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Jaegers Worlds 2005 Tournament Report
First I would like to say I'm sorry but my spell check is
not working I have read throuh this twice but I might not
have caught it all so if you see words one or two letters
off this is why.
We left early Thursday morning I think we were at the
airport at 8 AM and our flight out was at 10:30 and I think
we got to the T&C around 2, we ate at the restuarnt down
stair and the meals were about $10 each which I thought was
kinda high but not unreasonable.
It was the breakfest I thought was expensive I mean come on
3 peices of toast should not cost me $2.75 anyway my little
brother decided to go swimming so my mom went with him. I
still had no idea what deck to play. I had it narrored down
to Blaziken and Metagross I had played Blaziken for a long
time so I decided I would test my Metagross deck so I play
tested for most of the night. I had alot of fun talking to
all these different people from around the world. I was
talking to this guy from Austria who both he and his son had
won invites so they both came and I play tested with him for
a while. I also got to meet people from several other
countries that was really cool. I ended up playing 6-7 or
games I played against Rock Locks, Zapdos, Cacturine EX,
Blaziken/Rachiu and I only lost one to a Rock Lock deck.
Tired but feeling a little better about my decks I went to
Got up about 6:45 we went down to eat breakfest and then I
went over to watch some practice games before we left for
Sea World. We end up taking a taxi serves recommend by the
hotel we got to Sea World just a little bit after it opened
we spent the alot of the day going all over the place we
rode some rides and watched some shows that were really
great, I was really impressed with all the trainers and how
well they had these shows coreographed. We stayed till about
3:30. As we were waiting for our cab to pick us up we saw
the world largest peanut and the company had sent them out
here and they were handing out bags of peanuts and asking
triva questions then held this paper airplane contest were
the three that went the farthest got these foam peanut
stress balls, now I'm not the best paper airplane maker so
my first idea was to just take my paper wad it up into a
ball and throw it but it as started to make a paper airplane
it turned more into just a sheet of paper folded over and
over again so when it was my turn I just threw it went so
far then one of the judges made the coment I don't know if a
Ninja Death Star counts as a paper airplane but they said
that I was one of three farthest so they gave ti to me then
they just handed one to everybody. When we got back to the
hotel I was sunburned so badly we had sunscreen with us but
we never put it on since it was overcasted when we left. I
went down stairs and signed in I waited in line for proablly
half an hour but we got some really cool stuff, a Bookbag,
Binders, Packs, Water Bottle, Shirt, limited edition cards
and I'm proablly forgeting alot of stuff but it was great I
returned the stuff to my room and decided to wait on opening
my packs till later, so I went back down and met up with our
gym leader and his family his kid already won an invite so
we hung out with him till the grinders started since he was
grinding but shortly after the first round started the rest
of us left to go the welcome party nintendo was throwing
their was all sorts of food there Hotdogs, Hamburgers, Ribs,
Corn, Cake, Cobler, Desert Cookies, and tons of other stuff,
we were sitting at a table with a family from Ecuador their
english wasn't great but they were really nice and we
managed to carry a conversation. After filling up on all the
great food I decided to try my Metagross deck in a side
tournament. The format was an 8 person side tournament,
single elmintation the prizes were
1st 7 packs
2nd 5 packs
3-4 4 packs
5-8 none
Round 1 Me(Metagross) Vs. (Sorry can't remember) Rocklock
I had some experience playing and playing against Rock Lock
so I knew what to do as soon as he got a Larvitar going I
brought it up with Metal Reversal and then either 1HKO'ed it
with a Strength Charm or kill it in 2 hits I managed to kill
2 this way and I was guessing he only play 3 but he did play
a Pokemon Retrevier to get 1 back and he had a Pidgeot out
about midgame so that woried me a bit, I think I tried to
ATM Rock it but he had anthor Rare Candy ready, he only got
one Dark Amphy built up so I just simply Metal Reversaled it
up and killed it in a couple shots, and with combenasion of
me being able to stop 60 damage a turn with 4 Metals and a
Belliosum conbined with hitting him for a hundred a turn
with Extra Comment Punch I was able to overwelm him.
Game 2 Me (Metagross) Vs. ???(Metagross/Gengar EX)
I think I started with a Beldum, so I began to call for
familly and then he KO'ed my Beldium with Metang so I
brought up my Beldium with an energy evoled to metang
attached a Scramble and 1HKO'ed his metang with a small hand
and only a couple small basic I was able to win in a couple
of turns with a Metagross EX and a Strength Charm.
Game 3 Finals Me(Metagross) Vs. ???(Turn 2)
He gets the turn 2 Medicham and KO's one of my pokemon in a
couple of turns but I bring up a Beldium evolve to Metang
and attach a scramble but flip tails on the attack but next
turn I attach an energy and evolve to metagross HL and KO
that and it just goes down hill from their for him, I think
I KO'ed a couple more meditates and maybe anthor cham but he
could not get powered up fast enough.
So I won a side tournament with Metagross and it play tested
really well so I was leaning more towards it but I decided I
would decide in the morning.
After much considering I decided to go with Metagross since
I felt it could handle the format better then Blaziken. This
is the list I used.
Dunsparce x3
Jirachi x1(DX)
Beldium x4
Metang x3
Metagross x2(DX)
Metagross x1(HL)
Metagross EX x2
Pidgey x2
Pidgeotto x1
Pidgeot x2
Oddish x1
Belissiom x1
Stevens Advice x4
Celios Network x4
Rare Candy x4
TV Reporter x3
Rockets Admin x2
Warp Point x1
Switch x1
ATM Rock x1
Island Cave x1
Magnetic Storm x1
Strenth Charm x1
Metal x4
Scramble x2
Rainbow x1
Psychic x7
If anyone has any questions or comments about how I ran it
or why I used a certain version of a card feel free to
e-mail me at jay2007@iowatelecom.net
I was a little nervoius but I was trying to make sure that
didn't bother me I started thinking about what all my
friends were doing back home and the time seemed to go by
Round 1 Jaeger(Metagross) Vs. The UK Nats Champ. (Rouge)
This was the most rouge deck that I have ever seen it ran
Zapdos EX/Moltres EX/ Deoxys EX/Rayquaza Star he goes first
with a Seviper and hits my Beldum for ten a couple turns
pass and he gets a turn 3 Zapdos EX on me KO's my Beldium
and I bring up a Jirachi, I Wishing Star then he KO's that I
manage to fight my way back in it with a Metagross and a
Scramble I eventually get a Pidgeot out and then we spend a
couple of turns trading stadiums his Battle Frontiers and my
stadiums, I eventually win out and then about midgame I make
the mistakes that costs me the game I have a Metagross with
one energy benched, Pidgeot active against one of his
lengendary birds with I think forty damage on it at least
enough to be KO my Metagross when I hit it for seventy and
it has 3 energy all I have to do is bring it up attach my
energy and use Super Conduncy but without thinking I used
Super Conduncy on Pidgeot since I thought I might need it
later I relized it the second I took my hand off of it. I
didn't want to lose my injured Pidgeot so I retreated for
Metagross attach an energy and do forty a couple turns later
were tied at 1-1 I have a Metagross Ex active with 3 metals
on it against his Wobbifuet with 1 energy he has a benched
Moltres Ex with 40HP left. I asked for the ruling but
safeguard stops me from Metal Reversing up his Moltres for
the game but I do have 1 Warp Point left all I have to do is
Warp Point switch for Pidgeot and then free retreat for
Metagross EX it doesn't matter what he brings up I'll just
Metal Reversal up the Moltres EX for the win, I Quick Search
I don't see it I check agian and again I proablly checked 5
times I check my discard its not there, my hand nothing then
I relized where it was, I looked one prize card thats where
it was I wanted to yell out a couple words so bad but I kept
my mouth shut left with no other choice I retreat for
Pidgeot attach an energy and clutch he has 4 card hand he
draws top decks a Moltres EX grabs
2 energys attachs a third KO's my Pidgeot. I asked him if he
top decked that Moltres EX and he says yes I asked him if he
had any thing else in his hand and he reveals it to show
nothing and then I flip over my last prize card to reveal
the Warp Point that would have won me the game.
I felt horrible, I made a mistake that cost me the game but
I couldn't change that so I started concentrating on the
next round and I knew I proablly would have to win the next
three rounds to stand a chance on tie breakers.
Round 2 Jaeger(Metagross) Vs. Poem(Israil)TA Walren/Delcatty/Fossils
I'm pretty sure he said he was from Israil. I started with a
God hand of Beldum,Rare Candy,Rare Candy, Pidgeot, Stevens,
Stevens and something else all I needed was an energy and I
could be set up really fast. He starts with a Skitty benched
and a couple of fossils, I Stevens get no energy next turn
still no energy I burn a Rare Candy so I can play Stevens
again still no energy I eventually get an energy and a
Pidgeot going but I already played
3 Rare Candies all of my Pokemon were Rare Candied up. I
knew if he played an ATM Rock I would be in serious trouble
so all I can do is my best to prepare for one, while at the
same time powering up a Metagross Ex I finally get it going
with several Metals. He returns all the energy he played on
TA Walrien and the rest of his Pokemon so he can KO my
Pidgeot but then I just KO'ed it with Metagross EX since TA
Walren already had 40 on it from clutch and I just kept
bring up his TA Speals and TA Selios as soon as he played
them and then I picked off the Delcattys for the win. What
really hurt him was my ablitty to get around his fossils
every turn and his weakness to metal.
Alright I was feeling a little better my biggest fear was
going to Worlds and loseing every round but I knew I wasn't
out of hot water yet my next match would draskly affect if I
could make top
32 or not.
Lunch Break
We got an hour for lunch so we decided to eat at a outdoor
vendor since we figured that would be the fastest the line
was pretty long but right behind me was Crema the guy who
took 4th last year in the 11-14 and then moved up to the 15+
this year so I talked to him for a few minutes while we were
waiting line, he was really cool. We finally got our food
then went back to the hotel room and ate and had plenty of
time to make it back to the tournament before the next
Round 3 Jaeger(Metagross) VS French National Champion(4
Man this is like my third National Champion, I don't know
about the guy from the second round but I'm guessing you had
to win Nats. to get an invite from Israil anyway he was
playing Four Connors it was Grumpig,Glaile,Macargo,Lanturn.
He starts with Spoink, I don't remember much from the start
but I do remember that I KO'ed something then he scrambles
his grumpig then KO's me on weakness. It was the Grumpig
that did 50+30 more if it was attacking an EX. Then he plays
down Slugma and pretty soon it turns into a Macargo but by
this time I have a Metagross EX ready with a few Metals on
it and I know that if I KO his active Grumpig he'll just
bring up a Macargo and Scramble and hit me for 70-80 even
with the Metals so I Metal Reversal up the Macargo since
were still tied on prizes on his turn he evolves his Slugma
into a Macargo so I know I'm going to get Scrambled no
matter what so I KO his Macargo with Extra Comet Punch, he
brings up Macargo and Scrambles like I knew he would I Heal
Dance 20 off then I KO his second Macargo with Extra Comet
Punch and he couldn't catch up after that I just kept
hitting him for hundard every turn. I know he burned a third
Scramble with a Lanturn but since I had 3 or 4 metals on
Metagross EX compined with a Heal Dance I took it pretty
easly I do think he got a alot of damage on Metagross EX but
I won before he could KO it I think the final prize count
was he had 3-4 left so I would have been in a little trouble
if he could have KO'ed the Metagross EX.
Allright I'm doing better this next game will really decide
alot, I have to play my hardest if I want to come out with a
Round 4 Jaeger(MetaGross) VS US(Rock Lock)
I absoultly hate playing against Rock Lock but after play
testing against it on Thursday and Friday I knew what to do,
I start with Dunsparce against his Larvitar with the 3 coins
and I'm just thinking o crap this could be over before I get
a turn but luckly he doesn't have the energy so my turn I
SAR and get set up a little faster then he does and start
killing his Larvartars with Metagross EX I knew a F/D
Tryanatar with a Scrample could be really bad for my
Metagross Ex I KO 2 of his Larvatars and think alright he
proablly does a 3-2-3 line or a 3-3-3 line either way two
down one to go but he plays a Pokemon Retriever and get a
Dark Tryanatar with Spinning Tail and Scrambles it and uses
Spinning tail I think I hit it for 50 with Extra Comet Punch
and without thinking about the Double Rainbow he quick
Searchs and gets it and KO's Metagross EX I think the prize
count was 4-4 or 3-4 my lead I eventual KO the TTar and use
compinations of Metal Reversal and Extra Comet Punch to pick
off his bench I was very careful on how many Rare Candies I
used. I knew without Dark Amphrous the ATM Rocks would be
almost Pointless so I quickly got rid of any Mareeps or Dark
Flaffys and Dark Ampharous he brought into play and with
Extra Comet Puch hitting for a hundred a turn I KO'ed the
Pidgeot he brought active and with such a small hand size I
was able to KO the rest of his pokemon I think the final
prize count was like 0-1 or 0-2 so it was really close.
Allright I recovered from a first round loss I knew if I won
my next match I stood a good chance and making Top 32.
Round 5 Jaeger(Metagross) VS US(Turn 2 Pow Cham)
I played against this on Friday night so I new this game
could go either way. He start with Wobbuffet but he has the
swoop grabs the Jirachi and gets the turn 2 cham and KO's
something in a few turns then I make a huge mistake I bring
up Beldium, Candy Metagross(HL) attach a Scramble and hit
the 2 heads I need to KO the Medicham EX so were tied on
prizes I believe or I'm head one I don't remember and then
he sends up Mediatce I power up and kill it in a couple of
hits so I only got 3 prizes left against like his Cham and
benched Jirachi he brings up cham pows up my Jirachi plays
an Aqua's Hideout and starts to kill my bench and Admins me
down I draw nothing. Anytime I throw an energy on Jirachi
its eithered Powed to the bench or
ER2 he eventually picks off anything on my bench with energy
on it and with no way to retreat or switch Jirachi he picks
off my bench for the win. I do rememeber I got a nice Warp
Point off so I could use powers but their was nothing I
could grab with Quick Search that would matter.
Darn I was doing so good now I have to win the next three to
get in for sure and people have been talking and they
figured out some 5-3 will make it on tie breakers so if I
win at least two more I might still make it.
Round 6 Jaeger(Metagross) VS. US(Turn 2 Pow Cham)
Pretty much the same as the last game he has a Wobbuffet
start but has a swoop I forget what I start with but he gets
a turn 2 Cham on me and KO's something so I bring up evolve
to a Metagross I believe, KO the Cham then he does the POW,
Team Aqua's Hideout and just Energy Removial 2 or Pow any
energy back. I finally got 2 energy on a Jirachi and hit him
for 50 but he then KO'ed hit and I had nothing else that
could KO the Cham he did have like 2 in play each with 50
damage on them and a Jirachi and I'm sitting their like
alright if I can get a TV Reporter and then a energy and a
ATM Rock I could win, I get the TV Reporter and the energy
with it but no ATM Rock so he picks off my bench for the
Darn it now I have to win the next two just for a chance to
make top 32 all right no mistakes now.
Round 7 Jaeger(Metagross) Vs. Japan(Dark Steelix)
This guy spoke almost no english but we managed to
comunicate by pointing at the cards and their effects I
believe he started with an Onix I forget what I started
with. We both got Pidgeots out really fast he got a Dark
Steelix powered up with alot of Darks and Metals and between
all of his healing and Mioltics it was nearly impossible to
KO the Dark Stelix but I finally got 80 or 90 damage on it
then I played an ATM Rock to KO the Onix and return his Rare
Candied Pidgeot but he had anthor Rare Candy in his hand
waiting I remember looking at the clock and their was less
then 8 min left and we were still tied at 5-5 and he was
geting anthor Dark Stealix built up I knew it was unlikly
that either of us were going to win by taking all 6 prizes
with such little amount of time left and I also knew it was
unlikly that I could KO his second Dark Steelix so I
concentrated more on being up on prizes when time was called
so I begun to Metal Reversal up his Benched Febas's and
knock them out and between my Metals and Benched Bellisiom I
was able to keep my Metagross EX alive untill time was
called. So I win
3-5 on prizes. Let me be very clear on this I did not stall
turn any point of this match we both Played our turns like
normal, my turns were about the same length as his and if
they were any longer it was not by much.
Allright it will all come down to this next game. I was
nervous but I was ready I was sitting over in the parents
area with my mom and William Hungs family he was so exited
he made top 32 since he was
6-1 but we wished each other luck since if he won he would
not have to play as tough of people and if I won I stood a
shot at making top 32.
Round 8 Jaeger(Metagross) Vs.
I muligan twice but finally start with a Dunsparce, he
starts with Rhyhorn active and like anthor one benched with
somthing else benched I draw a Beldum so I play it down and
then I SAR and switch with a Jirachi. His turn he evolves
into a Rhydon attaches a Double Rainbow and then KO's the
Jirachi I do remember I eventualy KO'ed his Rhydon and then
I got a Metagross EX going with like 3 or 4 metals on it
with a Belliosum benched I do remember when I was building
up the Metagross EX he got out a Heal Dance Ludicolo with
like 2 waters a Scramble and a Double Rainbow or two and he
could not flip heads. He would need like 4 out of
8 toss to be heads to KO me and he kept geting like only 2
of them but I eventually got my Metagross EX going with 3-4
Metals and a benched Belliosum and I kept KOing everything
with Extra Comet Punch I do remember at the end of the game
Metagross EX either had alot of damage on it or he KO'ed it
and I had to take my last prize with something else. I don't
remember what the exact prize count was but I know he didn't
have more then 3 prizes left.
Alright I'm 5-3 and some 5-3 will make it in I hold my
breath for about ten minutes while everybody waits to see
who made top 32 they finnaly show the overall standings and
as the computer flips through each page I'm just waiting to
see my name and then I see it I got 45th I had so many fixed
feelings a part of me knows thats really good but anothor
part of me is really disapointed that I didn't make top 32.
Since we hadent eaten forever we went to the local resturant
and I had a Cheeseburger and frys it was really good and I
ate till I was full then we
went back to our room and went to bed.
I would simply like to thank all the Judges, Translators,
all behind sceans people, and everybody else involed this
was an absoutly an amazing event. I would also like to thank
Nintendo for sponsoring this entire thing and paying for
everything if it wasn't for you I don't know if we would
have been able to go. And lastly to everybody I met out
there I had a blast talking and hanging out with you I hope
you did do.
Once again my email is jay2007@iowatelecom.net and my screen
name on the boards is also Jaeger so you can PM me if you
have any comments or questions or if you want to talk about
something I will do my best to get back to anyone who sends
me a message.