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Vs. System
Witten Challenge 19 march 2005 - Germany - Kevin De Mooij
55 participants
15+: 33
14-: 23
(not sure about the 11-14 and 15+ though)
Okay, So, since last week, I've been looking trough EX:
Deoxys for decent cards, well, then I saw Shiftry, and I
tested all kinds of Back up with it, "perfecting" the deck
as it is.
Now, 3-18, I decided to send my brother, who hasn't played
Pokemon for a year, to the 11-14, with a DragTrode deck, I
wanted to learn him everything about the deck, but wanted to
watch DVD.. -.-
Oh well, 3-19, driving for Witten at 6:00 AM, sick.
On the road we laughed at the German names for the exits (Ausfart)
At 9.00, We arrived at the place, but we decided to stay in
the car, waiting for the other Dutchies to arrive (Rainbowgym
/ Lia & Co)
After a minute or 5, 10, we saw them circulating around the
parking place XD So I walked to them, and we went to the
Haus der Jugend.
The deck:
Pokemon: 22
1 Jirachi HL
3 Dunsparce SS
2 Chichou HL
2 Lanturn HL
2 Clamperl HL
2 Gorebyss HL
2 Seedot DX
2 Seedot SS
3 Nuzleaf SS
2 Shiftry DX
1 Shiftry HL
Trainer: 21
4 Prof. Oak's Research FRLG
3 Steven's Advice HL
3 TV Reporter DR
2 Desert Ruins HL
1 Master Ball DX
1 Rocket's Admin. TRR
1 VS Seeker FRLG
1 Rare Candy SS
1 Crystal Shard DX
1 Celio's Network FRLG
1 Life Herb FRLG
1 Switch RS
1 Copycat TRR
Energy: 17
6 Psychic Energy
4 Double Rainbow Energy
3 Rainbow Energy
2 Scramble Energy
1 Multi Energy
1 Grass Energy
So, In my metagame, draggy kinda died, so you could consider
this breaking a metagame =)
Round 1, VS Behrad Hasseini, with DragTrode Game 1:
Ok, He starts godly, sars for voltorbs and dratini, I used
jirachi to search for early Lanturns, and PORing like crazy
cause I couldn't find my crystal shard. So, he sends up
Draggy, to kill Jirachi and a Dunsparce, then I use a
Gorebyss to do 80 damage, planning to KO draggy with a
Shiftry, he retreats for a electrode, and kills my Byss, I
send up Shiftry, and do 60 damage with Stadium power, He
sends up TR Sneasel, and does an exact 110 damage with 4
darkness >_< I sent up Lanturn, scrambling to do 90 to the
Sneasel, KO, He Sends up another electrode, and KO's my
Lanturn, from there I couldn't recover, and found out that
my shard was in my last two prizes >_<
Game 2:
He starts exactly the same, and I start a bit weaker, I get
a quick Shiftry HL, and I'm able to KO sparce and damaging
his electrodes, I POR a lot again to find the shard, but
couldn't get it, so, He does 70 with an electrode, and I KO
him, He sends up a draggy, and I use Lanturn with DRE to do
80, from there, I drew pretty bad, and it took a while for
building up something to KO again, then, he benches TR
Mewtwo EX, which gets pretty much screwed by desert ruins,
he KO's something, and I use Lanturn to KO TR Sneasel EX,
drawing 2 prizes, leaving one left.
He sends up Mewtwo, which had 80 damage by now, and KO's my
Lanturn, drawing his last prize (I was confused and playing
quick because we had only 3 minutes left, if I had just
paralyzed (gorebyss) his sneasel, I could win >_<
Round 2, VS Heinz Könings, with Blasty ex/ Quagsire I start
real bad (though 1-1-1 Shiftry in hand), and he starts a KO
fest with T2 Quagsire, I finally draw a POR, and able to DRE
a Lanturn for the KO, from there, I KO'd some squirtles and
Qwilfish, till prizes were equal, since scramble wasn't
providing anymore.
I set up 2 Shiftry DX, and wait for energy, he eventually
gains Blasty ex, and KO's Lanturn, prizes were 2-1 now, I
send up Shiftry 1, doing 60 for stadium power, and let
desert ruins do its work. , he does 80 and removes an DRE, I
retreat for Shiftry 2, and KO the stoise for my last two
Game 2:
I start godly, Sarring for chinchou's and seedots, and
PORing everything I need, and I'm able to KO a lot due DRE
and Lanturn, and finishing it with a gorebyss which did 120
by then =)
Round 3, VS Sebastien Schröder, With Dark crobat/ Crobat EX/
Togetic Game 1:
He starts with a lone togepi, I with a lone clamperl, I
begin, I attach a psychic, he attaches a grass energy,
making me asleep, I draw nothing, passing to him, he flips
mini-metronome heads for 10 damage and paralyzing me, I
topdeck POR, attach a multi energy, play POR, gaining a
master ball, which gets me gorebyss, Game.
Game 2: He starts a lot better now, we both setup, and he
goes quick dark crobat poisoning and doing 30 to my tree, I
do 60 with a Shiftry, then he S! TMs for a golbat (D bat was
Candied) and tries to evolve directly in Crobat EX, I call a
judge, since S! TM says: "this counts as evolving", and he
confuses me, I Search for lanterns, just in case, but flip
heads though for confusion, knocking out his golbat, he cant
do much, so I use Lanturn for the final knock out.
round 4, VS Kai-Andre Sieper, with Ludicolo/Magcargo Game 1:
He starts with lotad, I try to T2 KO him with DRE and
nuzleaf SS, which doesn't work, though, I can get Shiftry
T3, Knocking out lotads, slugma's, and a Dunsparce, He
eventually gets the ludicolo magcargo combo, but by then my
gorebyss was able to do 100, Knocking out about everything
Game 2:
I laugh at him using Lanturn T2 to knock out everything.
Round 5 VS Cetin Yildirim, with Blaziken/Pidgeot Game 1: He
starts AWFUL, really, I feel sorry for him, I use T2 Shiftry
HL and DRE to quick KO pidgey and Dunsparce, he sends up
another sparce, paralyzing me for 3 turns O.o Sick, I
eventually draw life herb and flip heads, removing paralyze
and 4 damage counters, I knock out more, till he gets blaze
EX, which took a little longer to knock out, but, I won.
Game 2: We both start bad, but one of us used a rockets
admin, getting great hands for both of us, I built up
gorebysses, but sent up a Shiftry, knocking out early
basics, then he gets the engine running (when I had 4 prizes
left), he does 40 vs. my tree, and I shard his quaza EX,
that hurts.
He then ATMs me, knocking out both shiftry's and discarding
about 2 DRE's and a scramble O.o, I try to rebuild, then he
sends up blaze EX, and knocks out one of my gorebyss.
I played desert ruins again, and I paralyze (yay) him, +
doing 20 damage, he already ran out of switches and warp
points (or were prized?), and passes, I topdeck scramble
(prizes were 2-1 then) omfg, that felt like.. wow XD doing
120 +10 for desert ruins = game.
Round 6 VS Konstantin Beck, With Ludicolo/Magcargo Game 1:
clamperl vs slugma, I attach psychic, he collect's, I used
celio for gorebyss, attach a rainbow, game.
Game 2: I start bad, real bad, I finally drew an energy, and
I made a wish (yeah, it got me a lanturn) , his lombre
knocks out my jirachi next turn, and I sent up lanturn,
using his power and attaching DRE for the KO. He then only
had camerupt left, which I did 80 to with the DRE, and a
next DRE finished it.
Wow, except for round 1, that went great, my deck worked
fine, and all games and opponents were great to play against
=) I came in 2nd, out of 32 15+ players, making the cut.
T8 VS Jens (Baumgart?) with Dark weezing, Dark Arbok, Dark
I start great, he too, but I manage to get 2 DRE in my hand
and a scramble, and a lanturn ready for the knock-out fest.
BUT, he decided to rockets admin… which got me a reaaaal bad
hand ( a lot of basic pokemon), then I fanned away every
attacker just to stall, until I drew POR, which got me at
least one DRE and a Steven =) Then, I send up lanturn, doing
40 first, and then knocking out his dark beasts, because he
had a rockets hideout in play, and I couldn't find a desert
ruins, when I had 1 or 2 prizes left, I finally got a ruins,
then he gave up.
Game 2: I start great, not godly, but not bad at least, and
I use gorebyss for early KO's, then he R energy his dark
weezing, knocking out my byss, then, I got stuck,
eventually, I got a Shiftry, which slashes trough a lot of
pokemon, then I got a Lanturn, and gorebyss, and had an army
vs Dark pokemon with no energy, using Shiftry team up (Fan
away + Shiftry HL main attacking) to win.
Quarter Finals VS The German Champ (Dennis Draheim) with
Game 1: I actually don't remember much of this game, but he
started bad, so did I, But when I used shiftry + DRE + shard
+ Desert ruins, he couldn't recover.
Game 2: ok, I had tons of luck this game, it wasn't even
funny O.o Ok, we both started fast, and I used sar + make a
wish to get quick gorebysses and Lanturns, he sent ray to KO
jirachi, I sent the energy to lanturn, and attach DRE for
the KO (desert ruins was there already) he sends up another
quaza, which, I think, I knocked out with Shiftry DX, then,
he gets blazy X, Knocking out Gorebyss, I sent up another
byss, and KO for the last 2 prizes.
Finals VS Toni Lampert With Crobat X and Dark Crobat.
Game 1: We both started out quick both SaR, and I made
wishes for lanturn and shiftry, I used shiftry to fan away
the important pokemon, and KO'ed them with Shiftry , he gets
the combo (2 dark Crobat, 2 bat
X) and uses Dark Crobat to poison + skill dive vs shiftry, I
do 60, and desert ruins damages the Crobat EX's, then, he
KO's my shiftry, I got a little too enthusiastic and lay
damage counters on the bats for ruins, since Lanturn's power
is triggered in your turn, and desert ruins is between, I
couldn't save the energy, which messes me up, I DRE lanturn
for the KO, and again for Cro X, but then I couldn't retreat
for shiftry, cause I was missing that energy, and got stuck,
he KO's lanturn, leaving us both with one prize left, I sent
up chinchou with one energy, and copycatted, if one of my
prizes was DRE, or lanturn, I lost, I may draw 11 cards for
the copycat (out of my 16 card deck) and got both lanturn
and DRE, so I won. Great Game =) Game 2 sucked, he gets
nothing, I get a quick shiftry HL with DRE (T2), and KO
everything, I built up some lanturn, just in case =)
I received a medal, a trophy, and 18 DX boosters, yay =) On
the way back home, we really got irritated because we almost
ran out of fuel, and apparently, in Germany, there is no gas
station in 80 kilometers (50 miles), when we finally found 2
(yeah, next to each other >_>) we could go back home.
- Organization team, the tournament was real good organized.
- My dad, driving us to Germany.
- Frans , trading Pidgeots and nice to talk to =)
- Lia, Jasper, Arnoud, you rock
- The chocolate in Germany.
- My deck, I fell in love with it
- Arco, nice to talk to
- Maxim, mental support? XD
- Dutch team, 2 out of 6 in Top 8, the others all 3 swiss
wins, I think
- My brother, picking up the game in one day
- German "schnitzel"
- All others I forgot to thank
- Germany, for not having gas stations anywhere (45
minutes-search for 1)
- Cheaters, if there were any, UGH
- Our (Dutch) local distributor
- My dad, for being not there when you could order pizza
(long story)
- My brother when he was complaining a bit too much on the
way back
- All others i forgot to give slops to =)