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Poision Liability, Florida State Championship Report by
Poison Liability
Florida State Championship Report
by Jokerboy
Laquinta Inn lakeside
Kissimmie Florida
March 19, 2004
About 40 participants
Hi everyone. I was working on this report all yesterday
night and it is
finally done,
I woke up at 7 oclock. Got ready and left. I had to pick up
my friend
christian and after that we where off. After giving my mom
the directions we
got there. I was suprised to see Robert Baker as i walked
into the place
about 2 hours early. I needed dark Golbats and he gave them
to me! I still
needed one more and thank god Heidi as awsome as she is had
commons for us
to use. We were the first ones to go through the commons and
i found a
crobat so i was ready to go. Me and christain put some
finishing touches on
my deck and just when we got done Tag and Nick showed up. I
was afraid tag
was going to be mad that i nagged him about bringing dark
golbats but he
I turned in my deck list and we got ready to go. I was
playing a Dark
Crobat and Weezing Liability deck and was hoping to do well.
Then the rounds
I hate to say it but this kid really didnt know what he was
doing. His deck
was just packed with alot of strong pokemon. I won about 6
minutes into the
match and befriended him for the rest of the day
I got off to an okay start he was doing good with mewtwo and
i think he
started to run out of energy cards pretty soon i had him
down to one Deoxys
ex. This is when i mad a HUGE MISTAKE! I had aceint tomb in
play and i
played low pressure system. His deoxys was poisoned and i
had one prize and
he had three This put me in great shape then i noticed a
mewtwo on his bench
weezing is weak to psychic so i said "Wait i wont play low
pressure system
and the Judge didnt call it! I liabilityed like an idiot and
lost err... Oh
well i ended up with a better record than him at the end of
the day but
Christian was one and one 2
Me and Christian where trying to find a way out when we ran
into kyle
sabelhaus the top player in our age division. Me and kyle
are friends had a
small conversation and left. My leage went to taco bell. I
was SO hungry.
We went back like 15 minutes before next round
Oh yeah, This was a good one. She started with a lone Magma
groudon i got
off 60 damage on it turn 2. But she Brineyed it. She wasnt
pulling much
energys I was eating away at her with crobat and finally she
had out groudon
as a final attaker. I quickly killed it becaused of my
reisistance and her
BETWEEN ROUNDS: I just had to note something. The Sabelhaus
kids are good
players and everything i mean i am there friends but
christian. Was up
against Ryan Sabelhaus i have nothing against him or
anything but this is
what happend. Christian was playing a metagross deck i made
for him he had
an pidgeot on the bench with SIX DAMGE COUNTERS 6. Ryan has
and atm rock in
his hand and he goes oh with my executtors big egg explosion
i remember
putting 80 damage counters on your pidgeot. Like i said
before i have
nothing against the kid but that was cheating and christian
let him do it. I
couldnt say anything. So he atm rocked for the win(Pidgeotto
was under
pidgeot). They both had one prize left now if christain
where to go next he
would have killed ryan. Ryan had a gengar ex on the bench
with like 10
damage counters on it because of aceint ruins. And a
raticate RG as his
active. Christian had a HL Metagross in play with about 3
metal energys
attached and 4 damage counters on him there was no way ryan
would have won
next turn the raticate was gonna die. They called the judge
after that and
every thing and christian said "just give him the win". I
said why? He said
"If he wants to cheat he can you reap what you sow". I kinda
understood that
but... IT WOULDNT HAVE BEEN ME! No offense on ryan he is a
great player i
have no beef but that just wasnt right.
I know this kid well he was the first person who ever beat
me in this game
when i started and he was still playing the same deck. So i
knew what to
look out for. And it was time for pay back. He started with
roselia and a
grimer on the bench nice he gave roselia the energy and used
speed growth
that was very nice. I had koffing down and quickly evovled
into weezing and
i had a zubat on the bench. Next turn he evoleved grimer and
brought out
muk. I WAS SO SCARED. I used that weezing and it single
handedly killed him.
After that i concluded that weezing is one of the best
uncommons in the set.
By that time he had 2 roselias on the bench i was ready for
another muk but
it never came. The roselia slowed me down with sleep powder
and with them
not being able to get poisoned it was pretty tuff butt i
knocked out both
roselias for the win.
I was happy so far I at least wanted to go 4-2 but didnt my
demise would be
in the next two matches.
I had no idea what this guy had going i all new is that that
draggy was
going to slow me down. It did i couldnt deal it any damage
at all. So i had
to poison liablity. IF I GOT SOME WEEZINGS. NONE came but
Blastoise did. I
got owned. He was the Ft. Laderdale champion.
I REALLY WANTED TO VS RYAN! Teach that gengar a lesson. But
just my luck i
am up against one of the hardest decks out there. I really
wanted to win in
my eyes this guy was a complete jacka**. First of all why
the raffles where
going on my leage owner Renee won I think and he is like why
are you
clapping? Then he has Translations for rare candies and
dunsparce and I go
what are those translations and he is like "I really dont
have to show you
until I play the card". Then he says there are 2 cards in my
deck i could
really use right now and i hope i draw them. So i
ocasionally turn around to
talk Christian I turn back and round and his hand is on top
of his deck hmm.
pretty suspicious. And he was going "C'mon C'mon lets start
hurry up" I
wondered why he was so anxious oh yeah. When he cut my deck
he picked it up
and checked the sleves my sleves are clear and they have the
dots on them
and he goes can you get a judge i think some of these are
marked! CAN YOU
BELEIVE THAT! My leage ownere Renee comes by and she is like
whats wrong? He
goes i think these sleves are marked and she goes let me see
them. She says
nope they are not marked i dont see anything good he goes
okay and gives me
back my deck. He also says this "Is there anyway you can let
me win I am
fourteen and my birthday is sunday, this is my last 11-14
tourney." I go
"Um, no." So the round starts, guess what he draws draws
that card he needs
SURPRISE! That really ticked me off. It was dunsparce so he
gets off good.
I get off good too but i dont have Jap Rare candies and he
does and uses
them to anihilate me. Then on one me i am about to liability
his bex and
when its poisoned he goes "I rare candie my torchic to Fire
starter and then
no wait i dont." WHAT? Then he switches to Torchic and then
free retreats
back with high pressure. That really ticked me off he did it
so fast i didnt
get to call judge. HE kills me in the end with Rayquaza i am
so mad and
then after all the crap he put me through he goes "I hope
you make it to
finals." I laugh he says "No seriously." I thanked him and
I end 3-3 I think it was good for my first Big Pokemon
Tournament I have
placed 1st in my leage. On the ranking chart i am 12th I
have a pretty high
percentage. I find out that my friend Nick is 5-1 with a
what i think is a
Rouge Deck. Then i find Tag went 2-4 With a deck kinda like
mine except
using Victerybell. Robert Baker another friend ends 4-2 with
percentile he places top 8 I am happy for him. Christain
goes 3-3 two. I
knew he could have did way better his deck was REALLY good
but he let that
one thing get in his way. As for me ow well I am 14th in FL
in my age group
and i wonder where i'll be after all this stuff is put in. I
have only been
playing this game for a month and a half and I am happy
where i am i will
just give it time.
There is Still regionals and I will have WAY more time to
work on my deck i
only new about states a week before it happened. I know
about regionals now
and I know what i will play and hopefully i will do much
better and have
more expreince
Kyle Sabelhaus-For being so awsome?? No j/p. For being the
good and fun
player that you are
Renee first of all for being an excellent leage leader and
person. And
helping me with all my pokemon problems.
Tag-For being a good frined and Helping me make this awsome
deck that i will
make my primary deck and continue to work on
Nicalpagalus(spelling) or Nick-For being such a good friend
and awsome
friend.( I have a nidorino ex deck for you to play LOL)
Robert Baker-For being another good friend and being at the
gathering last
Christian- Another friend. For playing all these different
card games with
me Marvel, Yugioh, and pokemon. For the past 6 years that i
have known you.
Heidi Craig-For organizing all these awsome events and
putting so much time
into this game and having the Dark Crobat in the common
boxes that i did
return. Also the shop that was at states with no taxes
-Getting 3-3 for such and early player
-Nick making finals
-Robert making finals
-Tag helping me
-Owning Muk ex
-Getting owned by that annoying boy in the last round
-Christian getting cheated on