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ashcatch [mailto:ashcatch@ntlworld.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 2:46 PM
Porky107-tourney report-rock bottom toy
rock bottom toy stores, bargate centre, Southampton, England
Date: April fools day!
Entry fee: £2.50, received a free, random super rare for
entering, I got nobleman of crossout!
1st place:5 packets of IOC
2nd place:3 packets of IOC
3rd place:1 packet of IOC and a free rare
Anywhere else:a friendly handshake and a free rare
Younosummonnow deck uses the last warrior from another
planet effectively and proved a very good strategy, as I
came 2nd out of around 60/70 people!
My deck: monsters x 24
2--dark magician
1--red eyes black dragon
1--granmarg the rock monarch
1--lesser fiend
1--zombyra the dark
1--the dark-hex sealed fusion
1--horus lv 4
1--otohime (took out later for my bls that I pulled at the
1--giant rat
1--brain jacker
1--grave protector
1--man-eater bug
1--ultimate insect lv 1
1--ultimate insect lv 3
1--ultimate insect lv 5
1--ninja grandmaster sasuke
1--the earth-hex sealed fusion
1--Mudora (dunno why, gives a use for giant rat…)
1--humanoid slime
1--divine dragon ragnarok
1--insect knight
Fusions x 2
1--king dragun
1--last warrior from another planet
Magic x 20
1--nobleman of extermination
1--centrifugal field
1--tailor of the fickle
1--graceful charity
1--gravekeeper’s servant
2--malevolent nuzzler
1--nobleman of crossout
1--meteor of destruction
1--pot of greed
1--umi (you’ll see why in the trap section…)
1--tribute to the doomed
1--sword of deep-seated
1--spell absorption
1--horn of the unicorn
1--axe of despair
Traps x 14
1--type zero magic crusher(?)
1--dust tornado
1--magical hats
1--pole position
1--forced ceasefire (haven’t yet got a real ceasefire…)
1--assault on ghq
1--penalty game
1--solemn wishes
1--tornado (umi anyone?)
1--threatening roar
2--good goblin housekeeping
1--mirror force
1--deck devastation virus
Total cards: 58. A lot I know, but it worked for me really
The tourney:
First round:
Me vs. Michael Jackson (he even looks like the real
I drew great! (umi, tornado wall, zombyra the dark, axe of
despair and deck devastation virus)
I went 2nd, and then I drew PoG. I played it and drew my 2
nuzzlers. I played zombyra and equipped it with axe and 2
nuzzlers, he had no cards on the field so I attacked direct,
then activated deck devastation virus, played umi and got
rid of the poor guy’s whole hand, and all of the next 3
cards he drew! He couldn’t play a thing, so he surrendered.
Second fight
The same, card for card!
I go through to the next round.
Second round:
Me vs. some kid with lots of good dragons.
He used card destruction straight away, he had a shining
angel and a dark magician in his hand… then he drew…drum
roll please… CED OF ALL THINGS!!! When he got it out, he
used its effect and destroyed himself and had no cards to
protect him, I had zombyra, 2 nuzzlers and an axe so I gave
him those and attacked direct…oh yeah, I also had the horn
of the unicorn, I gave him that as well…
Basically, he couldn’t do a thing so he surrendered again,
yay me!
Second fight
I managed to get my king dragun out and for some odd reason
he played exchange, so I took his CED and he took my mirror
force…I used king dragun’s effect and summoned CED and used
its effect, the dragon guy had 10 cards on the field (he
played one after exchange) and only had 2500 life points
left… I felt sorry for him so I gave him one of my swappies
cards (not very good, but he likes dragons so I gave him a
luster dragon).
Round three:
Me vs. the best guy at the tourney (my friend called Jake
Seymour, he has a total of, let’s see, 5,301 cards,
including all but one of the secret rares!!! he needs
vampire lord and I have it, lol…)
I got him to low life points as he played ultimate offering
and I summoned dark magician, the morphed it into last
warrior and he had 0 monsters on the field, but played a
face down sakuretsu armour, good job I used mst!
Me:8000>6100>4200>2300>3300(upstart goblin)
Second fight
He beat me this time, he had 3 face down magic cylinders…
Third fight
YAY! He played a weird card, exchange again! He had CED too!
Oh happy day!
Him:8000>5900>4000>2500>0(dark magician)
Fourth round:
Me vs. my good friend Andy
We have met on several occasions, ad I beat him every time!
He knows Nothing about yu-gi-oh and although he has lots of
great cards (try triples of jinzo, yata and lava golem etc…)
he has no clue how to use them.
Him:8000>1000(he gave me a united we stand card through
exchange at a bad time, he also played another one and gave
me mage power…I think all these exchanges cam from the free
card you get at the start…)>0
Second fight:
Him:8000>0(last turn got from exchange…)
Fifth round:
Me vs. king duelist joy (she calls herself that, I thought
queen would have been better but if she likes to be thought
of as a male then…)
I drew my best cards straight off the bat! I set mirror
force, activated tornado wall and umi and then used soul
absorption (she has at least 30 magic’s in her deck, all
whittle down life points…) I waited until she had a full
field of attack monsters and then took her fairy’s hand
mirror (exchange…) and then she played stop defence, I used
the hand mirror, sent it at her only defence monster and
then she attacked, (I forgot, she removed my tornado wall)
and then I used mirror force and then attacked for the win.
Her (or him or somewhere in between as she likes to
think…):8000>7000>5500>4000>3500>2000>500>0(I got ragnarok
out after mirror force and then attacked a lot of times, not
just once as it may look as I said it like that…)
Second fight:
The same apart from she used last turn, she bought out her
only unused card (chaos sorcerer) and I got out my granmarg
the rock monarch…
I lost in the last round against the shop owner…
-pulling a bls (in my first pack of cards)
-coming second
-getting nobleman
-not losing in the first round
-not winning
-losing to a 50 odd year old…
-not getting CED
-exchange, that stupid card is SO EVILLLLLL!
Thanks to:
My dad and my mum for taking me.
The people I beat for being good sports about it…
The shop owner for giving me about the only free card that
WASN’T exchange…
email: ashcatch@ntlworld.com