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Jaeger's Brookfield WI Gym Challenge Report
I'm sorry but I am not going to post a deck list with this
as I do not know what deck I am going to play at Worlds so I
hope this not a problem as I will more then gladly post this
deck and the deck I play at Worlds after Worlds. But onto my
tourny report.
We drove up the night before so we got up about 7 and ate at
MC Donalds and got to the Tournament about 10 and stood
around and talked, played, and traded for a while till the
tournament started.
Round 1
HypnosprojectHQ (Vilaplume EX/Battle Frontier) VS. Jaeger (Blaziken)
He stared with 2 oddish vs my Torchic with Rare Candy and
Blaziken EX in hand so I put him to sleep he wakes up and
Posions me so I'm sitting here just one energy on Torchic
and I know I can end this quick if I draw an energy, but I
don't draw it and my only option being a Celio's I decide to
go for a Dunsparce and Retreat the Torchic I don't remember
a whole lot but that I eventually get set up and so does he
but it was several turns later I think I Volcantic Ashed a
Vilaplume EX he heal danced it and put me to sleep and I
Quicked Search for a Moltres EX and KO'ed the Vilaplume EX
and there was'nt a whole lot he could do since I was hitting
his Blossiums for double damage and 1 hit KOing them. I
don't remember the exact prize count but I know he took 2 or
3 but I don't remember what he KO'ed.
Round 2 (1-0)
Abraham (LudiCargo/Battle Frointier) VS. Jaeger (Blaziken)
I start out with a Torchic and Pidgey benched he gets a
Dunsparce and goes first I put him to sleep he powers up
Lotad and strikes and run again I evolve attach an energy
and flip heads on lunge to kill the sparce brings up Slugma
to stall attachs anothor energy to Lotad by this time he has
a Macargo in play and I have a Pidgeot and a FS Blaziken my
turn I attach an energy and Evole to Blaziken EX and make
the mistake of killing his slugma I think that may have cost
me the game if not that at least a few prizes he brings up
lotad candys to Ludicolo attachs an energy smoothover/Swing
Dance and plays a Stevens drops two or three basics and
kills me I come up with a FS Blaziken and hit him for 50
some stuff happened and he had anthor Ludicolo out with
Double Rainbow on it and I clutch it 40 I was planing on
sacrafice my Pidgeot then Admin/ATM Rock him next turn for
two prizes but he rare candies a bench Lotad into a Happy
Dance Ludicolo and starts healing everything so I have to
settle for getting rid of two rare candies with my ATM Rock
but it goes down hill from there.
Round 3(1-1)
James (Dark Hypno/Dark Tranatar/Macargo) VS. Jaeger (Blaziken)
James was actually supposed to be in the 10 and under but
since he already qualified for worlds he wanted to play up
to get ready for Worlds. I was worried about this match up I
don't like playing against Dark Hypno since Blaziken likes a
full bench and Blaziken EX is weak to psychic.To be honest I
don't remember much about this match just that he got a bad
start and it was several turns before he got energy and I
got a great start and got set up quickly I do remember him
fliping four heads with his Dunsparce against mine to kill
it and then when he Ko's it I'm just like well just flip it
to see if it mattered and he got tails.
Round 4 (2-1)
Tom (Rock Lock with Jirachi Swoop) VS. Jaeger (Blaziken)
I go first and SAR with a Dunsparce and a Benched Pidgey he
starts with a Larvitarhe first turn Rare Candies into a Dark
Pupitar attaches a Dark and Explosive Evoultion and gets
heads so I'm sitting there like crap so I retreat sparce for
Torchic and put him to sleep he still has no energy or Draw
Power so he lets me go but he gets
2 prizes becuase he killed a Pidgey and a Dunsparce I think
I Rare Candy into a Blaziken EX and Blaze Kick him for 50 he
goes and gets a Stevens off I think and Benchs a Pidgey and
a Larvitar and puts a fighting on Dark Tryanitar my turn I
Blaze Kick him again for anthor 50 he goes puts a Dark on to
Dark TTar and hits Blaziken EX's for 90 so its up to 110 I
go Knock out the Dark TTar and he gives me something small
to kill he Has a benched Dark TTar(Sand Damage) and Pidgeot
both Rare Candied so fearing a scramble I Volcanic Ash the
Dark TTar and next turn I retreat for a Blaziken or Pidgeot
or Something and ATM Rock him for one prize and devoleing
the Pidgeot down to a Pidgey. I don't remember a whole lot
else just that I kept his hand Pretty small early game and I
just kept using Volcanic Ash on his bench when he tired to
evolve stuff since I got rid of 3-4 of his Rare Candies at
the start. He did get a ATM Rock off to kill I think 1 more
pokemon and devole 1-2 Rare Candied Pokemon.
Round 5 (3-1)
Jason "Ness" (Medicham EX/Jirachi Swoop) VS. Jaegar (Blaziken)
Ness used to be a big contributer to the pojo pokemon
site(check out Ness's Nest, etc. and also heard he started
the COTD but I'm not 100% sure on that) and still writes in
every now and again and is certainly a great player, but
onto the match. He mulicans once or twice and starts with a
Jirachi against my Pidgey he goes firsts and attaches an
energy to Jirachi and then uses Jirachi's power, I go and
draw nothing, his turn uses Jirachi's Power again swoops for
a Meditiate evoles into Medicham EX attaches an energy and
puts three damage on Pidgey I go and draw nothing I put my
cards down and I shake his hand.
Alright I'm 3-2 and make in the top 8 at the 7th seed, they
take our decks and give us an hour lunch I know who I'm
going to play and I know I was going to play Ryan better
known as Bullados which is fellow COTD member so I knew I
was in for a fight I also knew he was playing Gardevior so
this was going to be a classic match but this is how the top
8 broke down.
Bullados(Gardevoir/Battle Frointier) VS. Jaeger (Blaziken)
Pooka (Ludicargo) VS. Rob "Slow Deck" (Ludicargo/Kingdra)
Ness (Medicham EX/Jirachi Swoop) VS. Abraham (Ludicargo)
Devin (Vilaplume EX/Battle Frointier) VS. Cory (Slamance EX)
Top 8
Bullados (Gardevior) VS. Jaeger (Blaziken)
Game 1
He goes first and SAR's for 3 Ralts I think I have a Torchic
active and something Benched but I put him asleep and he
wakes up and SAR's again for a 4th Ralts and a HL Jirachi my
turn I put anthor energy under Torchic and evolve to
Combuskien and get heads for the Knock Out he brings up a
Jirichi for me to kill and puts an energy under a benched
Ralts and evolve to Kirila my turn I have two options either
I can get a Blaziken and kill the Jirachi and Leave my self
open to a Gardevior EX kill or what I do do is attach a
third energy to Combuskien and ATM Rock him since he only
had four cards in his hand five when he drew I highly
doubted that he had his Switch, Candy, Gardevior EX, Boost.
he did'nt he revolved and passed I think I went into a
normal Blaziken anyway and Benched a Torchic put an energy
and firestarted it and then Killed the Jirachi. Some stuff
happened and some of my Candied stuff got pretty damaged he
CopyCated me for like 10 cards and he got what I feared his
ATM Rock he got like 3 prizes off of it so I went from a 2-6
lead to a 2-3 lead I brought up I think it was a Pidgeot or
a Blaziken and killed whatever ATM Rocked me so now the
score was 1-3 my lead but then he CopyCats me again for like
11 card. He needed 1 of 2 cards either his 2nd GEX or a
Pokemon Retriever to get back his first GEX that I killed
earlier and he gets the retriever and kills the Pidgeot so
now its 1-2 still my lead but I got nothing on my bench I
think I got a Skitty, Blaziken, Pidgey, Torchic and none of
them have any energy so I send up skitty attach an energy
and FS my Torchic, he gets heads on the Sleep check and
Knocks out the Skitty so now its a 1-1 tie game and I'm
faceing down a Gardevior EX with 2 energys on it and a Heal
Dance Gardevior benched, and I have a huge hand but I go for
it, I bring up pidgey put my energy on it FS Torchic again
Rare Candy it into a Blaziken EX now it has 2 energys on it
I Rocket Admin us down to each 1 card I Know if he draws a
Boost I'm dead I draw my card Stevens Advice, his turn he
doesn't draw anything and feedbacks me for 1 my turn I draw
a skitty I Stevens for 2 more and I get the energy I
Firestarter Blaziken EX attach my energy to it retreat
pidgey and kill the benched Gardevior for the win.
Game 2
He starts off with a lone Ralts against my Dunsparce I do
remember failing several sleep checks but I get out a
Macargo and Pidgeot pretty fast which got everything else
and he continues to draw nothing while I continue to fail
sleep checks finally he Rare Candies his Ralts which by this
time had three energys on it to a Psyshadow Gardevor throws
a Forth energy on and Kills my Dunsparce I Bring up Blaziken
fully powered and KO the Gardevior in a few turns he did
bench 2 Dunsparce Just incase I Ko'ed the Gardevoir so he
stalls with them for a while but in the end he just couldn't
get his set up going and I got a great start. GG Those were
some great games.
This is how the Top 4 broke down
Jaeger (Blaziken) VS. Devien (Vilaplume EX/Macargo/Battle
Frointier) Jason "Ness" (Medicham EX/ Jirachi Swoop) VS. Rob
"Slow Deck" (Ludicargo/
Game 1
I go first and get a quick Blaziken EX out I remember at one
point I use Volcanic Ash on a Vilaplume EX he then Heal
Dances and puts me asleep I don't remember what I flipped
but I switch out Blaziken EX with Moltres EX using its power
and then I FireStarter the Blaziken EX throw an energy under
Moltres EX and KO the Vilaplume EX he sends up Regirock I
hit it for 60 and Confuse it. Knowing I would net 2 more
prizes next turn and have a fully powered Blaziken EX he
scoops to save time.
Game 2
I think he started out with an oddish and some stuff benched
and got a turn 2 Gloom vs my Turn 2 Blaziken EX I Blaze Kick
him and flip tails and he gets heads on the Burn check
evolves into a Vilaplume EX and puts me asleep I flip heads
and Blaze Kick him and he's burned I remember him attacking
me and I was up to 140 on Blaziken EX and he was at 130 I
decide not to give him the guareented two prizes so I
retreat for a Dunsparce and he flips tails on his Burn check
and then some stuff happend and I KO'ed a Blossium with a
Blaziken due to weakness and this is about the point where
Alex points out that since Jason won and already had a trip
and that winner of this game got a trip but by this time I
was all set up and had anothor Blaziken EX on the bench
ready to kill anything that he started to power up, so he
just starts messing with me and gives me 2 more easy kills
and then he play an Oddish an Warp Points his Macargo back
and I bring up Pidgeot he says come on you got hit the
Oddish for 200 so I retreat Pidgeot and bring up Blaziken EX
and Volcanic Ash for the Win. Once again GG's Devin
Jaeger (Blaziken) VS. Jason "Ness" (Medicham EX/Jirachi
Game 1
This was a terrible match up for many considering my deck
really relies on PokePowers to set up, Ness also was giving
me so much crap during this match I think he was just
messing with me and trying to Psychc me out but what he
didn't realize is I really didn't care if I won or not since
I already get the trip and invite but he wanted to win it. I
start with a decent hand after he Mulicaned several times, I
think I started with a Dunsparce against his Jirachi I
believe he went first attached and used the power I SAR he
uses the power again then swoops for a Meditate and evolves
to a Medicham EX and put 2 on the Pidgey and 1 on the
Torchic I don't remember everything just that I kept
forgetting about Medicham EX power and I kept trying to
Quick Search or Smoothover or FireStarter my only exuse is
that I was tired, he got going pretty fast and just kept Sky
Kicking me and I just could not get anything set up I did
manage to take a prize by using an ATM Rock on a Medicham EX
that had 50 damage on it.
Game 2
He starts with a Jirichi after mulicaning like 3 times I
start with a Dunsparce and still no energy, and once again
he gets a turn 2 Medicham EX and I never really get set up.
-Broken Lizard for having a great tourny -Jason
Congratulation you truely are one of the best.
-Devin you were the nicest person to play the entire day you
had great Sportsmanship.
-My Parents for taking me.
-All my opponents you were all great
-None really