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Brandon Wallace [mailto:xxpoeticdevicexx@gmail.com]
Poetic Device - TN Championships - Brandon Wallace
Tennessee State Championships
By: Brandon Wallace a.k.a. ultimate_healer
Deck Name: Poetic Device
Attendance: 80+
Wow...a tournament report from me is finally up! Been awhile
since I've written one of these things, so I'm gonna have to
try and remember everything that went on all day.
So on Friday, 2 members of AAB come to spend the night at my
house so we can all go. Those being Josh C. and Chris W. So
we mainly worked on our decks and listened to music, well
actually, they listened, I sang to it. Josh's deck was the
most annoying thing to fix, but we got it finally to a
Crobyss deck. Gotta love some of the old school decks.
So we got up on Saturday morning and took the 4 our drive to
At one of the rest areas we stopped at, we saw this mexican
guy. About two hours later when we stop at a McDonald's, we
see the same mexican.
I was kinda freaked out by this turn of events. Anyways, we
finally show up and meet up with other fellow AAB member
Jared M. We get our deck boxes taken a picture of with the
AAB sticker and fill out our deck lists. I caught up with
the people I hadn't seen since worlds like David
(moltres423), Colin (swanton1717), Chris (Professor Chris)
and many others. So anyways, here is my deck list since I
really don't plan on using it again:
Pokemon: (23)
Dunsparce x4
Mareep x3
Dark Flaffy x2
Dark Ampharos x3
Natu x3
Xatu x3
Pidgey x2
Pidgeotto x1
Pidgeot x2
Trainers: (24)
Steven's Advice x4
Copycat x3
Celio's Network x3
Mr. Briney's Compassion x2
Rare Candy x4
Desert Ruins x2
Crystal Shard x2
ATM[rock] X4
Energy: (13)
Darkness x4
DRE x2
Psychic x2
Electric x5
So the pairings for round one begin and without further ado,
the Round one match was against:
1st Round: Vs. Melissa (Donphan/Ninjask deck) So I get to go
first. I start with a lone dunsparce to her active nincada
and benched phanpy and swinub. I attach an electric and
Strike and Run to put down a mareep, natu, and pidgey.
Within about 4 turns I have a Dark Ampharos, Pidgeot, and 2
xatu's out. Dark Ampharos is active, and just crushing
everything with 2 Darkness attached to it.
Electrics come out and deal bigger damage and I finally win
it. Good start.
2nd Round: Vs. Momma Schell (Dark Muk/Dark Ampharos)
Understand this one note, all mothers that day I called them
Momma and then their last name. So we both have a bad start.
She gets the better one and is getting powered up quicker. I
finally get a decent start coming after a strike and run.
I'm saving my life by paralyzing her active Dark Ampharos
with dunsparce. Finally, the comeback begins. She is up in
prizes 4 to 3 and I get the KO I need onto her Dark Ampharos.
So we are tied 3 to 3. Time is called. So it comes down to
the next prize. She makes the mistake of thinking that a
darkness attached to her Dark Muk and using the Trickey
Gym's faint attack would do 30 to a bench, but it won't. My
xatu on the bench lives with 70 damage and I next turn ATM
rock her pokemon, sending back a 50 damaged pidgeot to her
hand, making her pidgey KO'ed and game.
3rd Round: Vs. Kyle (Blaziken/electrode/rayquaza) Really
didn't wanna go up against one of these. Unfortunatly, I do.
So I get a great start. I'm taking prizes left and right
thanks to Dark Amhpy. But, I didn't use my head like I
should have. It was all built up to knock out the electrode
ex, attach the energies to Rayquaza ex, and take everything
out. Only chance I had after that was to paralyze his
rayquaza ex with dunsparce, but after one tails, it was
over. He wins.
Lunch Break!!!
Just ate some pizza, stole some of Colin's ritz cracker
things, and talked with everyone so I could catch up. People
wanted to see my ex girlfriend, so they saw. Finally, the
next pairing are up. I need to win it out to get in.
4th Round: Vs. Momma Krekeler (Gardy ex/espeon) And to
think, Vince was laughing at me for going against his own
She was a very nice person to play against and respectable.
She got maybe a prize or two against me, but wow she hated
those ATM rocks. I used all four against her, which killed
like 2 espeons and a kirlia.
Finally, she realizes she has lost and just concedes. Very
nice to play her.
5th Round: Vs. Jeffrey (Dark Heart deck) Now, I finally get
to play against one of these things. And he beat me at the
last TN States in the swiss round, but I'm not gonna let
that happen, or at least try not to. We both got nice
starts. He gets a Dark Dragonite and a Dark Electrode out
pretty fast. I, as well, get a nice start with Dark Amphy,
Pidgeot, and all 3 xatus out. We trade a few prizes, but I
eventually get the best of him with a crystal shard on my
dark Amhpy to KO his Dark Dragonite. From there, I took all
the prizes and won it.
So the Top 8 pairings is like this:
Colin (VEX/Glalie)
Chris (Blaziken)
Ben (Metagross/Deoxys)
Scott (Sceptile ex)
Me (Dark Amphy/xatu)
Kyle (Blaziken/EEX/REX)
Brian (Rock-Lock)
Jeffrey (Dark Heart)
I do believe that these go in order. I might have mixed up
Ben and Chris with their seeds and Kyle and Brian with
their's, but I know that they had those opponents. So as it
says above, I've got Scott
Top 8: Vs. Scott (Sceptile ex)
Match one: This was the longest match of the day for me. It
took over
45 minutes just to finish it. We both trade hits, left and
right. Both of us coming up with one thing to do after
another. I'm so lost the details of this match because it
took that long. As I do recall though, I finally dropped his
with another Shock Bolt from Dark Amphy to take the game.
Match two: We never got to finish it when time was called.
Due to that, since I won game one, I was announced winner of
it. Wow, great first game Scott, that was my game of the
So Colin wins his match, Ben wins his, and Chris wins his.
As the #5 seed, I must face...Colin *sigh*
Top 4: Vs. Colin (VEX/Glalie)
No point in going into details. He injured his finger
because our first match so I yelled out for someone to get
the man a band-aid. He got it, and I healed him. See...I am
a healer. But as for the matches, he took me down without
breaking a sigh or sweat. Beat me down because of no luck of
what I was getting.
So Colin goes on to lose to Ben in the finals and we have a
new 15+ TN State champion...but just not from TN. Oh well,
could have gone to someone worse, like someone from MS lol
just playing MS people.
Anyways, fun time. Only one bad thing happened, but I'm not
going into details on that for only Ben know about it. After
the event, we drive back, and I sleep. Fun times. Well here
is the props and slops:
Ben for winning the event
For meeting my friends again
For AAB on a strong finish
A nice lunch
My healing powers of getting that band-aid
Bad hands against Colin
My Father for being the jerk he is
That's all from me. Next post might just be Regionals. Til
next time