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From: Jokerboy0004@aol.com [mailto:Jokerboy0004@aol.com]
Sent: Sunday, June 12, 2005 12:42 AM
Subject: Healing Rain, Gym Challenge Report Robert Ector
Healing Rain
By Robert Ector
Ramada Plaza Hotel
Kissimmee, FL
Well, I woke up 7 o’clock in the morning. All my friends
slept over my house. We got ready and left at about 9:20. We
got there at 10:30 and I still needed cards for my deck and
so did Christian (I don’t even know why I wasted my time).
So I got 3 dunsparce from my friend who was supposed to
enter. Then, I got my Milotic Ex from Robert Baker. I still
needed a dunsparce so I asked Heidi and she gave me one
thanks Heidi! Then I started talking to Kyle and Robert and
some other people…
My deck ended up looking like this
2-Milotic Ex
Feebasx4(Variations from all different sets)
3-Blastiose Ex
2-Stevens Advice
2-Battle Frontier
2-Mr. Stones Project
2-TV Reporter
2-VS Seeker
3-Rare Candy
1-Pokemon Retriever
19-Water Energy
So Anyways the first round started….
Round 1 ME VS John Hildalgo (Sorry if I spelled your name
At first we didn’t believe that John would show up but he
did. I also knew what he was playing Sally Ex. So after are
anticipated match up we finally got to verse each other. I
have to say I got pretty scared until late game when he had
a lone salamance and something on the bench. I knocked it
out with Milotic Ex or Blastoise for game. I was happy for
that win I didn’t think I would beat him.
Round 2 ME VS Caitlin Christian
Err Electric the one type that screwed me over in this
tournament. She was playing one of the laturn variations. I
really have no idea why people go head over heels for these
decks? So anyways, this match was hers from the begging. She
struck and ran at the beginning bringing out enough chinchus
to screw me over. Then she just started to beat me down the
rest of the game. I did manage to knock out one of her
lanterns with Milotic Ex but it really didn’t help much
because the used the next lantern and hit me for 150 because
of weakness. That really sucked. She also one turn killed my
Blastoise, which gave her the win.
Round 3 ME VS Rudy
The 11-14 got paired with some 10 and unders so yeah this
girl was like 9 and ran the weirdest deck ever. She started
with a Suicune Ex but couldn’t get enough energy’s on it to
really do anything he was just basically annoying. After I
knocked out Suicune with Milotic I just started beating down
on her bench full of basics each with a different type.
Finally she had out a lone Whismer and retreated it to an
Hidden Legends Feebas with NO energy’s and tried to use
acension. I told her you cant because you have no energy’s.
She was just like “Um who cares”. In my head I was thinking
I care. While all of this commotion was happening Gym leader
Phil came up and corrected her Thanks Phil! So I ended up
Lunch Break
Me and my 3 friends ran all the way down to burger king and
ate lunch and we had to walk all the way back I was feeling
kind of bad about my chances being in top 8 but I still had
to be determined.
Round 4 ME VS Miranda Craig
Oh No! I said that to myself twice. The first time is when I
saw I was paired with the head judge’s daughter and the
second time was when I saw she was playing electric. So as I
miserably sat down at table 3 I prepared the best way I
could. So the match gets started and she get a second turn
dark electrode and I just went blank from there. She was
using electrode early game to help out her Dark Amphorous
late game it sure helped I got killed. Boo you electric
players! (J/P lol)
Side Note: At this point I thought I could make top 8 I was
already 2-2 then I found out Miranda and Caitlin where 4-0
so I knew I had to have a high tiebreak this made me want to
win even more.
Also about Christian, my friend Christian dropped out of the
challenge to go swimming in the hotel pool that REALLY
ticked me off that showed real stupidity I mean he didn’t
even have trunks and don’t ask me what he went swimming in
because I really don’t want to think about it right now. But
still SHAME ON YOU Christian for dropping out.
Round 5 ME VS Miriam (Really long name cant remember)
This is the first person I have ever played in the modified
format and he beat me horribly when we first played. Then we
met up and states where I won and now we meet here again. I
see a walrien when we first start but that just boosts my
confidence. He starts with a Rockets Suicune. I knock that
out quick and just start to work away on his basics Finally
he manages to get up a Poliwrath it confuses me and then I
cant retreat how gay is that? I roll heads twice on attacks
with Milotic. Finally after he draws three prizes from that
one Poliwrath I win. I tell him good game.
Between Rounds
They posted up rankings and I was in 8th and Caitlin and
Heidi where 5-0 I was so happy if I won this next one I was
guaranteed top 8
Round 6 ME VS Chris (4got your last name)
When I first started playing I thought for sure I would lose
this match but I was wrong. He started with a voltorb and I
think I started with a turn two Milotic (The super hypno
wave one)! All I can remember this match is knocking him
down as soon as he got a possibly good set up. In the end I
knocked out yet another voltorb for the win. After this
match I was so happy I mean I was in top 8 for the first
Between top 8
Me and Kyle waited for the Rankings to come up it felt like
they where taking years when it only took a couple of
minutes. When they finally came I was in
6th place. YEAH! Kyle was in 8th and Ryan (His brother) was
third and I had to verse him first. So I sent my deck
through deck check and we started…
Top 8 ME VS Ryan Sabelhaus (Hopefully the name is spelled
These matches where two out of three so it took some time to
determine the winner
Match 1: I started with dunsparce and I think I went first.
I got a turn 2 Milotic and it was over from there I guess
this match was kind of faint in my mind all I know is I won.
Match 2: ERR! This one pissed me off the most he was playing
Marowak. The deck was good now don’t get me wrong. In this
match I thought I had it at the end he had like three or two
prizes and he sent up Macarogo who is weak to water, he is
like you lost. I have a Blastoise and a Milotic on the bench
both with damage. HE ROCKS ME!!! The sole purpose of my deck
is to stop Rock-lock and he actually gets a rock off on me
it really made me feel bad if only that Milotic had stayed
in play longer…
Match 3: This one I remember well very, very, well. We both
got off to a good start but in the end I had one prize left
and he had two. The card that Ryan Basically used to beat
the hell out of me was desert ruins if it wasn’t for ruins I
would have done way better but because of that card I lost
this one. I made a huge mistake by retreating the Super
Hypno Milotic for a Milotic Ex. He hit the Milo Ex for huge
damage and ruins ate it up. I should have never retreated.
Oh well I lost and got 6th place YAY go me. I got 4 packs
and pulled crap but I really didn’t care I got 6th place
that was good enough for me.
Placing top 8 for the first time in a big tournament
Playing a rouge idea that I thought of and coming in top 8
for the first time with it
My friends coming to the event
Robert Baker for letting me use some of his cards before the
Kyle Sabelhaus Winning!
Christian dropping
Nick and Tag not being there! (WHAT HAPPENED 2 U GUYS???)
Making that mistake in top 8
Special thanks to:
Robert Baker again for lending me the cards
Rodney for helping me and Christian out at the beginning
Heidi Craig for lending me a dunsparce and organizing these
amazing events
Gym leader Phil for correcting that girl Rudy
Kyle and Ryan Sabelhaus also John Hildalgo for being so nice
and kewl