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From: Richard Washington [mailto:lilgroudon@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 8:52 AM
To: pojostaff
Subject: Groudon has left his den with a tournument report.
What up every one Groudon is out of his den with a tourney
report I love pokemon games but I also like pokemon cards I
was in the tournoment right there with some of the greats
like randy and Vince. In my City of St. Louis.
Place Gathering Ground.
City St. Louis
State Missouri.
Ok so the deck I was playing a Metal Surge deck.
Pokemon 18
X2 Aron (Teary Eyes)
X2 Lairon (Iron Defense)
X2 Aggron EX
X2 Wobbufett (Safeguard)
X3 Chinchou (Pound)
X3 Lanturn (Energy Grounding)
X2 Magnimite (Random Spark)
X2 Magneton (Magnetic Force)
X1 Jirachi (Make a Wish)
X2 Beldum (Magnetic call)
X2 Metang ( Psyshock)
Trainers 14
X3 Copy cat
X3 Bills Maintance
X2 Life Herb
X1 Ancient Tomb
X2 Lum berry
X3 pokenav
Energy 28
X4 double rainbow
X1 scramble
X4 metal
X6 lightining
X13 Lighting
As you can see to much energy but I did do pretty good and
it was a all around tornument no age limit.
Round 1.
Richard vs Junior.
Junior is a good player he play's gardy First turn Metal on
my aron teary eyes.
he plays a wynaut so he used alluring smile to get a ralts.
my turn evo to lairon then play chinchou attach lighting to
lairon iron defense for nothing
his turn rare candy to gardy EX the whole match went down
like this I eventually win with the roll of a die.
points 3 record 1-0
Round 2
Richard Vs William Why do I have to fight my little brother
yeah will is my bro He plays a dark deck he usually crushes
me with the dark tyranitars but he only had a sandshrew for
basic easy knockout easy win.
points 6 record 2-0
Round 3
Richard Vs J.
J just started playing and he is good he plays a camerupt
and mancetric.
Easy win lack of basic man I am getting lucky today.
points 9 record 3-0
Round 4 Richard Vs Charles
Again I got to fight my bro you probaly know this brother as
scyther 21 on the COTD review
what was worse it was a special tournument we can play with
the old cards from base set and on but His first hand was
good I had Jirachi and aron on the bench he had Team aqua's
spheal and squirtle on the bench. He went first and passed
WHAT i got a metal energy and made a wish to evolve aron to
lairon his turn this match was over in turn 3 he used
breeder to evolve squitle to blastise from base set then
rare candy to evo TA's (Team aqua's) spheal to TA's walrein
prof oak rain dance he showed me 7 water energy put them on
walrein then Knock out.
Same with lairon Iron defense messed up so.
points 10 record 3-1
Round 5 Richard vs Senior
Senior is Junior's dad and he is good he played mancetric EX
he got to my bench and knocked out my small pokemon.
Points 11 record 3-2
Round 6 Richard vs Tim I played against Tim 2 times before.
he is good he took first place He played Dark Hypno and
Lanturn so I had a good time that what really matters right
Tim won against me in the draft and modified and now again.
Till next time see ya poke fans.