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From: Anna Schipper
Sent: Tuesday, July 19, 2005 6:30 AM
Subject: Dutch Nationals report by Anna Schipper
Ludicargo/Lanturn by Anna Schipper
Dutch National Championships
Nationaal Denksportcentrum, Utrecht
Sunday, July 3rd, 2005
About 170 participants, 51 in the 15+ catagory
After two weeks of lots of practice in between my exams
(it's been aaages since I've played Pokemon everyday, and I
can't believe how much fun it is
again!) and a trip to the Stadium Challenge in Austria I
believed I was sort of ready for our nationals. I would be
playing Ludicolo/Lanturn, since that's the deck that beat me
in the semi-final in Austria the week before, and I
play-tested it a bit, and looooved playing it. I won't list
the complete deck, cos I might be playing it at the Worlds,
and I'd like the complete list to stay secret for a little
longer =)
So 3rd of July came, and I rose at 6 AM to prepare and head
over to the place of the Olaf and David, the kids I always
play with, because their dad offered to take me and another
kid they're friends with, with him. They were all excited
about it, so the ride didn't take too long. We registered
and I met up with many of the players I know, and who'd also
be competing. After some last-minute trading/lending, all
decks were completed, and.we got to wait a joyous 3 hours
before the event actually started -_-;;
Olaf would be playing Dark Tyranitar in 10-, David was
playing Gardy in 11-14, and Jetze (the other kid) Blastoise
EX/Articuno EX in 11-14. Erik and Jeroen (my fellow team LG
members) would also be playing in the 15+, with Dark T-Tar
and Milotic/Gorebyss, respectively.
So finally, at around 1.30 PM or whatever, we start.
Round 1 - vs. Marlies (Gardevoir/Medichamp/Pidgeot)
She was really nice, and we chatted for a bit during the 20
minutes before we were actually allowed to begin. I like
playing against girls, cos I usually only play against guys
in my local league/tournaments ^^;; After an eternity
everything is settled, and we're allowed to begin. I start
horribly with a lone Chinchou, and she starts with Pidgey, I
think. We both get a really slow set-up, and as she doesn't
know many cards, play is really slow, cos she keeps needing
to read my trainers and Poke-powers and stuff. Finally I get
my deck going, and my Battle Frontier stops her Pidgeot, so
I manage to take all my prizes fairly easy. After the game
she tells me I'd better go on to win it now, so she can say
she lost to the champion, and she wanted a girl to win =)
Round 2 - vs. John (Exploud, Metagross, Pidgeot)
I get an early Battle Frontier against his Pidgeot, he
counters it with Magnetic Storm, I drop another Battle
Frontier. He uses a Scott, only to find out his other
Magnetic Storm was in his prizes, and the only stadium he
had left in his deck was.a Battle Frontier. So basically, he
doesn't get a lot going, and I kill two Explouds and Beldums/Metangs
to take all prizes.
Round 3 - vs. Jeroen (Dark Raticate/Dark Crawdaunt/Raichu/Togetic
He only gets one Dark Raticate out all match, because the
others are in his prizes. His Pokemon don't have enough HP
to survive my Lanturn attacks, so I
win fairly easily.
Round 4 - vs. A guy whose name I forgot ^^;; (Raticate/Crobat
(EX??) He never got beyond Golbat, so I don't know :P)
He gets a fast Raticate, and keep flipping heads on the
quick attack, killing my Sparce and Chinchou, but by then
I'm sort of setting up nicely, and after I kill the Raticate
he doesn't get anything anymore. At one time he even plays a
Masterball and doesn't have any cards he can choose among
the 7 ><
Round 5 - vs. Joey (Muk EX/Dustox/Togetic)
I don't think he draws a single energy card all game, and my
set-up is
rather alright, so needless to say it didn't take long, and
I win after
about 10 turns or so. I felt really sorry for him,
especially when we looked
at his deck, and there were like 2 groups of about 6 energy
cards in the
deck ^^;;
Round 6 - vs. Kristel (Jumpluff/Ninetales/Zapdos EX/Moltres
EX/Rayquaza EX)
She starts with an Igglybuff and uses set song to search for
a Hoppip. I
start with a Lotad, and keep using Surprise to remove her
best cards. At
some turn she uses Set Song for a Zapdos EX, so next turn I
use Rocket's
Admin, heh. This happens next turn as well (when she
searched for Moltres
EX), and by then I had a nice set-up, so I kill the
Igglybuff. She sends up
a Jumpluff, and flips like 4 heads in a row for the power
against my
Magcargo and later my Lanturn attacks >< But she can't get
her EX Pokemon in
play (didn't see a single one), and when I finally kill her
2nd Jumpluff,
she doesn't get anything running again anymore, so I take my
last prize
against a Ninetales, I think. Good game!
Top 8 - vs. Maurice (Dragtrode)
Game 1: I wasn't looking forward to playing Dragtrode at
all, but he looked
even more nervous than I was. He starts the first game, and
draws a card in
his first turn. I sort of thought he'd be slightly
irritating, because of an
incident in the swiss rounds he was involved in, and I was
nervous as well,
so I call over a judge, and he gets a warning. Looking back,
I feel really
guilty about calling the judge, cos he turned out to be a
really sweet guy,
who wasn't all that experienced yet, and we could've just
worked something
out ourselves. After that mistake he kept asking me if it
was alright to
play this or that card now, which made me feel even worse :(
So then we actually start playing, and he draws absolutely
nothing for about
3 turns, by which I've got a full bench with two Ludicolo, 1
Magcargo, and 2
Lanturn. I retreat my Dunsparce for Ludicolo, and start
killing all his
Pidgeys and Dunsparces, after dropping a Battle Frontier. I
think I took all
6 prizes in 8 turns or so.
Game 2: This was very much like the first one. I get a great
start, and he
gets absolutely nothing. He wasn't really playing very
smartly either, so in
the end I felt sorry for him, and sort of helped him by
telling he could
still use Pidgeot's power, etc. He eventually draws 1 prize
against my 6.
Battle Frontier totally stopped his deck, because he only
played 2 counter
stadiums, one of which he played 2nd turn, when I hadn't
played a Battle
Frontier yet. But he was really nice, and wished me luck,
and I told him to
download Apprentice so he could playtest his deck better
next time, since he
came from a region where he knew no other 'experienced'
players he could
play against.
Top 4 - vs. John (Exploud, Metagross, Pidgeot)
Game 1: He gets out an Exploud turn 3 or 4, with 2 Double
Rainbow on it. So
basically, it doesn't do any real damage anymore >< I give
it 80 with
Lanturn, then ATM rock it, so his rare candied Pidgeot goes
to his hand as
well. From there on I take all 6 prizes pretty fast with
Lanturn, en then
Ludicolo to finish it.
Game 2: He starts with a Beldum, and Pidgey on the bench.
Rare Candies to
Pidgeot, quick searches. I think I started with Sparce, cos
I got a fast
setup, and drop a Battle Frontier, which he can't get away
all game. He
eventually gets an Explaud out with his Jirachi (Make a
Wish), but two
Lanturn attacks kill it, and then he gets nothing anymore.
Finale - vs. Manuel (Blastoise EX/Articuno EX)
Game 1: So I was unbeaten so far, but I knew that I had a
lot of luck at
times, especially with my opponents. This was gonna be the
toughest match
I've ever played, and by now it was 9 PM, so I wasn't at my
fittest anymore,
and made a LOT of mistakes, which was sort of frustrating.
Onto the game; I
get the lousiest start ever with a lone Slugma against his
Squirtle ^^;;
Luckily I manage to get a Magcargo first turn with rare
candy, but tiredness
is kicking in, and I stupidly use his power for a switch
instead of a
Sparce. Luckily he can't kill the Cargo cos he doesn't get
his Strength
Charm, so from there on things get easier. I switch for a
Dunsparce I got
through my Steven's, and fill up my bench. Eventually my
Lanturn kills a
Blastoise, and he drops an Articuno. I give it 90, he drops
a second one and
kills my Lanturn. By now he's got a full bench, and somehow
Ludicolo's attack, so I give him an exact 110 damage, and
from there he
doesn't really recover. I think he got another Blastoise
with 4 energies,
but I switch for my other Lanturn to kill the Blastoise as
Game 2: I get the worst start with a lone Chinchou. I think
I managed to
kill one Blastoise and maybe a Jirachi or something, but
he's got the upper
hand all game, so I lose, also because I make the mistake of
not removing 50
damage from Ludicolo at one time with Healing Steps, because
I thought
removing 40 would be enough, but he plays a strength charm
on his Blastoise
EX to kill it, and I didn't have the right cards to replace
the Ludicolo
with a new one.
Game 3: With about 6 minutes left, we play a third round. I
start with three
mulligans, and thought that was it, he must've had a
Blastoise/candy in his
hand with enough energies in an 10-card-hand. I luckily
start with a
Dunsparce, which is what saves me. I SAR for Slugma,
Chinchou, Lotad. He
rare-candies, Blastoise EX, 4 energies, kill >< I send up my
Lotad, evolve
to Lombre, attach DRE, and retreat (for free) for another
Dunsparce, get a
Magcargo and smooth over for a Ludicolo, I think. He kills
the Sparce, and
is now 4-6 up in prizes with 2 minutes to go >< But I use
the Ludicargo
combo to search for a Scramble Energy, evolve Chinchou to
Lanturn, and kill
the Blastoise EX so we're now tied in prizes with about 1
minute to go.
Phew. He gets an Articuno active, and does 50 damage to
Lanturn. He's got a
60 HP Jirachi and a Wartortle with 20 damage on his bench
(from Blastoise's
power). So I draw a card, and time runs out. Sudden Death.
I'm thinking about a way to kill his Articuno, which just
wasn't possible
this turn, when suddenly I notice his bench. Two Pokemon
with 60 HP left
each. I take a look at my hand, and see 2 Pokemon Retriever,
and suddenly I
see the winning move. I Smooth Over/Happy Dance for a. Warp
Point. Use the
two retrievers to get back the 2 Dunsparce he killed, to
fill my bench. I
drop a Water Energy on Ludicolo, which already had a DRE. He
thinks I used
the cargo/colo powers for a Switch (hehe), so he keeps
making remarks along
the lines of 'come on, play the Switch already'. I re-count
the damage I
would give (70) a million times, cos I just couldn't believe
that if I
played the Warp Point I would actually *win* the game.
Finally I'm sure I do
that 70 damage, so I play the Warp Point, and win the match.
Soooo, I win the trip, 2 boosterboxes, Pokemon sleeves, a
Nintendo DS bag,
and $500 scholarship award. All of my fellow Team LG members
came in T16 in
their respective categories as well, with Olaf (10-) and
David (11-14)
losing closely mostly due to tiredness because they were
playing their top 8
matches at 8 PM or so =( Erik came in 6th in the end, I
think, and I think
everyone was suffering from tiredness in the final knock-out
games, and
Jeroen 14th or so... But we had lot of fun, and lots of
boosters to open on
the way back ^^
- The HUGE attendance =) 166 people!
- Erik, David, Jeroen, Olaf for being the coolest team
members ever, for all
the practice games, and for finishing T8/T16 =)
- Manuel for the most exciting game I've ever played =)
- Martin for the advice and for dropping out of the
tournament to solve part
of the judging problem. And for taking my POP cooling bag
with him after I
forgot it in the train last week, LOL.
- Warp Point for being my winning card, hehe.
- Girls doing so well =) 11-14 had two girls in the final,
and 15+ had 2
girls in T8.
- The tournament starting 3 hours late due to computer
errors and many more
players than expected
- The enormous confusing over doing Top 8 or Top 16 in the
11-14 category
- The huge entrance fee (18 dollars)
Comments and other email can be directed to:
Anna Schipper