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From: christopher nugent [mailto:goalmagnet96@yahoo.com]
Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 1:50 PM
Subject: chris Nugent creapy crawly deck report (modified)
Creepy Crawly Deck (Grass)
by Christopher N.
Aardvark’s Videos, Comics and Games
Lusby, MD
Sunday, October 30, 2005
10 participants– Swiss Format- Modified
It was Sunday at Aardvark’s and as usual, they were having
an Unlimited and a Modified Tourney at four o’clock. Both
were sanctioned and both had about the same number of
participants, but Modified had the bigger prize and I just
built a new Modified deck and wanted to try it in tournament
play. Anyway, here’s my deck:
3x Caterpie [RG]
3x Metapod [RG]
2x Butterfree [RG]
2x Bellossom [HL]
2x Gloom [HL]
3x Oddish [HL]
2x Weedle [RG]
2x Kakuna [RG]
1x Beedrill [RG]
1x Yanma [UF]
3x Potion
2x Steven’s Advice
2x Warp Point
2x Wally’s Training
2x Energy Search
1x Celio’s Network
1x Rocket’s Mission
1x Lady Outing
1x Copycat
1x Pokémon Retriever
1x Mary’s Request
1x Pokémon Reversal
1x Strength Charm
1x Swoop! Teleporter
18x Grass
1x Multi Energy
Strategy: Get out a powerful Pokémon like Beedrill or
Butterfree while healing with Bellossom. Lots of tech.
Match One: Alex G- Fire/Grass Deck
I started with an Oddish and Caterpie. In a few turns, he
brought my Metapod down to 40 HP with a Ledyba. I got out
Butterfree. J He had a Ledian out later, but it was easy
work. This match was pretty much a blowout.
Match two: Kenny H- Dark/Fighting/Lightning (tons of darks)
I start with a lone Caterpie. I "Signs of Evolution" for
some Metapod and Butterfree. He has a Larvatar and Mareep
(bet nobody’s ever seen that kind of deck before!) He also
Rocket’s Pokéball-ed a Dark Tyranitar from his deck. I used
Celio’s Network for Beedrill, evolved Metapod to Butterfree
and did fifty. I quickly killed Dark Tyranitar and took a
prize. He sent out a Voltorb (I’m weak *gulp*). I killed
Voltorb with a gust. He pulled out his Dark Electrode. He
then Darkness Navigation-Energy Bomb-ed Darkness Energy to
his benched Mareep while I beefed up Weedle, preparing to
send out Beedrill. At about the time my Butterfree has 30
damage on it, I Pokémon Reversal on his Mareep and OHKO it
with Butterfree’s Gust. He chooses to send out Electrode
again. He Dark Navigates and then knocks out Butterfree. But
I’m ready. I send out Beedrill and "Link Needle" for the
Win! (take that, Rock-Lock!)
Match 3: Mike M- (Dark/Electric/a bit of Water)
I start with a lone Yanma, attach energy. He confused me
with a Voltorb [HL]. I try a spinning tail (failed) and then
he paralyzes my Yanma. I play an Oddish and end my turn. I
get out Gloom and "Cling." Since he has no bench- one more
hit and I win. But he evolves to Dark Electrode. I heal all
with Cling. He plays Rocket’s Gym. I Double Razor Leaf with
two heads and win. SHEER LUCK.
3-0 (he beat me later in casual play-as I said- luck)
Match 4: Chris B- (Monarchy Deck- Fighting/Grass)
I start with Caterpie and Weedle. He has a Nidoran(f) and
Meditite. I "Signs of Evolution" for Metapod and Butterfree.
He gets Nidqueen from using "Look for Friends." I evolve and
"Sharpen" for 20. He evolves to Nidorina. I pull Strength
Charm and Knock out Nidorina. I knock out Meditite. He
brings Nidoking and I gust it. Nidoking has 100 damage. He
"Bound Crush-ed" a benched Weedle. Then I Gust-ed for the
Intermission- Looking at my deck, I find a problem. Nothing
big, but I need more draw power. This deck is good but I
find a problem with it. Need to get rid of Lady Outing.
Butterfree is serving me well and I’m excited about round 5!
Match 5: Landon P- Fighting/Psychic
I started with Caterpie active and Yanma on my bench. I
Signs of Evolution for Metapod and Butterfree. He has
Nosepass [EM] and does "Collect." I evolved and attached
energy. He switches out with Ralts. I Gust-ed it, healing
with "Sooth Dust" all the way. He brought out Nosepass and I
killed it with my Butterfree. Then he brought out Blissey EX
and used "Energy Absorption." I retreated Butterfree and
used my other one for a gust. I took out Chansey and then
KOed his Ralts. The KO’s are non-stop.
OP Win%: 56
So I won the tourney! Now for props and slops:
Props- Aardvark’s for an AWSOME Tourney
3 new boosters (pulling some foil cards)
Butterfree for being a great card. (Turns out the Unlimited
winner also went undefeated with a Butterfree deck=))
Having no slops.
Any questions? email me at goalmagnet96@yahoo.com!
thanx Christopher N.