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UK Nationals - 18th June - PokeGuru
Greetings to all the Pojo-goers!
I'm reporting on my experience of the UK Nationals, held on
Saturday 18th June at the wonderful Woburn Safari Park,
coincidentally right next door to Woburn. =\
I met up with my TO, Scottish League Leader and good friend,
Gordon White (better known as Chalkey) and my friend, Allan
at around midnight on Friday (or was it Saturday? Curse you,
stupid time transition details!) in Livingston. We had a
weird experience, because first, the 16 seater minibus we
were getting was cancelled, then another 16 seater was
found, but too expensive, so we had to get a smaller one and
nearly couldn't cope, but luckily, another one of the
Scottish players in 15+, John Fotheringham, was going to
Nationals via car with his two kids, so he agreed to "share
the load", as it were. I finally get the cards to complete
my bird deck and sleeve them as we head off in the minibus.
We make several stops picking up the other players and meet
up with John at a service station somewhere. I switch over
to the much quieter car with Alastair, John's son, and Ross,
one of our great 10- players, who's running DragTrode, with
barely any previous experience! So, I spend most of the
start of the journey explaining to him how it works. The
rest of the journey was great with amazing banter and we
started playing Scissor Sisters and Green Day at max volume
on Ross's Portable DVD Player...hilarious and sweet.
By the time we've made it to Woburn, I've had only an hour's
sleep, but the others had more. We spend our first half hour
looking for which entrance to the park is the OPEN one. We
end up accidentally going into some private residence and
into a restaurant! We eventually found the open gate around
7.40am and met up with Gordon and the others. Still 2 and a
bit hours until it's supposed to begin. So we start to look
around the park and we see the Safari Lodge, where the
tournament would be taking place. It was amazing; they had
Nintendo DSs set up for random fun, a display of the prizes
and a stall to buy all your goodies. We get our decklists
and start filling them in as we see the English players
start to file in. I finish my decklist, sticking with Birds
and hand it in...to recieve a goodie bag of free stuff! I
got Gym and Stadium Challenge badges along with the
Nationals promo and badge, several promos (and a Rocket
Returns boxtopper), 3 POP boosters (filled with more Pikachu
rip offs), one pack of Pokemon deck protectors (cunning,
makes you tempted to buy another...lol ), an issue of
Pokemon World and a giant Marshtomp promo with the winner's
stamp. Sweet...
Met several new English friends from the PokeGym/Underground
forums and that's the tournament just about to start, when
something goes wrong with the tournament software and it
gets delayed by an hour. :-( So match one began at 11...
Round 1 vs. Dan (Gardevoir)
I didn't get a good set-up for this one and he ended up
beating me quite quickly. He did the real damage with the RS
Gardy and Boost Energy.
Round 2 vs. Chris (Rock-Lock)
This young player seemed a little confused; he forgot to add
weakness when he attacked my Electrike and attempted to
evolve Dark Flaaffy into Ampharos ex. Ended up destroying
the rest of his Pokemon quickly with Moltres and Zapdos.
Round 3 vs. ??? (sorry, can't remember name) (Monarchy)
This guy was hilarious. We just randomly chatted whilst
playing, which was fun. His Monarchy couldn't get set-up as
quick as mine and I knocked out his last Pokemon, Nidorino,
with Rayquaza ex to pick up the victory.
Lunch Break - Looked around the park and took advantage of
their FREE BBQ for players in the tournament . Bought some
boosters and got 2 EXs in 2 consecutive boosters! Also got
some sleeves and that random Rayquaza Collector's box. =)
Round 4 vs. Shaun (DragTrode)
This was quite a close one, but I ended up beating him after
using a late game Battle Frontier and Zapdos ex to KO the
Dark Electrode to take last prize.
I figure out that I'm guarrenteed to be in T16 if I win this
next match, so I hope for the best as I sit down.
Round 5 vs. Kate (???)
Don't know her deck as I beat it in 2 Turns. I'll describe
it quickly as she went first.
Kate T1: Clamperl HL, no bench, attaches water, end turn.
Guru T1: Electrike DX, no bench, attach Lightning, Lanette
for Zappy, Moltres and Quaza, Recharge, end turn.
Kate T2: Evolve to Gorebyss, does 10 damage and puts trike
to sleep.
Guru T2: Play Zapdos, Legendary Ascent, attach, GG.
So, I'm in Top 16, as is Allan, Alastair and anotehr Falkirk
11-14, Zak. Our 5th 11-14 player missed the cut, so he runs
off to enjoy the park. Ross makes T16 in 10- and no-one from
Falkirk makes it to the 15+ T16 (Gordon was 17th). 3 Rounds
of Swiss to decide T4.
Round 6 vs. ??? (Water)
He kept trying to annoy me with Cloyster, but I ended up
beating him with a Zappy ex/Rayquaza ex combo which keeps
killing his remaining Pokemon.
Round 7 vs. Nicholas (DragTrode)
Nicholas so far had been UNBEATEN with his DragTrode, so
he's impressed, as am I when we start playing each other. It
was close, due to several stadums and counter stadiums, but
he ended up getting his last prizes KOing Rayquaza ex with R
Sneasel ex. GG.
Discover at the end of the match that Allan dropped from the
tournament at the end of Round 6, which was rather
disappointing, but we had to keep going, so I ignored it and
went into the last T16 match.
Round 8 vs. Dan (again...Gardy)
Was remarkably close this time, but a last minute Gardy ex
on his part did Feedback after my Copycat to KO my Zappy. So
I lose.
Miss the cut to T4. Nicholas ended up winning 11-14; a
victory well deserved and he only ended up losing one game
all day in the best 2/3 match in the semis vs. Shaun. Ross
came 3rd in 10-, which was pretty impressive and I came 7th
and got 12 boosters, getting a nice R Suicune ex.
I'm not gonna let getting 7th in Nationals stop me from
going to Worlds that easily. I'm gonna try and ask the
parents to pay for my trip as my birthday present (moving to
15+ on 30th June... ) or if people want to donate to the
"Get Guru to Worlds, you l33t n00bs!" fund, I'd be happy to
accept. :-)
So, best of luck to our champions and the 2nd placers
heading to Worlds in August! Hope I can be there to help
PWNing the others.