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Yu Yu Hakusho
Harry Potter
Vs. System
NJ States
50(ish) Players
Well I figure it is about time for me to post another
tourney report. I woke up, showered, filled out a deck list
and left for Time Warp Comics about 40 minutes from my
house. When I got there around noon, I saw some familiars
like Christian, Shaw and a bunch of others form the board.
Well went out with some guys, got some pizza and got back
for the tourney. I was playing my version of Ludicolo, which
had tested nicely in Apprentice. I took the States as
preperation for the Regionals/Gyms/Nats, trying out decks is
always fun. :)
One, Two Step! [Version 2.0]
Pokemon (24)
4x Dunsparce (SS #60)
4x Lotad (DX #63)
2x Lombre (DX # 34)
1x Lombre (DX #33)
3x Ludicolo (DX #10)
1x Ludicolo (DX #19)
3x Slugma (DX #74)
3x Magcargo (DX #20)
1x Horsea (DR #58)
1x Seadra (DR #39)
1x Kingdra (TRR #12)
Trainers (20)
3x Steven's Advice (HL #92)
2x Copycat (TRR #83)
2x TV Reporter (DR #88)
4x Celio's Network (RG # 88)
3x Rare Candy (SS #88)
1x Crystal Shard (DX #85)
1x Switch (RG #102)
2x Desert Ruins (HL #88)
2x Master Ball (DX #88)
Energy (16)
9x Water Energy (RS #106)
4x Fire Energy (RS #108)
3x Multi Energy (SS #93)
Well this is not a final list, round uno of the tourney
started about 1:10, here we go!
*Note* I don't remember any opponents names, just there
decks, sorry!
Round One vs. Blaziken
Well here we go. Round one vs. old school Blaze. I lost in
NY to this same opponent, great player. I go second starting
with two Slugma =/. No worries, I draw, Celio a Magcargo.
Attach energy to Slugma and use Collect. Well next turn
Smooth Over, Lotad. Collect again to draw it. He KO's 1st
Slugma and I bring out benched Lotad. Rare Candy into Swing
Dance Ludicolo. I get two prizes till he KO's it. Know we
have a couple turn Sparce battle. After he KO's it I bring
out Happy Dance Ludicolo and manage a couple prizes. At this
point we both have a pretty full set up working smoothly and
with 10 minutes he KO's my Magcargo putting him down to a
last prize. I bring out a Kingdra with 2 energy vs. his Ray
EX. Put down a multi and Crystal Shard for 100 KO. We are
both down to out last prize and he puts out Bex with 110
damage on it. He fire starts twice to Mane and shifts it to
Bex. Puts one from his hand. Now I misjudged that his Bex
had an energy already, Bex now has 4 he does 100 to a bench
Cargo for the game.
What a match!
LOSE, 0-1
Round Two vs. Gardevoir
Ok, well I'm up against Gardevoir, I knew I could win this
one as long as I kept Gardy EX out. Well I start with a lone
Slugma. O_o. I Celio for a Magcargo and use collect. I drew
Lotad, benched it and evolved to Cargo. Energy, and smooth
over. I used Knock Off for 10. Well now he has had 2 turns
but still no kirla. He had a benched Ralts, active Ralts and
benched Haunter. His ralts put me to slep but I woke up next
turn when I drew, candied to a Ludicolo. Used Smooth/Swing
to get more stuff. From here it was game, I was ATTACKING
with Magcargo. Got 4 prizes, no bench, game.
WIN, 1-1
Round Three vs. Zapdos
Well here is the biggest threat to my deck. He got the good
ZapTURNdos start while I couldn't get Kingdra up fast
enough. Zapdos Hammered through a Lotad, Lombre and Magcargo
for the game.
LOSE, 1-2
Round Four vs. Metagross
Well I saw a HL Gross while he was shuffling. So I started
with Slugma and two benched Lotads.
Candied to colo, drew for Swing Dance. Used a Switch and did
30. He started with a Tropius (?_?) and I got Cargo up next
turn and Kindgra turn after. I loaded bench up to 5 and was
doing a solid 70-80 a turn. Colo pwnd.
WIN, 2-2
Well I knew I had to win the last two rounds to get to the
T8, so here we go!
Round Five vs. Vileplume
This was a kid from the Worlds, I talked to him a couple
time through the tourney. Plume posed an early threat, while
I was able to KO one Plume, the benched one just shut me
down, I couldnt do enough with Happy Dance Ludicolo to win
LOSE, 2-3
Now I know that i'm out. Oh well, still one more round.
Round Six vs. MetaByss
This was the worst match ever. I had to use the bathroom so
badly, I was hungry and my opponent was so silent. I never
knew what his move was, when he would use a Celio and had to
show me something he flipped it so fast it was impossible to
see what was going on. Enough ranting, I wanted to finish
this match so fast so after he KO's two Colo and I KO two
Metagross I just kind of gave in, I put up a Magcargo with
no energy and left the bench wide open, Squared Attack (?)
120 damage, game.
LOSE, 2-4
Well it was a pretty nice tourney, I got some nice trades,
talked to some friends from PTCO/Gym and ate some great
pizza, and thats coming from a kid who eats NY pizza every
week! :tongue: Another memorable moment was in between round
2 and 3, Shaw and I both bought those EX Collectors boxes
(with Deoxys on one and Ray on the other) we bought those
cause kids were pulling an EX and * in each! Of corse we get
nothing! :thumb:
Well sorry I couldn't stay to watch the playoffs, my ride
was leaving.
Props and Slops?
-Time warp, hosting a great states!
-All the great people there!
-My dad, providing a ride like always!
-Pepsi One! The official drink of Team Deception! (Chris I
hope your reading this!) :clap:
-My aunts house, a convient 5 minutes from Time Warp!
-Ludicolo, the pimp of all Pokemon!
-The EX Collectors box!
-My opponent who wouldn't talk in round six!
-The girl who had an anger problem. I'm not trying to offend
anyone in this but Pokemon is just a game, losing is part of
a game, if you can't deal with losing you shouldn't be
-Time Warp's size, i'm sorry it just was cramped in there.
Eh, I don't care about this too much, after all, it's just a
States. It matters for me once we hit Regionals on! It was
nice to see you all!
~Zach "ZachEX" Reif