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The tournament was on 9-10-05
at: Topdeck Games
in: Tulsa, Oklahoma
by: N.J. Hill
Hey Pojo dudes! I went to the weekly tournament down here,
and played dark slowking. Here's the list.
pokes - 10
4 slowpoke (unseen forces)
3 dark slowkings
2 jirachi (deoxys)
1 rocket meowth
trainers - 35
4 birch
3 swoops
4 strength charm
3 rocket pokeball
3 pokemon retriever
2 rocket hideout
3 exp all
2 crystal shard
2 rocket admin
2 copycat
2 buffer piece
1 solid rage
1 scott
1 prof. cozmo's discovery
1 sitrus berry
1 lum berry
energys - 15
11 psychic
4 dark
I got the original deck idea and list from Blaze's Banter. I
kinda developed a bit of my own idea, though. But thanks
anyway Blaze.
And here's the report.
Round 1 vs ? (sorry i don't know your name) with blastoise
ex/ feraligatr
i got a fasi slowking and took out a totodile,squirtle, and
another totodile, while controlling his draw. then he got
out a blastoise ex and killed slowking. but i put up another
and a hideout and killed it in two turns. he put a totodile
and i killed that too.
round 2 vs leiland with ?
this deck was really random and i killed it in 2 turns by
round 3 vs connor with gex/ludicolo/cargo
I usually lose against this, but he got a really bad hand. I
killed a lot of basics,then he got out a gex. he killed
slowking, but i put up another one and benched him.
round 4 vs ?
I can't remember much about the match,e except that i
crushed him.
semi's vs Leiland
Again the random deck. this was over in a couple of turns.
Early slowkings kill.
finals vs Martin with speed vaporeon with articuno ex.
This was a good game. He got a first turn vaporeon and
killed my slowpoke the next turn. i put up jirachi and got a
slowking, evolved, attached, cunninged, end turn. he does 40
to jirachi and ends his turn. I attach to slowking and end
my turn. he kills jirachi. i then kill vaporeon. it just
goes downhill from there for him
Sorry i didn't go inti much detail, but i don't remember
much. time for props and slops!
my 3 packs i won
my deck
my opponents
email: jbnhill@cox.net