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Sent: Sunday, June 26, 2005 7:14 PM
Subject: Eric; ludicargo/milotic
Ludicargo/Milotic -Shenandoah Conference Center - Eric
Gym Challenge at
Shenandoah Conference Center
The Woodlands, Texas
Saturday, 6-25-05
About 150 People
I haven't played in a while, so I didn't have a very good
idea on what to play. But after I finally made a good deck,
playtested it, & changed it some more, I went to a gym
challenge. So here's the deck:
Pokemon x22:
milotic x3 (hl)
feebas x3 (hl)
Ludicolo x3 (one happy dance, two swing dance)
lombre x2 (dx)
lotad x3 (1 surprise, 2 rain splash)
wobby x1
jirachi x1
dunsparce x2
magcargo x2 (dx)
slugma x2 (dx)
trainers x26:
frontier x1
desert ruins x1
atm rock x1
vs. seeker x3
copycat x3
Mr. briney x1
super scoop up x2
rare candy x3
potion x4
switch x2
reversal x2
celio x2
crystal shard x1
energy x12
rainbow x3
scramble x1
water x8
The strategy is , of course, to start with dunsparce, use
SAR, search for a jirachi, evolve the other pokemon with
make a wish, then use the swing dance smooth over combo for
speed. BUT, this ludicargo deck uses milotic, because after
ludicolo KO's a pokemon, & the opponent retaliates, I can
evolve feebas into milotic to heal ludicolo, & use super
scoop up/Mr. Briney to get the milotic back.
Here's how the tournament went:
Well to start off, when I got there I only had 40 of these
cards (the rest were proxies). So I couldn't compete in the
GBA tournament because I didn't turn in my deck list in time
=P. But I did manage to get all the cards from trades (it
took forever...). well after a bunch of playtesting,
trading, etc, the tournament finally began:
Round one: vs. gardy/exeggutor (I cant remember the names
The first thing that I noticed is that practically everyone
was running this deck today, but luckily, this was the only
one I had to play. Anyway, we both had pretty good starts,
me with an almost fully powered bench (from SAR), & him with
an exeggutor with like 4-5 energies on it. I had a jirachi
out as active, & he had a wobby. None of us attacked for
about 5 turns, giving us plenty of time. But the only
problem was that he knew that against ludicargo, you need a
small bench, so he had only 3 pokemon out the whole time.
But when we started attacking, he made a HUGE mistake (yay):
He used psy shadow on his exeggutor with only 10 hp left (lol),
KOing it. Later, he got out a gardy ex & completely mauled
me, too fast for me to evolve milotic & heal... it just went
downhill from there... but it was a great game.
Round two: no one showed so I got a win (yay)
Round three: vs. dragtode
Now THIS one was a great game. Unusually, not very many
people ran this deck today. We both have amazing starts,
with both of us fully powered by turn 4. Then, when were
pretty much even on prizes, he pulls out a rockets raikou ex
(big mistake, but its power is pretty good). So I smooth
over/swing dance for a reversal or two, & OHKO it for the
last two prizes.
Round four: vs. dark gengar/something that's grass/parasect
Man, this was a very short battle... I only started with a
feebas & a couple of water energies... and he goes first,
poisoning me with paras, so feebas has 10hp left & its my
last pokemon... so I use ascension, & thinking that the
whole game relies on this one coin flip... & its heads! So I
get my milotic to win the game.
3-1-0 vs. sceptile
If I had a score of at least 4-2, I could get into the top
16. Before, I murdered this guy in fun matches, so I was
pretty confident. But things were pretty tough this time. We
both got pretty good starts. Luckily, ludicolo isn't weak to
grass, so i just focused on KOing his groviles & treekos.
Then he swarmed me with sceptiles & killed off my remaining
ludicolos with sceptile ex.
I was about to play the next round, hoping that I'd win &
make it to the top 16, but i had to leave for dinner =(
Props & slops
getting the cards i needed
great games
getting a free win in round two
Mike & Mia Cook for organizing the tourney
great Chinese food for dinner... mmmm...
my dad for taking me
leaving early
not getting my deck checked in time for the GBA tournament
almost everyone running exeggutor
almost everyone having BO
the traffic from after that baseball game
not entering the raffles
having more slops than props, but oh well, i had fun
Thanks for reading my report