdos ex
Wow, I totally got lucky on this one. He went first with a
Voltorb and Recharge. I got a Slowpoke and a Psychic Energy
and the best I could do was Amnesia his 2nd attack that does
20 damage. Next turn, he try to get a Zap, but couldn't do
it with a TV Reporter and found a Electrode, so he did Swift
for 30. My 2nd turn, oh my god, I got Prof. Cozmo's
Discovery and played it and got the Dark Slowking I needed
to win.
Win 3-1 9pts.
I just took a deep breath, because I knew I should have lost
that match right there.
Game #5: vs. Metagross
Not much, plain and simple by controlling his ability to get
Pidgeot and Metagross until it's too late. His Psychic
Weakness and my Weakness to Grass make a huge difference.
Best he could do with his Link Blast Metagross was 70
Win 4-1 12pts.
Game #6: vs. Dark Steelix/Milotic
I think he runs Metagross with Super Connectivity as well
from Deoxys. But again, because he didn't get to start with
Dunsprace (I think). So I limit it to one Dark Steelix that
can attack for 60+ damage, and got another easy win.
Win 5-1 15pts.
We played another game just for fun afterwards, and I still
puzzled him, because he says I can't get anything.
Game #7: vs. Greg Maluk - Machamp/Magcargo I control the
topdecking, and with his Weakness to Psychic, his Machamps
are down really quick - and with Cunning controlling his
ability to get Machamps charged up, it was an easy win as
Win 6-1 18pts.
Game #8: vs. Jordan Hill - Ludicargo
This was a weird game. We both didn't know everyone started
for almost 2 minutes. Then the game starts to get
interesting, but then turned into both a power struggle and
chess match. We were tied with 3-3 prize count at one point,
but now I will seriously try to pull it off. But anyways, I
made sure that he couldn't comback easily, and I started
playing more cards, and shuffled more.
Nevertheless, he took almost a 2 minute turn with his
Magcargo once. So when time is up, I broke the tie with a KO
on his Ludicolo for the win.
Win 7-1 21pts.
Wow, so tough! I mean my tiebreakers are kind of bad -
52.18%. The cutoff was like 6-2, 52.2...%, and 3 people with
6-2's didn't make top 32. That's rough.
Top 32 - from this point on, it's best 2 out of 3 games and
it's 1 hour.
vs. John Wetz (Youngjohn06) - Hariyama ex Game #1: I have a
strong advantage in this match-up, but he made it a game
with lots of Knock-Offs and my slow start. I couldn't find
the Swoop! Teleporter. He aggressively Rocket's Admins,
plays Energy Removal 2's, and lots of disruption stuff. It
was sort of close, even though I had a 1-4 prize lead.
Win 8-1
Game #2: He only got one Hariyama ex and one Wobbuffet, and
no Battle Frontier! I can win with Cunning and I did.
Win 9-1
Time to sleep and get ready for top 16 Sunday! I was really
happy and excited, even though I haven't had dinner and was
starving like crazy.
I found out on Sunday morning that I have to play Jordan
Hill, my opponent from round 8. That is not too exciting for
me, because I know it's going to be tough to win against his
Top 16 - vs. Jordan Hill - Ludicargo with Breloom (Fighting)
Game #1: He went first and got a god start! He started with
Dunsparce and dropped a 1st turn Battle Frontier. I can't
get out my Dark Slowking until turn 3. I only mustered three
prizes against him, because he exploit my deck and my
strategy's weakness. I had to hold on to most of my Pokemon
so that he can't one-hit KO my Dark Slowking. He took
advantage of that with 2 Rocket's Admin and Pokemon
Reversals. He doesn't hit most of his Reversals, but it
doesn't matter because Rocket's Admin really hurts me. I
don't like to go from 7 card hand to 4 card hand. Once I had
a lone Slowpoke left, I checked my next card and quickly
Loss 9-2
It's already at 30 minute mark, so I went first in the 2nd
game, and moved quick.
Game #2: I got a better start this time with Jirachi and
energies, but he also has a 1st turn Battle Frontier and
because I couldn't Cunning, my push for victory came to a
complete halt at 2 prizes. I know the match is starting to
slip away when he finally stablized with his Ludicolo -
Magcargo's. He play Rocket's Admin to make my 10 card hand
down to 3! It's hurting. Ouch! The Scramble and Strength
Charm, and his finally full Bench is making his comeback
inevitable. I simply never recovered. I had another Dark
Slowking to attack with, but again, he KOs it easily. I had
one Slowpoke left, and stared at 1 card I topdecked for a
LONG while, because it's my only card in my hand. I
completely ran out of fuel. I can't do anything but to do a
useless Amnesia and concede.
Loss 9-3
Wow, it was a bit disappointing. But Jordan did make all the
right plays, and built a great deck.
I didn't expect all those Reversals and Rocket's Admin. I
know he plays Rocket's Admin, but also 2 Strength Charms
that really made a huge difference in both of these games. 4
Battle Frontier may sound easy to get in opening hand, but
in reality, it's only about 50% at best. I've tested against
Ludicargo, and I know if I can abuse Cunning, I can win
rather easily. As it is, I need tweak my trainers so I can
defend against Rocket's Admin. Ludicargo needs to be a
match-up I win in the long run.
I know my deck's tough match-ups - Rock Lock and Dark Draggy.
I was lucky I never faced those. In particular, Rock Lock is
by far the most difficult match-up. But once I tweak my
trainers, I should fare better against all decks.
So any comments or suggetions on my deck or strategy is
greatly appreciated.
Thanks for reading! It was fun meeting and playing against
so many great players. See you guys at Worlds!